Question for restaurant servers.



  • Katina3333
    Katina3333 Posts: 259 Member
    What irks me is that my husband & daughter will get refills and my cup sits empty. Sure they drink their soda faster than me but that's no reason that my cup should just get overlooked. And I HAVE to have something to drink with my food so if my drink is gone, I'm just sitting there waiting for more so that I can have more of my meal.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Many years ago I was a server. I was always on top of refills, I think partly because I hated waiting for my diet coke to get refilled. But give me a rude customer, they can sit forever and if I did bring them a refill after the were grumpy, I would oh so drop the tip of a dirty towel in it, smile and say enjoy. Be nice to your server, or dine at fast food places. Yes, you can get really bad service. If so, don't tip. TIPS... To insure prompt service

    Yea...that's a pretty crappy thing to do to someone. If someone is rude, sorry, that doesn't give you a green light to introduce potentially damaging materials/bacteria etc.. into their meal.

    You should honestly be ashamed of yourself for ever doing something like that. It's not cool when people are rude, but you should never put their health at risk because of it.

    It seems to me to be common sense not to be a d-bag to the people who handle your food.

    It seems to me if you go somewhere to eat, there should be no chance someone is going to contaminate what you ingest for their own amusement, regardless.

    Don't be an *kitten* and there will be no chance of it. Pretty simple.

    You don't treat the people who bring you food like dirt. God knows what goes on behind the kitchen doors. The amount of self entitlement I have seen from people who feel that they have the right to treat people who work in customer service like crap is mind boggling.

    I think everyone should work retail or in food service for a year just to learn a little humanity.


    Walk in their shoes.

    This is way to funny. I already said I was kidding, people need to calm down. I have seen a lot happen in food service, guys putting rolls down their pants to serve to a rude customer, all kinds of stuff. But really I was kidding about the towel in the soda. The people who complain about their drinks not being refilled need to walk a day in a servers shoes. You really think that 3 bucks you are leaving makes up for all the crap they have to put up with. I was a great server! But I saw many struggle, give them a break and just ask for a refill if needed. Once again, I did not out a towel in someones soda. lol Too funny!

    Good fishing :)
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I think what this boils down to, GetSoda, is that if "90% of the time" you're sitting in a restaurant with an empty drink, you clearly have unusual drink needs beyond what a server can reasonably expect or anticipate. That doesn't mean you can't be accommodated or that your server doesn't want to make you happy, but you'll have much better luck if you say "hey, just so you know, I drink way more soda than most people, so can you be ready with lots of refills, please?" That way, all your servers will always know that they need to pay extra attention to you and everything will be great. Any protests of "I shouldn't have to do that!" are false when your needs are obviously so out of the ordinary. A quick warning at the start of your meal and all your problems will disappear.

    That goes for all people who have unusual or very specific dining habits. If you politely tell your server instead of expecting them to read your mind, then the transaction will go much better for everyone involved.
  • aadrysdale
    aadrysdale Posts: 3 Member
    I think what this boils down to, GetSoda, is that if "90% of the time" you're sitting in a restaurant with an empty drink, you clearly have unusual drink needs beyond what a server can reasonably expect or anticipate. That doesn't mean you can't be accommodated or that your server doesn't want to make you happy, but you'll have much better luck if you say "hey, just so you know, I drink way more soda than most people, so can you be ready with lots of refills, please?" That way, all your servers will always know that they need to pay extra attention to you and everything will be great. Any protests of "I shouldn't have to do that!" are false when your needs are obviously so out of the ordinary. A quick warning at the start of your meal and all your problems will disappear.

    That goes for all people who have unusual or very specific dining habits. If you politely tell your server instead of expecting them to read your mind, then the transaction will go much better for everyone involved.

    I greatly appreciate it when a guest does this. I've had guys come in from laying pipe on a hot day, and they'll tell me straight up when they order their drink, "we're going to need a refill pretty quick." So I just bring them each two glasses, one with no ice so they can refill as they please. While part of my job is anticipating a guests needs, nothing irks me more than when I can tell someone is INTENTIONALLY not communicating their needs to me. The worst is when you ask someone if they need a refill (I tend to do this toward the end of the meal, because lots of people don't want a refill) and I get a "Well, duh!" type response. It's just a question. Answer it like a civilized person.
  • Katina3333
    Katina3333 Posts: 259 Member
    One refill is more that what is expected??? Yah I'm not going to tell the server that they need to be ready with refills because I drink more than normal people when I only get one refill. :noway: