Being Self Conscious whilst Exercising



  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    I started out the same way. Headphones helped. After a few trips of forcing myself I started noticing people struggling more than me. That did two things for me. First, it helped me get over my insecurity because I wasn't as bad as they were (terrible, but the truth) and, secondly, I gained my inspiration from those that struggled most and worked the hardest. Be the inspiration. We need folks like you in the gym. I still struggle but I suspect my struggle is more comforting to others like us than some beautiful person who runs like a gazelle or lifts with confidence and grace.

    We all have our quirks and, ultimately, we just want to relate to other quirky people. Quirk on.
  • vesteroid
    vesteroid Posts: 6 Member
    I got over long ago the self consciousness of working out in public. Joining a running group, or going on a group bike ride very quickly separates the fast from the slow, and you just come to accept what your current skill level is. The only thing I ever notice in a gym are the times when I see a person sitting on a machine I am waiting for texting or talking...other than that I am oblivious to what others are doing in their routines.
  • dwolfe1985
    dwolfe1985 Posts: 100 Member
    I think it will be just because you're new to it, when i first started going to the gym i was abit conscious just about doing things right. Once you get used to the environment it will go away.
  • LIBOR_cat
    LIBOR_cat Posts: 197 Member
    Actually I am the opposite. I feel bored when I am not watched, which is why I have a hard time working out at home.

    I like the look on people’s eyes when I stack more than four 45 plates and finish a set. I get a rise out of it.

    You should perhaps see a doctor. You may have anxiety.
  • georgieamber2
    georgieamber2 Posts: 229 Member
    I used to be self conscious in the gym cos I lift small weights - but now I strut round the gym like I own the place.. not nervous or anything - everyone is there for the same purpose and no one cares what you're up to:) ❤️❤️
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    I used to feel extremely self conscious when I started running but I figured out that my goals were much more important than what a random person would think about how I looked while exercising. Keep your eye on the prize! B)

    Also, if that old doubt starts to creep into my mind, I imagine that if they are someone who exercises then they get it and have been there and they’re probably cheering me on. If they are someone who does not exercise then they don’t understand at all and I wouldn’t value their opinion anyways. :#
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    I totally understand, I feel so weird exercising by myself! That's why I love running with my dog, he's so pretty so everyone stares at him and pays no attention to me instead 😂
  • mjbnj0001
    mjbnj0001 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I'm an over 60 male, overweight, and cycling in lycra: with a high-vis yellow jersey for the summer and black shorts, I'm like a giant mutant bumblebee riding down the road (any upcoming auditions for the new monster movie, "Mothra Versus the Giant Bee?"). Yeah, I'm self-conscious, especially when I'm having some trouble moving my Clydesdale body up a hill in plain view. But I'm out riding. Anyone with issues can just look away, LOL. I'm on a long-term quest to become half the man I used to be ...
  • therealmichele
    therealmichele Posts: 31 Member
    omg yes!

    not while running or swimming or hiking or yoga or whatever, but in a weight room? totally. always. even though i'm not new to weight training.

    i just always feel like a newb & that everyone knows, no matter what. dunno why.
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    Not a single bit. I put on my headphones and zone out and I'm pretty oblivious to everyone around me. I'm sure 98% of what I do looks ridiculous, but whatever....the older I get the less I care what people think
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited July 2018
    Yes! I don't know why but I get so stressed out when I'm running along the side of the road or through my neighborhood because of all the cars driving by and people out in their yards "staring at me" (in my mind they are, anyway). I also hate crossing streets and having people wait for me. I am new to running and so far I pretty much only will run on a trail where the only other people I come across are other runners, walkers, and bike riders.
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    Basically all the time. My family in the room while I am wanting to do yoga? Nope. Not gonna do it. At least with walking I am going from point a to b w/o being judged for exercise.
  • mkculs
    mkculs Posts: 316 Member
    Honestly, I’m happy to be the biggest, slowest person on the trail bc I SO do not care what others think, and I know there is at least 1 self-conscious person out there who needs to know someone is bigger and slower. I’m truly happy to be that person. I love my runs. Most people are too self-absorbed to notice others, and anyone judgy is the pathetic loser we should all feel sorry for. Once you get that, you’ll never be self-conscious again.