The best advice you received.

My first weight loss advice ever received was: "Get a hobby; Something that occupies your mind in the evenings that doesn't involve food"

On that cue, I'd always wanted to learn italian so I started. I could go for walks whilst listening to italian lessons, so it was win-win. After 3-4 months I started listening to real italian, not just beginner lessons. In english I wouldn't have listened to this particular italian podcast, seemingly designed as relationship advice for teenage girls, but it had an impact on my life:

Dating - "Be the person you want to date."

It was so simple, so true. You're looking for someone who displays certain qualities, but funnily enough so are they.

Sex - "It's not him vs her; You're on the same team."

To be blunt, I was hit and mainly miss in the bedroom until I got that advice. It just made me think differently, and sparked a trail of thought. Luckily, my fiancee only knows hot-in-the-sack me, and will never need to know about this hard learnt lesson.

So, what's the best advice you ever received? Any motivational quotes will be gratefully received!



  • GoRillaGo
    You don't need motivation to get started, you just need to get started and the motivation follows. Just go.
  • ellisboyd1
    ellisboyd1 Posts: 67 Member
    GoRillaGo wrote: »
    You don't need motivation to get started, you just need to get started and the motivation follows. Just go.

    I like this one a lot.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    "Your child will never listen to a word you say. But he will watch everything you DO." -- My dad
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    "You are what you do, not what you say you'll do."

    So applicable to literally every aspect of your life.
  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    edited January 2015
    "Be the person you want to date" - I really like that quote! Thanks honey.

    Best advice... "Don't promise when you're happy; don't reply when you're angry; don't decide when you're sad."

    Also... "If your goal will make you happy, JUST KEEP GOING."
  • lawlifehanna
    lawlifehanna Posts: 90 Member
    I don't remember the exact quote, but this thing from How I Met Your Mother struck me: after you've figured out what's the thing you most want to do in life, make your every decision in life with that goal in mind.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Just start.

    I mean...I hated running about a year ago...the first half a mile was horrible. I was out of breath-reminded of what horrible shape I was in and felt pretty crappy. But I got to it every day. The hardest part was honestly just putting on my running shoes and going outside. Once I got started it became block by block...pretty soon mile by mile.

    Getting started is often the most difficult part-just getting out the door, whether you are going to the gym, the trails or running/walking around your neighborhood...or starting to eat better. The first step is always the most difficult but also the most important.
  • Christineclendaniel
    Christineclendaniel Posts: 367 Member
    Best advice, dont get frustrated when you hit a plateau, it will start coming off again.
  • BBruhn
    BBruhn Posts: 15 Member
    It's the process not the product that matters.
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    The most valuable advice is freely given.
  • ellisboyd1
    ellisboyd1 Posts: 67 Member
    MSeel1984 wrote: »
    Just start.

    I mean...I hated running about a year ago...the first half a mile was horrible. I was out of breath-reminded of what horrible shape I was in and felt pretty crappy. But I got to it every day. The hardest part was honestly just putting on my running shoes and going outside. Once I got started it became block by block...pretty soon mile by mile.

    Getting started is often the most difficult part-just getting out the door, whether you are going to the gym, the trails or running/walking around your neighborhood...or starting to eat better. The first step is always the most difficult but also the most important.

    You're very right. I like running. I actually like the fresh air. but putting those trainers on...
  • ellisboyd1
    ellisboyd1 Posts: 67 Member
    "Your child will never listen to a word you say. But he will watch everything you DO." -- My dad

    That one hit home. I'm going to remember that one.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    "Say what you mean and mean what you say" this applies to just about every part of my life.

    When it came to weight loss it helped to keep this in mind so that I wouldn't make empty promises to myself. No, saying I won't have any sweets today, instead telling myself that I would limit my sweets to a certain amount and with exercise taking my time to learn how to do new things, never tell yourself you can't - cause you won't. Getting over my dislike of Bicycle Crunches, Jumping Jacks and Push Ups - Telling myself maybe one day, set a goal and work towards it.
  • purebredpolly
    purebredpolly Posts: 318 Member
    Get out of bed every day. No matter how you feel (mentally) get out of bed. Get out bed, and do your best, no matter how you feel. Realize that your best might be to make it to the sofa, and drink hot tea, and watch movies. Don't kick yourself for not doing better if it was your best. Do your best every day to eat well, if you find yourself stuffing your face with oreos, get up the next day and do better. Don't wallow in your "face stuffing oreo day". Get out of bed, and do your best the next day. Don't ever give up, don't ever give in, get out of bed, no matter how you feel. Make yourself get out of bed, and do your best. Even if you don't feel like it, make yourself get out of bed,!

    I'll add these 2 pieces of advice

    Don't isolate yourself. Especially if you are struggling, or failing in eating the way you want. Log it in everyday. Even if it's 20,000 calories more than you are supposed to eat. Log in your notes for the day how your were feeling that day, what was going on. Log in your declaration that tomorrow will be better. Find, and add a motivational quote. Make sure you make notes for your good days as well. If you do that, you will be able to review your days to see what does, and does not work for you. Be it food choices, environment, or emotional triggers.

    Lastly, I say run! If you are being tempted by food you do not want to eat, run! Think of it as an addict. An alcoholic may never be able to sit at a table while others are drinking. If you can't sit at the table while others are eating XYZ, then RUN! Get away from that food. If you can't make chocolate cake, without eating chocolate cake, don't make chocolate cake. RUN! Run away! Seriously! Sometimes the only way to deal with an addiction is to run. (I'm calling it addiction for lack of a better example) If you are someone who can't control the lion, you've got to run. Everyday, you've got to take that lion out of the cage, and walk it 3 times. If you don't learn when to run, you are going to have trouble with that lion.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
  • ellisboyd1
    ellisboyd1 Posts: 67 Member
    BigGuy47 wrote: »

    Yes, I've certainly learnt that patience, stubbornness and a quiet determination to hold on are more valuable than any initial burst of motivation.
  • Maries_wine_calories
    "Be the person you want to date" - I really like that quote! Thanks honey.

    Best advice... "Don't promise when you're happy; don't reply when you're angry; don't decide when you're sad."

    Also... "If your goal will make you happy, JUST KEEP GOING."

    That's a fantastic motto!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    "So what?"

    Lesson learned at 12 years of age. Best lesson ever.
  • NerdieMcChub
    NerdieMcChub Posts: 153 Member
    Best weight loss advice.... BUY A FOOD SCALE! Best investment!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Most people trade what they want for what they want right now.

    Made a huge difference in every aspect of my life.