What helps you wake up early to get that workout in?



  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I don't always have to, but when I do, I remind myself why - knowing how close I am to my next set of red plates on all my lifts motivates me to get up and chase them down.
  • tanyoshka
    tanyoshka Posts: 50 Member
    That's tough. For me (4:30 AM on workout days) it only works if I have everything laid out ahead of time. If I have to think anything about what to wear or pack for lunch I'm a goner. I imagine working out at home would be a little different, but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt.

    Also, it's a huge motivator to know that the worst part of my day will be over before 6 AM :smile:
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    zarckon wrote: »
    You couldn't pay me enough to do that. Seriously, if you offered me a million dollars and my job was get up at 5 AM and go the gym every day ... no.

    That might be enough motivation for me but otherwise not happening. At all. Ever.

  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    You need to make sure you get to bed early enough so you can get up.

    I have my workout clothes ready and sometimes I braid my hair the night before so I just throw on my clothes and go.

    You also need to be flexible...when you are getting into a pattern pick workouts you like...it does become a habit but give yourself all the help you can. I was planning on starting TurboFire this Monday....and I have done 2 cardio workouts but because works has been sucking I am just going to do the cardio parts and not the rotation.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I hate waking up early. But I would rather wake up early to get my run in because it is not only harder to fit it in later in the day (and half the time other things try and interfere with it), but I also find it is physically easier to run first thing than later in the day (though I'm not sure why). So it's pretty much a no-brainer for me.
  • Dozer91
    Dozer91 Posts: 40 Member
    Going after work.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    make sure you get plenty of sleep. and rejuvenative sleep. don't go to bed at 10 and lie there watching tv for an hour. at best that is 6 hours of sleep. most people need 8 hours.

    have some tea, get in bed and read for a bit. you'll fall asleep without a problem.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,908 Member
    As I am laying there after just hitting the snooze button I tell myself how much I will regret not just getting up and doing it. I know that later in the day I will hate that I failed myself, so I don't. I get up and I get it done.
  • scruff_farrier
    scruff_farrier Posts: 47 Member
    The only thing that has worked for me is having to have motivation. I'm a lot like you, have my mind all set to in the a.m. then I wake up look at the time and go....I will go after.... It took me finding something I wanted more then anything else to keep up with it. I have to have a reason, maybe for you its just fitness but for me it had to be more. Once you find it, it will be a cinch.
  • VioletML
    VioletML Posts: 8 Member
    ...what's wrong with working out in the afternoon?..or evening for that matter! I am not a big morning person either, and I have to wake up at 4:45am to be at the office @7;00am...so, the idea of waking up even earlier than that, kills all my motivation!..HELP!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Think the earliest I've gone to the gym so far has been 9:30 am because of a class I wanted to try that started at 10. I don't get up before 7 am unless I absolutely have to, like if I have a morning shift. For the most part, I work close so I either lift/run a few hours before work (so midday) or I go after work. At 11 pm it's easy enough to get to the squat rack or not have to wait around to deadlift, so it's worth going then for me.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Have everything ready to go, so you're not faffing around when you get up. I just roll out of bed, into my contact lenses and gym clothes and off I scamper.

    Also helps knowing that the later I leave it, the odds of me actually bothering to exercise at all are drastically reduced. I don't love working out in the evenings because the gym I go to is TOO DAMN BUSY then and I like just going home and being away from people as soon as I finish work.

    Also, I find my concentration is better during the day when I work out in the morning. So if I really REALLY can't be bothered to get up at 6am to exercise, I just hold on to the benefits and force myself to do it. Half of it is routine, you'll get used to it.

    That said, if I've had a truly horrendous nights sleep (life-long sporadic insomniac over here) then I will stay in bed the extra 2 hours and not beat myself up about it. To be a functioning person, sleep is more crucial to me than exercise and I know I will perform better at work if I trade off the exercise for shut-eye.
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    ...what's wrong with working out in the afternoon?..or evening for that matter! I am not a big morning person either, and I have to wake up at 4:45am to be at the office @7;00am...so, the idea of waking up even earlier than that, kills all my motivation!..HELP!

