What do you hate most about losing weight?



  • lisalips30
    lisalips30 Posts: 1,519 Member
    induction phase!
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Sinistrous wrote: »
    Sinistrous wrote: »
    1. I'm lazy....
    2. I love good food, and its hard to eat better (But I am doing it ;) )
    3. I hate going to the gym, because I don't love when people watch me work out.
    4. Its hard! Which is totally unfair....because I can gain weight extremely easy. Stupid body.

    Do you have a condition?

    No......my body just hates me

    How many cals you consuming at the moment? ;o

    Probably close to 900 - per day

    Going to pm you :| That sounds ouch..
  • Triavalon
    Triavalon Posts: 8 Member
    For me the worst part is mostly the start of it. I am that one lucky B that everyone knows that can lose the 2 pounds a week easy, still eat some fast food when I'm out on a date, eat a chicken breast a day without getting hungry, and keep the boobs. I'm absurdly lucky.

    Except at the the start.

    For me, I get absurdly strong sugar/carb cravings for the first two weeks after starting a diet, which also includes whenever I have holiday events *cough*like Christmas*cough* that get me loaded on sugars and then resume my diet. I will (literally, this happened) find a deal on candy at the store and pick up the whole display box and try to buy it. Luckily I'm either able to stop myself once I realise I'm too broke for candy (yay being broke) or am not mad at my mom when she nags me out of it. That phenomena of wanting to buy entire boxes of candy, finding every dessert recipe I can online, and seeing every new sweet thing a fast food place comes out with and wanting it.

    That goes on for half a month- at the least. If I have sugars, diet sweets, or simple carbs during that time, it takes longer. No soda, no water enhancers, no fruit yogurts, no bread, mostly at least, for 2 weeks when that is literally what I want to force feed myself to the point of it being called gravage or the whole process will take longer, up to 2 months. And then sweets will suddenly be kinda repulsive and I can eat simple carbs with no problems.

    And also, sizing out of things. I place a much higher importance on things like internet so everything in my closet is an elastic waisted skirt to fit me in any size. Now, after 30 pounds (doesn't listen to MFP, the counter lies and I don't know how to reset it), I am finally shrinking out of my skirts. The joy of being a smaller size is a little bit eclipsed by the fact that my skirts are literally starting to fall off and I will have to pretty much replace them all at once with no clothing budget. But someday I might get to size 12, and that is where all the skirts that aren't eye-gougingly floral or tacky in the thrift stores magically start to appear. There is a silver lining, it is just a further away than the storm.
  • Misshodge64
    Misshodge64 Posts: 8,588 Member
    Butt shrinks
  • TylerAvenger
    the whole diet and exercise thing is a drag
  • CinthyN
    CinthyN Posts: 64 Member
    Hate that I can't target/spot loose ... and don't let me get started on the boobs thingy *throws hands up*
  • lisalips30
    lisalips30 Posts: 1,519 Member
    no more pie
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    edited January 2015
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    Yeah I would like the belly to go down quicker. But I think the internal transformation is just as important as the external. Maybe I am different than some people but I feel like my outward appearance doesn't define me the most. In fact, if I do not give something a lot of thought and be 100% behind it I feel like I could do something I would not be happy with. Sometimes we act on things when we aren't in the right mind. Say, you broke up with someone or you have a belief that if you look a certain way people will start liking you. For me, losing weight and getting fit makes me feel better inside and does give me more confidence. However, I like to move at a slower pace so I can absorb the experience and have my body and mind in sync with each other. I feel with lots of things in life you gotta have a good head on your shoulders about it. I've done some things in the past and felt it actually hurt my image.

    Believe it or not, losing weight sometimes bothers me. Because I feel no matter how I look I will still be 100% there for myself. Therefore, I really have to dig deep and do things that "I" want. I hope you guys can understand what I am saying.

    This all makes sense to me.

    About changing at a slower pace, I can relate. I don't envy people who have lost the same amount of weight I have in 1-2 years (it's taken me almost 6 years to lose 138 lb - although with a big speed-up when I joined MFP). I feel like it would have been much harder on me psychologically to lose it that quickly.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    I get cold very easily now.
  • Riffraft1960
    Riffraft1960 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I miss eating a whole large pizza. I also hate having to buy new clothes. Did I mention I hate shopping
  • butterbeknown79
    butterbeknown79 Posts: 376 Member
    Always hungry
  • infinitevast
    infinitevast Posts: 875 Member
    I hate that my clothes didn't shrink with me lol I wish it would.
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    My jeans never fit right, always a little too big, buy a new pair, then they get to big! Vicious cycle!
  • Dared2Evolve
    Dared2Evolve Posts: 2,803 Member
    (Used go not complain over this) .. needing to shop for lower sizes.
  • rikracer1961
    rikracer1961 Posts: 318 Member
    (Used go not complain over this) .. needing to shop for lower sizes.

    Even though it cost $$ this is the fun part, at least for me!
  • 111YoYo111
    111YoYo111 Posts: 213 Member
    There is a pic I wish I could find. It shows 2 graphs. The first is a straight line going down. (planned weight loss) The other is a squickly mess that goes up, down sideways and inside out.(actual weight loss) That is the day to day frustration that actually makes me bang my head off the wall above my scale. And I have a log house so it hurts.
  • rikracer1961
    rikracer1961 Posts: 318 Member
    edited January 2015
    moijomfp wrote: »
    i have to pay to have my clothes tailored to fit over my boobies if they're not stretchy material because mine dont go down :P

    Pics please!! ;)
  • Dared2Evolve
    Dared2Evolve Posts: 2,803 Member
    (Used go not complain over this) .. needing to shop for lower sizes.

    Even though it cost $$ this is the fun part, at least for me!

    That's the trouble, I've broken through so many sizes now it is $$.
    Frustrating when it happens when I don't expect it, yet it does leave
    me happy too! :D
  • rikracer1961
    rikracer1961 Posts: 318 Member
    (Used go not complain over this) .. needing to shop for lower sizes.

    Even though it cost $$ this is the fun part, at least for me!

    That's the trouble, I've broken through so many sizes now it is $$.
    Frustrating when it happens when I don't expect it, yet it does leave
    me happy too! :D

    yeah me too, I went from size 48 pants to size 33