always hungry

Hi! i've started working out again,i workout 45min a day,today it was 80 min but i noticed that now im always hungry! before i stuffed myself with food and never feel that sensation of an empty stomach. At night im afraid of eating,im in bed and i feel ravenous and my last meat was 2h ago! I go and drink water to see if is dehydration but it wont go away and i go eat something.Is this normal?


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    How many calories are you eating? What foods are you eating? Perhaps if you open your food diary people can give some advice.

    How tall are you and what do you currently weigh? Your photos indicate that perhaps you don't have a lot if any fat to lose?
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    It's possible you have your calorie goal set too aggressively low, which would mean especially if you aren't eating back exercise calories, you will be ravenous. With very little information to go on and your diary closed, it's hard to tell.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    try spreading out your meals more. your body needs nutrients all day. try breaking your food into more smaller meals and save something like cottage cheese for before bed. Lots of protein and will make you feel full longer.
    Also if you are at a deficit on MFP try to eat your calories back that you exercise. getting too low will burn you out and keep you hungry. IMHO
  • saradsilva
    saradsilva Posts: 69 Member
    im sorry its open now please take a look! im trying to cut some pounds ,its not a lot.
    But i always fear im eating to much! i always try to eat 6 meals a day,meals and snacks.
  • littlefitbit15
    littlefitbit15 Posts: 2 Member
    How many calories a day are you consuming? It sounds like you aren't consuming enough to fuel your body after factoring in workouts. A post workout snack is important too. It helps the muscles repair and recover.
  • slucki01
    slucki01 Posts: 284 Member
    You're consistently eating below your calorie goal so if you're hungry try eating more.
  • SaraSteeves1993
    SaraSteeves1993 Posts: 87 Member
    Higher protein content in foods before bed always seems to help me, I used to think I was starving before bed now I have some Greek yoghurt or cottage cheese it. Does the trick
  • JentheN13
    JentheN13 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm always hungry too! :( glad I'm not alone. I thought that was just a part of going from a piggy to a healthier eater
  • saradsilva
    saradsilva Posts: 69 Member
    when i feel hungry i imediatly go eat something,this sensation is always at night,during the day i eat normaly and dont feel like this.Dont be chocked by my diary toda it wasnt completed!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    when you have only a couple of pounds to lose than eating under your goal ( 1200) and 80 minutes of training a day makes you hungry.

    Pretty simple
    It looks like you are not overweight at all so why so aggressive and be hungry?
  • jmlb806
    Would any of you please make some recommendations for foods that have helped you feel full and for longer periods of time? Thank you. I am a newbie.
  • jmlb806
    I did see the greek yogurt and cottage cheese. TY.
  • saradsilva
    saradsilva Posts: 69 Member
    maybe if i eat in shorter intevals will do the trick?like i said,it is always at dinner im afraid of eating to much maybe thats the problem
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    yogurt i love it with some flax seed and fruit and makes me feel full for longer periods of time...
    But i must admit i am not hungry at all since i started and eat a pretty balanced menu. And drink a lot of water.

    Not everybody is the same so this is what works for me.
  • saradsilva
    saradsilva Posts: 69 Member
    when you have only a couple of pounds to lose than eating under your goal ( 1200) and 80 minutes of training a day makes you hungry.

    Pretty simple
    It looks like you are not overweight at all so why so aggressive and be hungry?

    You have a point,sounds right.Ill try to increase my daily amount to see if it works.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    saradsilva wrote: »
    maybe if i eat in shorter intevals will do the trick?like i said,it is always at dinner im afraid of eating to much maybe thats the problem

    you didnt answer my question...why so aggresive?
    what are your stats?
    And how much is a couple of pounds according to you? 2, 5, or 8?

    Because eating around that 1200 is really very low for somebody who is in the healthy weight range

  • saradsilva
    saradsilva Posts: 69 Member
    Do you think 2 whole wheat bread /slices a day its bad?im always fussing thats to much carbs,maybe im becoming paranoid about this!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    A couple of thoughts:

    1. Your calories are pretty low. If you're occasionally hungry it's not big deal but chronic hunger when you're getting adequate fat/protein can indicate that you're not eating enough
    2. You've only been logging since Monday. It's normal to have an adjustment period in the beginning when you first cut calories
    3. With so little to lose, you should set MFP to lose 1/2 lb per week. That ought to give you more leeway.
    4. Exercise causes hunger in some people. For me it only happened for the first month or so after starting a new exercise program and then it went away.

    So personally I think you're under-eating and that's why you're hungry. But there are a couple of other things it could be that may potentially right themselves with time. It's up to you whether you'd like to go ahead and starting eating more now (I would) or give it another week and see how you do.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    your hungry because your not eating enough!

  • saradsilva
    saradsilva Posts: 69 Member
    I always follow the recomendations on my fitness pal and it was 1200cals per day,i was only the reason,but i eat aroun 1300 a day. I'm only trying to lose 6kg (13pounds).
    I weigh 145 pounds and im 5 feet nine inches.

    my goal is to shred body fat and try to gain lean mass.