You know you're serious added what?



  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    ****When you get back from the gym and you unpacked your work clothes from your gym bag and immediately pack your gym bag back up for the next day.
    ***** When you knew you were going to be away from your gym for two long weeks so you downloaded youtube videos, created a schedule, and brought your dumbbells from home so you could work out there.
    *****Your clothes become looser and looser and people start noticing you are losing weight.
    ******You start going down sizes.
    ****You tell your fitness class instructor that you are going to enjoy the two weeks with out exercise as you will be away from the gym and they immediately pick up on the fact that you are not serious.
  • amandasilva
    amandasilva Posts: 50 Member
    For me-
    When I began to really look forward to spending my afternoon sweating. If I don't- I feel out of place.

    And- I don't always have to log my meals/workouts, since I know the path and the destination are one in the same.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    When my basement looked like this:


    Did you make that power rack yourself? If so - how much did it cost, how hard was it and did you have to tie it into the foor boards above?

    I dunno when I realized I was serious - probably after buying a ton of pro style dumbells online.
  • eringrace10
    eringrace10 Posts: 135 Member
    Brought the yoga mat and dumbbells. Set long term goals, spending time researching nutrition and fitness though these forums and google.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    When I was super excited about my brand new food scale. It looks like a mini butcher's block. xD I love it so much.
  • duckiec
    duckiec Posts: 241 Member
    When I got two food scales- one for home, one portable one for work... and meals out, since it fits in my pocket. And that I don't usually eat anything until it's been weighed. I also weigh portion-controlled items sometimes (like bars) because I'm curious if the printed info is accurate.

    When I started buying/drinking protein shake mix, and buying/eating protein bars.

    When I stopped buying Special K bars, snacks, etc. What I thought was a great substitute before now seems likes somewhat empty carbs, and I can do better than 10g of protein for that many calories.

    When I realized that most days, the candy-like or krispy-treat-like protein snacks aren't really candy, but good enough.
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    Walking past the Friday 'treats' in the main office without feeling tempted, because none of them is worth the calories.

    Buying a food scale, using it for everything, and realizing that I was seriously considering taking it with me when I was packing for a holiday. (I didn't.)

    Going to the grocery store planning to buy potato chips and dip and then walking up and down the aisle, unable to do it...which recorded a few extra steps on my fitbit, which is the best thing I added!

    An acceptance of my competitive nature--finding an acceptable outlet for it on the fitbit friend leaderboard.
  • TakeTimeToCare19
    When your boyfriend calls your neurotic because you won't eat junk. LOL
  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    The first time I made fried porkchops, mashed red potatoes, corn, and bread for my husband but ate a baked chop and sweet potatoe myself.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Heart Rate Monitor and a Yoga mat (and actually started taking classes instead of DVD's) I always thought Yoga was lame until I took a class and it kicked my *kitten*
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    Weights, weighted bar, "cleaner" eating, HRM, Food scale...the list goes on and on. Oh and commenting to my husband "Do you know how many calories there are in that?" Haha
  • ScouseNerd
    ScouseNerd Posts: 119 Member
    Just spent $120 on New Balance shoes yesterday, and bought some hideous neon workout gear a couple weeks ago (I always worked out in black, baggy stuff so I figure new look to get me energized!)

    Also at work we have seminars and functions where the booze and cupcakes are free and flowing nearly on the daily - didn't touch a thing! Even when the cupcakes were sky high with icing (mmmm)

    Rather than admit defeat when Burger Week hit (and yes, I did Burg), I just worked out like a maniac and burned nearly all my calories throughout the day! (whoops)
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    i know i was serious about my new lifestyle when i started extreme tricks pole dancing classes!
  • supergirl6
    supergirl6 Posts: 224 Member
    The first was when I decided to start paying for a personal trainer. She's totally changed my body shape and my attitude even though she's very expensive. It is an expense I am happy to pay now.

    The second was when I was booking a short weekend trip for my husband and I made sure my hotel choice was dependant on if they had a decent gym and/or pool I could do laps in.

    The third was when I was booking my big summer vacation to visit a friend in California and I got very excited when we decided to make part of our trip a hiking trip in the Sequoia national forest and Kings Canyon. I've never made a vacation surrounding physical activity before and now I am completely stoked about it.
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member

    Did you make that power rack yourself? If so - how much did it cost, how hard was it and did you have to tie it into the foor boards above?

    I did, following the plans at Cost was maybe just a hair over $100, most of that for the lumber. The hardest part was drilling all the holes for the safety pins, although that would be a lot easier if one had access to a drill press. Probably took about 8 hours total I would guess, I split it across a few evenings.

    I haven't tied it into the floor joists yet, it's pretty dang solid as-is and I'm not 100% sure it's going to stay right there or if I may move it around a little. I probably will tie it in once I'm sure it's where I want it to be. It doesn't really need it, I can hang off of it and it doesn't budge, but I figure it can't really hurt.

    I'd trust it up to around 300lbs, that's the number I just pulled out of my butt. If I tied it in and maybe got something a little more solid for the safety pins (using 3/4" black pipe right now) I'd probably trust it with more.
  • fyoufat
    fyoufat Posts: 85
    Buying a heart rate monitor and meeting with a trainer
  • michellechawner
    - When it's mealtime and my mom pulls out the food scale for me.
    -When I don't get to yoga and my instructor calls me asking if I'm sick.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    You know you're serious when your last name is Black and your best friend is a 13 year old wizard with a scar on his forehead.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    My hubby bought me a digital food scale for my birthday and I was very happy about it!
  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    When I brought weighing scales and weighed myself after years of avoiding them for fear of what Id see! That was huge for me. Today I replaced my old mechanical food scales with some hi-tech digital scales. Now I feel pro ;)