Using Bento Boxes for lunches.



  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    My Bento for tomorrow ! 1st snack is fruit & nuts, lunch is Thai Chili meatballs with mixed veggies & hummus, 2nd snack is fruit & energy bites. Plus a bottle of kombucha. 970 cals total.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! (at least I keep telling myself it's a happy Monday.. I sure as hell didn't want to get out of bed)

    Today is Ginger and Chili Prawns with veg and rice with a wasabi furikake, umeboshi and narazuke pickle. My pickle supplier doesn't stock the fresh stuff frequently any more - I'm going to start having withdrawals soon! 490 Cals with a good 43 grams of protein. Yay for seafood!


    I overloaded the veg in the box last night, so I know it's going to look a bit squished today. I weighed and logged those veg; I'm damn well gonna eat them!

    @PixieGoddess You need an individual onigiri box my dear. Means your rice wont look like it went through a round of fisticuffs.
  • Sorchya
    Sorchya Posts: 49 Member

    I was asked to post my bento style lunches that I just started due to inspiration here. I do not have any traditional Japanese foods in here
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    bunnyxhime wrote: »
    Sale on fresh tuna at the supermarket! I was like a kid in a candy store, except it wasn't candy, it was fish. I'm going to eat some strawberry pocky now.

    Nooooo! Strawberry pocky is the worst flavor! Lately, it seems to be the only flavor the store has had though.

    you haven't tried the right one yet then. There are about 10 different types of strawberry pocky, some bad and some delicious. *drools*

    I've only had the Glico brand, and it tasted like pink plastic. The other two here are faves though.

    I've had Pepero brand (made in Korea) more recently, and they have a wide variety of flavors which I find to all be pretty good! I grew up with Glico and never had any issues; however, my favorite is chocolate (I reeeeally loved pocky as a teenager >.o)

    I forgot I mentioned pocky. Glico has more than one type of strawberry pocky. I'll take a pic of the wall of pocky, pejoy and pretz at my normal Asian grocer next time I'm there. My fav ones below are the midi, and the ones with the heart shaped biscuits. I also regularly get a hello kitty box of strawberry pocky as well.


    My favourite is still the matcha chocolate and almond pocky. nomnomnom

  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    Sorchya wrote: »

    I was asked to post my bento style lunches that I just started due to inspiration here. I do not have any traditional Japanese foods in here

    Damn right you should post some pictures girlie :P Looks tasty.

    And most people don't put traditional Japanese foods in their bento's in the thread. The only reason I get to is because it's so readily available for me. If it wasn't, my lunches would probably look very different.
  • Sorchya
    Sorchya Posts: 49 Member
    I can sometimes get to a store if I am up during the day when they are open and my daughter and I so do love to go there. We both want to order Bento boxes sometime but keep spending money on cons and cosplay....Geekcon is in August and coming fast, then Daisho Con in November, and I have to see if I will be off for a con in Milwaukee in is rough....not!
  • Sorchya
    Sorchya Posts: 49 Member
    As for is nice since I can eat just one....
  • moribunny
    moribunny Posts: 417 Member
    bunnyxhime wrote: »
    Sale on fresh tuna at the supermarket! I was like a kid in a candy store, except it wasn't candy, it was fish. I'm going to eat some strawberry pocky now.

    Nooooo! Strawberry pocky is the worst flavor! Lately, it seems to be the only flavor the store has had though.

    you haven't tried the right one yet then. There are about 10 different types of strawberry pocky, some bad and some delicious. *drools*

    I've only had the Glico brand, and it tasted like pink plastic. The other two here are faves though.

    I've had Pepero brand (made in Korea) more recently, and they have a wide variety of flavors which I find to all be pretty good! I grew up with Glico and never had any issues; however, my favorite is chocolate (I reeeeally loved pocky as a teenager >.o)

    I forgot I mentioned pocky. Glico has more than one type of strawberry pocky. I'll take a pic of the wall of pocky, pejoy and pretz at my normal Asian grocer next time I'm there. My fav ones below are the midi, and the ones with the heart shaped biscuits. I also regularly get a hello kitty box of strawberry pocky as well.

    My favourite is still the matcha chocolate and almond pocky. nomnomnom
    Those pocky look so good! I've sadly never come across most of those. I was at this tiny Asian market the other day, and I saw the strawberry midi ones as well as the original strawberry. I also saw a banana flavor as well as a cookies and cream one. Mmm....cookies and cream.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    bunnyxhime wrote: »
    bunnyxhime wrote: »
    Sale on fresh tuna at the supermarket! I was like a kid in a candy store, except it wasn't candy, it was fish. I'm going to eat some strawberry pocky now.

    Nooooo! Strawberry pocky is the worst flavor! Lately, it seems to be the only flavor the store has had though.

    you haven't tried the right one yet then. There are about 10 different types of strawberry pocky, some bad and some delicious. *drools*

    I've only had the Glico brand, and it tasted like pink plastic. The other two here are faves though.

    I've had Pepero brand (made in Korea) more recently, and they have a wide variety of flavors which I find to all be pretty good! I grew up with Glico and never had any issues; however, my favorite is chocolate (I reeeeally loved pocky as a teenager >.o)

    I forgot I mentioned pocky. Glico has more than one type of strawberry pocky. I'll take a pic of the wall of pocky, pejoy and pretz at my normal Asian grocer next time I'm there. My fav ones below are the midi, and the ones with the heart shaped biscuits. I also regularly get a hello kitty box of strawberry pocky as well.

    My favourite is still the matcha chocolate and almond pocky. nomnomnom
    Those pocky look so good! I've sadly never come across most of those. I was at this tiny Asian market the other day, and I saw the strawberry midi ones as well as the original strawberry. I also saw a banana flavor as well as a cookies and cream one. Mmm....cookies and cream.

