I hope I lose 35 pounds by the summer



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I don't hope I lose 35 pounds by summer.

    I'm WORKING to lose by summer.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    skullshank wrote: »
    :D So exited to lose weight... Can't wait

    what's your plan?

    ^ this :D hope is not a plan!!! :flowerforyou:
  • littlelatina19
    littlelatina19 Posts: 42 Member
    I would be happy if I lost 14lbs, but 20lbs would be great!
  • MadreGlaze
    MadreGlaze Posts: 2 Member
    Yes me too! I am starting today and hoping those 30lb drop in 3-4 months! I need to get motivated to workout and stay active.
  • lailafia78
    lailafia78 Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to lose 50lbs total. 25 by summer, another 25 by the end of the year. I have my eating plan in place just need motivation to work out more.
  • cheekyraspberry
    cheekyraspberry Posts: 17 Member
    Good luck! I'm working towards 35 by summer too.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Don't hope. Do it.

    QFT. You need a plan. Mine was simple: aim for a 750-calorie daily deficit from my total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) via careful calorie counting. I started MFP on January 9, 2013, which means that by the summer solstice in late June, I should have lost 35 pounds.

    In reality, I lost 26. I was missing about 200 calories a day at first, probably overestimating exercise burn and/or activity level, and underestimating calorie intake. After about 6 weeks I figured that out, but I was happy with my 1.1 pound/week loss, and as my logging got more accurate, I adjusted my goal to maintain that rate of loss.

    However, if I had not been happy with that, I would have looked more closely at my logging and at how active I actually was. That was part of the plan: using feedback from my results to alter the parameters.

    Back in the 1990s I lost a lot of weight (I'm not sure how much, but over 50 lb.) by watching what I ate and starting to exercise regularly. I slowly gained that back between 1996 and 2008. In 2008, I started to hope that I could lose weight by doing what had worked nearly two decades earlier. But it didn't work out that way. Every year, I hoped things would change. But they didn't, until I discovered MFP and made a concrete plan.

    Now I'm down a total of 63 pounds, and as soon as I take off the pound or so that I put on over the holidays, I'll be back to maintenance. All thanks to the plan!
  • sweetiepatricia
    sweetiepatricia Posts: 4 Member
    Hoping to make it to my goal weight of 120. I'm fine anywhere between 120-130 though. So very close! I wish everyone the best of luck of reaching their goals! We can do it! :)
  • marie33kids
    marie33kids Posts: 13 Member
    I want to lose 30 pounds by July. Going to Panama city with my three kids. I want to be able to run around with them and not be embarrassed about my body.
  • holyfenix
    holyfenix Posts: 99 Member
    mscheftg wrote: »
    holyfenix wrote: »
    I wish you all the best but can't help and be the voice of reason. 30 lbs by summer (June 21st) is 1.29 lbs a week or a deficit 4515 calories a week, 35 lbs is 1.5 lbs a week or a deficit of 5,250 calories a week, and 40 lbs is 1.72 lbs a week or a massive 6020 calorie deficit a week.

    Its all definitely possible but not exactly plausible. I just hope everyone is aware of what you are trying to accomplish.

    I think for some people this is totally healthy. For other people, it might not be. My sister dropped 30 lbs in about 3 months, but she was over 300 pounds when she started. And that was through diet and exercise. I get what you're trying to say, though.

    I want to be under 200 lbs by the end of June. That would take losing 40 pounds as of January 4th. In 5.5/6 months, that's 6-7 pounds per month, which is pretty healthy.

    So far everyone's goal is more or less technically healthy weight loss. I was more commenting on the plausibility of losing a certain amount of weight in such a short period and pointing out the dedication that it requires for 6 months straight. To lose 35+ lbs by summer doesn't leave much room for error. Cheat days would be virtually non-existent, and you would have to weight every thing and almost never miss a workout. I am struggling to lose just 5 lbs (which are actually the last 5lbs I need to lose therefore the hardest) and I am used to eating less than before. Going from well over 2000 calories if you're a woman or 3000 if you're a man to 1200-2000 a day is a huge lifestyle change. I think most people should just say they would like to lose a certain amount of weight and leave it at that, don't put a deadline on yourself.