Whole30 and hating it



  • RachaelStJ
    RachaelStJ Posts: 152 Member
    I did it last year, the first week I was dragging. But by the end, I had SO much energy, I was sleeping through the night, and waking up refreshed without hitting snooze. I completely regret not sticking with it (I went on vacation at the end of the 30 days and threw the rules away).

    One great thing about the Whole 30 is that they have a reintrouduction program at the end you can add. Slowly adding dairy, wheat, etc. It's a great way to show you what your own body can/can't process.
  • yellowdaisy3321
    yellowdaisy3321 Posts: 107 Member
    I don't know why anyone would use the Whole30 to lose weight. That's not the point. The point of a Whole30, I'm assuming you didn't read about it if you're trying to lose weight by doing it, is to heal your gut, break your cravings and identify food allergies/sensitivities. There is also an autoimmune protocol if you suffer from autoimmune diseases. Yes, some people lose weight on a Whole30, but that's not the point, the guidelines even say don't weigh yourself at all during the Whole30. I did a Whole30 and I didn't think it was that hard, you eat whole, unprocessed foods. I had tons of energy, felt great actually and worked out hard the entire time. That said it's called a Whole30 for a reason, you aren't supposed to do it for longer than 30 days so using it for weight loss is kind of pointless.

    If your goal is to lose weight I would stop doing the Whole30. If your goal is to accomplish the things the Whole30 was meant to do then keep doing it.