Anybody else never weight themselves?

bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
I decided to quit weighing myself a few months ago because I tend to fixate on numbers. I tend to get upset/angry/depressed if I dont see any weight loss or movement on the scale.. and heaven forbid if the number goes up! Thats a recipe for serious diet sabatoge and self destruction. When I dont weigh myself, then it doesnt become about hitting a goal or number. My diet and excercise then just becomes a daily habit and not a means to an end. I think if i had a goal or number i was aiming for, then when i got there, I'd "reward" myself with something i shouldnt...over and over again. Then I'd be right back to where I started and the cycle begins again. Is that why so many people put all their weight right back on after losing?

So by not weighing myself, I see my journey as a lifestyle change and not a contest, I'm more apt to stay on track with my diet and workouts.. and do it daily. I figure if I didnt care what weight I was at 300+, why should I care at 260, or 220, or 190.. my body is going to settle at a weight its happy with thats fit and healty and thats good enough for me. Is that a wierd way to look at this?


  • kateauch
    kateauch Posts: 195 Member
    Not at all! I get the same way. I have all my belongings in storage right now and haven't weighed myself in over 2 weeks- it feels so liberating!

    I'm definitely going to limit weighing to 1/2 a month and base my success on how I feel and look, not what a number says.
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    I lost 120 lbs twelve years ago and did weigh myself then. Kept it off for 10 and half years. This go around, I had 30 lbs to lose. I started January 2nd and made a deal with myself that as long I could tell that I was making progress by how my clothes fit, I would not step on the scale. I didn't want to know exactly how much I had regained and like you, I remember being upset when I didn't lose, or I gained, or I didn't lose as much as I thought I would. So far, its working and I think I have 10-15 lbs to go! I would encourage you to definitely go by how your clothes fit and buy the next size down(unless you have it). Also, a lot of people measure themselves and keep track that way. When I reach goal, I'm going back to the scale though:) I think it will help me not gain it back.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    I don't think it's weird at all, and there are lots of books out there that promote this idea. However, it's a strategy that may not work for everyone. If it's working for you, keep doing it. Different strategies for different people.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I pretty much never weigh myself because I don't think to do it very often. One of the goals that is always on the goal list is to weight-in once a week as a check-in. Maybe one day I'll actually do it.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    i stopped weighing myself 6 months ago. I go by my belt loops. I did get weighed at the Dr's office a week ago and was down which I suspected since I've lost 6 belt loops!! :)
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    i stopped weighing myself 6 months ago. I go by my belt loops. I did get weighed at the Dr's office a week ago and was down which I suspected since I've lost 6 belt loops!! :)

    6? Wow, that's great, love it. It gets said a lot on these forums, but it bears repeating for the new folks who may be reading: there are many ways to measure our progress than just the scale. NSV!
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238

    So by not weighing myself, I see my journey as a lifestyle change and not a contest, I'm more apt to stay on track with my diet and workouts.. and do it daily. I figure if I didnt care what weight I was at 300+, why should I care at 260, or 220, or 190.. my body is going to settle at a weight its happy with thats fit and healty and thats good enough for me. Is that a wierd way to look at this?

    Nah, I see this as a pretty healthy way to look at it. You've found what works for you. Keep up the good work.
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm on board with you on this one. This past week, i had a revelation, and that was that I dont actually care about the number on the scale. I want to feel better, and sure I want to look better, and for the past 6 days i have been sticking to my calories, and exercising everyday, and I feel great!
    There isnt really a difference in weight, but as long as i keep going, keep feeling good and keep pushing myself, i dont care about that stupid, mean, (often times) inaccurate scale in my bathroom!

    Power to you!
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I saw someone posted once that the scale is the devil... I'm starting to believe that, it lies, manipulates, encourages you, then tears you down etc..... begone with you!!!!
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    I feel exactly the same. I went 9 months when I started before I weighed myself and now limit it to once a month. I would be on the scale 10 times a day and would have a mood shift every time. I have my husband hide the scale in his office and give it to me on the 15. Works for me. But I understand how some people like to see their progress everyday.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    I saw someone posted once that the scale is the devil... I'm starting to believe that, it lies, manipulates, encourages you, then tears you down etc..... begone with you!!!!

    LMAO, I envisioned you throwing the Bible at it. :laugh:
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I have to weigh myself or I get unmotivated. Seeing results every few days keeps me going.
  • mackemom
    mackemom Posts: 277 Member
    I quit weighing myself. Put my scale away. My scale was making me feel bad about myself!
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    I don't weigh myself anymore because I find myself totally overwhelmed if the scale is moving down and I am approaching the all-important-number - I get so anxious "what if I don't succeed" that it always leads to bingeing.
    So my scale is now hidden. The clothes tell the tale.
  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    I don't think that is a strange way to look at it, and besides your clothes will tell you that you have lost weight. Also like you I would get very upset with the scales if they didnt' tell me what I wanted it to be, so best to stay away from them

    I think your right if you don't weigh yourself then it is a change of lifestyle and not a daily grind :smile:
  • I weigh myself once to twice a month if that. So much happier and not stressing over the scale and losing Inches
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I use too but became obsessive about the scale now I just eat decent excercise and I will notice my face getting fat if things are out of wack.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I don't think it's weird and I weigh myself every day. What's important is only that it works for you. There is a huge range of difference among human beings. Just how great is something I've learned in my year-and-a-half on MFP.
  • malston40
    malston40 Posts: 3 Member
    I was obsessed too and I would weigh myself 4 times a day. With all that I still wasn't losing any weight. So I asked my husband to hide the scale. I measured my success by my clothes and by doing this I was successful. A year later I have kept it off without the scale. I stay aware of how much I am eating, so I stay on track.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    ...When I dont weigh myself, then it doesnt become about hitting a goal or number. My diet and excercise then just becomes a daily habit and not a means to an end. I think if i had a goal or number i was aiming for, then when i got there, I'd "reward" myself with something i shouldnt...over and over again. Then I'd be right back to where I started and the cycle begins again. Is that why so many people put all their weight right back on after losing?

    People regain weight because they haven't in fact internalized daily healthy habits of eating and exercise. If you were seriously overweight, why would you have any confidence in your body's ability to "naturally" settle at a healthy number? Your body was doing what came naturally, based on thousands of years of evolution, that is, to store fat efficiently. We have to eat differently now to outwit our genes.

    There are people who can go without weighing themselves. They usually are thin, stick to a familiar diet, rarely eat in excess, and are active. Most of the people I know who are fat or obese were once thin. But they chose to ignore their weight, and they did that by not weighing themselves.
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