    Nothing! Many people just find it much easier to stick to a schedule if they do it first thing in the morning.

    I know I personally love doing it in the morning so that it's not looming in the back of my head all day.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I tried after-work workouts and there was always something that preempted them. The only way I can be consistent is to get it done before work and be done for the day. After a year and a half I can say it's an ingrained habit and not hard at all...I do go to sleep before 10 most nights though. All the suggestions people have made are good ones: prep the night before, go to bed early, make it a daily routine so your body gets used to it.

    However my biggest motivation is seeing how my body has changed during this process. Yes, eating well has gotten rid of the fat, but consistent exercise is what's given me the shape and muscle definition that I love to see in the mirror. If I stay in bed, that goes away and I'm a sad knitter. And that gets me out of bed EVERY. DAY.
  • iankuk
    iankuk Posts: 31 Member
    Loving this thread and the advice on it, been having the very same issue :)
  • dr0707
    dr0707 Posts: 24
    I keep the Victorias Secret catalog on the nightstand. Its the first thing i see when i open my eyes. Reminds me that I don't want to spend another summer overweight. Also, working out in the morning makes my whole day. I eat better, Im energized and I feel good that I accomplished that part of my day.
  • Eire228
    Eire228 Posts: 238 Member
    I'm hoping some of these responses will help motivate me to get up in the morning as well! I have a hard time fitting in workouts after work, so I need to get them in before work. But it's so hard to get out of bed any earlier than I have to...especially in the winter. In the spring and summer when it's light out early in the morning and not so cold, I don't have such a hard time getting outside to run. But in the winter, it's so dark and cold (and icy!), so I avoid running outside. And to get up and exercise in my room or the living room where there's a bed or couch....so hard! But I know I need to, so I just have to dig deep for that motivation and determination. And use some of these great tips. :)
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    CassieP16 wrote: »
    I know I have asked this before, but I am in a bit of a big slump currently. I am aiming to be outta bed by 5am and in the living room and my work out video no later than 5:15am. For those of you who workout early in the morning as well what helped you get in this habit? I know I should just suck it up and get up and go but I am not a big morning person so for me to get in the habit it takes me a bit. So what did you do or what helped you get in the habit? I know once I get a routine going it will be something I just do. I just need to get there! Thanks in advance! :D

    I work out in the morning. It's my jam. I'm at the gym by 6:00am. If you are not a morning person, don't feel like you have to work out in the morning BUT here are the benefits I see (for me):

    1. It's the one time of the day that no one every tries to interfere with (no meetings, no friends, etc.).
    2. It gives me energy for work.
    3. After work, I'm exhausted. I look forward to going to straight home, cooking a nice dinner and relaxing.
    4. My friends go at 6 too so it's my social time.

    Tricks to get up:

    1. Stick with it. It will take a few weeks to get it down.
    2. Go to bed early. Seriously, I'm in bed by 9 and lights out at 10.
    3. Drink a big glass of water before bed - you will HAVE to get up then. LOL.
    4. Avoid alcohol on the nights before you workout - it interrupts sleep.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    carrieous wrote: »
    and i will add that getting 8 hours of straight sleep is crucial for optimal health and wellness. not getting enough sleep leads to weight gain, also. so dont sacrifice precious sleep to exercise. get it in during your regular day

    I'm pretty sure the morning is still part of a regular day....

    I don't sacrifice sleep at all. Just go to bed earlier.
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    My husband and I just started back with early morning workout this week (alarm goes off 5:30), and for me when I hit snooze and get back into bed it's not rolling over, closing my eyes and going back to sleep (which when it's 30 below zero is kinda hard!). Now I'll lay in bed for a few minutes, chat with my husband, give my dog some loving before physically getting out of bed.