if someone could help me plz :)



  • Evelynnn2014
    Good to check in with the scale every 2 weeks or so. I struggled with maintenance when stressors came up. The weight can come back on faster than you might think--seems faster than losing it anyway.
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    This is entirely a personal preference and what works for you.

    When I was losing I weigh in religiously once a week.

    Now in maintaining once a month.

    Some people don't respond well to that little number on the scale and use alternative means to mark progress. Like recording your tape measurements, or full body selfies, or clothes.

    I think the important thing here is how you are defining progress and continuously tweaking to what will work best to keep you motivated.

    Good luck!
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Personally, I find weighing myself every day works for me. It's a daily moment of truth which reminds me that if I lose track of my healthy eating and exercise habits or "take a day off", it'll show on the scales in a week or so, and then my clothes will be tighter in 3-4 weeks. The daily fluctuations are normal, but by weighing more frequently I can track the overall trend more accurately because I have more data, which is all I'm interested in, and stop any weight gains before it happens.

    I weighed myself every day while I was losing, and it just worked for me.
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    I only weigh myself once as week. I have a friend who weighs daily, and though I love her dearly, I get tired of hearing her gripe about not losing anything, or only losing a fraction of a pound. She also is eating less than 1000 calories a day, and doesn't exercise. Cant get her to understand that she's in starvation mode, and that exercise is just as important to her weight loss journey. Her excuse for not exercising? she has no time for it. She works full time has 3 kids ; two teenagers and a 3 year old. has not only a treadmill, but an elliptical and a stationary bike at home. I must be getting old and crotchety.. because I have limited use of my left side and I still try to exercise as much as I can every chance I get.
    I guess I just get tired of her excuses...


    There's no way shes eating 1000 and not losing. She must be fibbing about something.
  • Beastie32
    Beastie32 Posts: 55 Member
    I was thinking to weight myself once a month as well. I did before every week and that's pushe me to wrong direction. Scale didn't show what I expected and I lost my motivation.
  • Montemuscle1970
    Montemuscle1970 Posts: 21 Member
    I'd say no more than once a week. Weight fluctuates so dramatically day to day, even hour to hour. Get your weight one morning after using the bathroom, and before you eat or drink anything. Then at the end of the week, do the same thing to get your weight then. That will be a much more accurate number whether you're looking to lose weight or gain it. Try not to think about the scale too much. It's just a compass in a way. It either says you're going one way or another.
  • mewilmes
    mewilmes Posts: 44 Member
    Maybe you should try it for a month and see. Just be sure that you are logging very, very accurately--weighing your food, etc. I usually go more than a month between weighings and it works for me. If I had a scale I would get obsessive about weighing myself. For me, it has been helpful to just believe in the process. And, lo and behold, I've lost weight. But like others have said, you've got to have some accountability. Mine is logging. Others use the scale for that. Regardless, good luck.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    I don't understand why you wouldn't just log a daily weight. How are datapoints not useful in showing a trend?