    The other thing I've bought a few times (that my husband promptly stole and ate grrrr) that I really like now is wasabi pretz, which are also made by Glico. It's like a pretzel stick (same size as pocky) with a wasabi flavouring through it. Not too hot, but tasty. They also have a pickled plum flavoured one, but it's a really weird flavour; sour, sweet and salty all at the same time.
  • foreverroses123
    foreverroses123 Posts: 69 Member

    A bento with sushi (nori, rice and cucumber) and a vegetarian burger, lettuce, cheddar cheese, peanuts and a bit of leftover cucumber ^^ I made a few bentos before but this is my first time posting here :D I'm a Dutch girl studying Japanese in university ;D

    Even though I want to buy a lot of cute supplies right now I have to resist temptation and wait until I'll go to Japan in september. I will be studying in Hokkaido for a whole year so I can buy a lot bento stuff very cheap ^^
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    Must be a Pocky weekend. Took my college daughter to Daiso and bought Cookies and cream Pocky and Chocolate Cream Pocky. We also bought the soda with the marble in the top. Don't know the name?
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    edited July 2015
    clh72569 wrote: »
    Must be a Pocky weekend. Took my college daughter to Daiso and bought Cookies and cream Pocky and Chocolate Cream Pocky. We also bought the soda with the marble in the top. Don't know the name?


    We don't get pocky at the daiso stores in Melbourne. Thankfully I don't have to walk far from the closest Daiso to get them though.

    A bento with sushi (nori, rice and cucumber) and a vegetarian burger, lettuce, cheddar cheese, peanuts and a bit of leftover cucumber ^^ I made a few bentos before but this is my first time posting here :D I'm a Dutch girl studying Japanese in university ;D

    Even though I want to buy a lot of cute supplies right now I have to resist temptation and wait until I'll go to Japan in September. I will be studying in Hokkaido for a whole year so I can buy a lot bento stuff very cheap ^^

    いらっしゃい! The bento looks delish. I hope you're prepared for a cold first six months in Japan if you're studying in Hokkaido.
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    I just took a trip to Japan a couple weeks ago and came back with a few bento boxes and various odds and ends from Daiso for making them. I'm currently pregnant and too exhausted to do anything so I haven't played around with stuff yet, but maybe I can use this thread for motivation to pick it back up.ucfe1b9wrqma.jpg

  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    sarieth05 wrote: »
    I just took a trip to Japan a couple weeks ago and came back with a few bento boxes and various odds and ends from Daiso for making them. I'm currently pregnant and too exhausted to do anything so I haven't played around with stuff yet, but maybe I can use this thread for motivation to pick it back up.ucfe1b9wrqma.jpg

    And even if you don't use it now, your little'uns (if I remember correctly, you already have a little girl?) will get even more bento soon enough!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Mmm rice! Thanks for the pintrest link it's great!
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    I'm so sad ! No bento for me tomorrow , I just got off work. Had to pull a double, due to a clients birthday. I just don't have time to defrost and cook anything. Going to bed and I'll just have to do the drive thru tomorrow. Goodnight and Blessings
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    edited July 2015
    No pic due to being too sleepy, but my dinner is... Low-cal ramen, using shirataki noodles! Recipe below is for 2 VERY filling portions. I really wish we had 'spoiler' tags here.

    1) Vegetarian Pho base [bought at my 'Natural Grocers']
    2) Mushrooms [Used Beech mushrooms, both brown and white, bought at King Soopers]
    3) Sriracha to taste
    4) Shirataki noodles
    5) Egg - boiled to taste [soft, medium, or hard], HAVE READY.

    Heat up Pho base in pan. While heating, prepare the mushrooms [if Beech, cut them from their root. I rinse them thoroughly, too], add to base. Bring to a rough boil, then lower heat until gentle. You can behind to add sriracha here, to taste. I give mine a gooood squirt of it, I can stand the spicy. Adding it early is great, it permeates the soup & ingredients beautifully! Let this gently boil together, stirring occasionally, for about 5-15 minutes. Taste as you go, adjust spiciness. Prepare shirataki noodles how you prefer. I rinse mine, throw it in a hot pan to dry it out a bit, THEN add it to the Pho base. Sooo good.

    Plate it! I cut the egg in half now, long-ways, and put each side yolk-up on top of the ingredients in my bowl. S'why I said to have it ready. The soup will be extremely hot, and will warm up the egg in no time.

    The leftovers are ready for tomorrow, and I have a full hard-boiled egg [cannot seem to medium-boil them for the life of me] soaking in with the broth. I can't wait to see if it absorbed the spicy goodness!

    Let's see... For the ingredients I used, since it can vary depending on what/how much you have... 300 calories total or around 150 calories per portion. You can hulk it up a bit with some meat on the side, too! Chicken or firm grilled tofu would go great with this.

    Sorry for the GIANT WALL O' TEXT, but I couldn't not share it. It was too delicious.
  • Hope_bay74
    Hope_bay74 Posts: 273 Member
    Check out Great ideas.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    Hope_bay74 wrote: »
    Check out Great ideas.

    I like the idea of those boxes. They're a bit big for my taste though, with the main compartment of the box being bigger than my total bento (it'd be a good maintenance size though probably). Some of the recipe ideas look good as well; I think I'll go through them a bit more thoroughly later.
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    And even if you don't use it now, your little'uns (if I remember correctly, you already have a little girl?) will get even more bento soon enough!
    Pregnant with my first, and it's a little boy so the bento boxes I picked out were totally for me cause I'm a child. :D Still will be nice for packing snacks and stuff in the car! The plastic one with the four characters on it has some really nice snap locks to close it. I'll have to test to see how well it holds liquids and stuff.