Not very good at dieting



  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Faizaraza wrote: »
    I have tried everything but I just don't lose weight anymore... I exercise for n hr at least 5 out of 7 days and I try to eat less than 1200 calories but m still not losing weight. ..any tips will be highly appreciated. ..

    What are your stats?

    Goal Weight:
    Activity Level (desk job?):
    Do you use a food scale:
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Biggest thing is: If you tell yourself you can "never have" those things, you are surely going to stumble big, and get frustrated big-time.

    We are humans, and as such, are fallible beings. That means we are going to make mistakes. It's not if, but when.

    The other day, I knew better than to get Almond M&M's, but got them anyway. After having a couple of handfuls, I handed them to my husband and said, "Do something with these." I will tease my daughter and say, "Look - don't put your cookie in front of me because I will EAT IT."

    Every time I go on this journey and tell myself, "Okay - no more of this!!!" it turns out that that is all I want.

    You have to allow yourself certain things at certain times. I LOVE queso. SO, instead of getting it at my house, I'll go out to Don Pablo's maybe once a week or every other week. I'll get a kid's size queso. That helps me control the portion, and I don't have to bring it into the house.

    If you love cheeseburgers and fries....either don't have the bun at all, or decide if you want the bun OR the fries...but not both. I've gotten to getting a baked potato instead of the fries. I actually usually go to Longhorn and get a 6oz sirloin, a side of sliced tomato's, and have a piece or two of bread. It's awesome. Lots of lean protein, low carb.

    Remember, the better quality of food you have, the more of it you can have. It's all about finding things you enjoy that are healthier versions and won't counteract what you're trying to accomplish. (Hope that makes sense.)
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    Faizaraza wrote: »
    I have tried everything but I just don't lose weight anymore... I exercise for n hr at least 5 out of 7 days and I try to eat less than 1200 calories but m still not losing weight. ..any tips will be highly appreciated. ..

    You may want to try opening your diary and starting your own thread. There's a lot of people who will give you good advice (and some trolls that you can ignore). Otherwise,
    • Try weighing your food to be sure you are eating what you think
    • Have a a couple of days a week where you eat close to maintenance
    • Take a break, and eat at maintenace for a few weeks
    • Change your workout routine. Some find they get good results with HIIT or resistance training.
    • If your stall is for more than a month, check with your Dr.
    • Sometimes stalls happen. If you stay with the program, they may resolve on their own.
    • Be sure to eat enough fiber and protein
    • If you are close to goal, you may want to look at recomping instead of weight loss
    • Chat with a nutritionist or trainer about achieving your goals
    • Get enough sleep
    This is the thread of someone who stalled for months before getting closer to her goals:

    You can google or search for stall/plateau, there's a lot of threads out there you can get info from if you aren't starting your own thread to avoid trolls. Good luck :)
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    ukaryote wrote: »
    Then you won't. This is a head game. If you think you cannot do it, then there is less chance. Plan on succeeding for a year. The couple of months will seem easy.

    Fat loss is more of a numbers game. Even if you are convinced you won't lose weight, if you eat at a deficit you will. It's been found that having smaller goals can help people succeed at weight loss. I started off thinking I would fail. I doubt my ability to eat within a deficit, or keep working out. I think about quitting at least several times a week. I get tempted, I get cravings, and sometimes I just feel down. And I've lost 110 pounds (20 before MFP).

    That being said, I find it a little annoying when people post pictures of yolo meals too.... and do better when I just don't think about foods that don't support my weight loss.

    To OP - I've been eating food that I enjoy during this diet. I use spices and flavourful ingredients to improve my satisfaction, and I look forward to my meals. I've tried a couple of diets based on getting rid of food groups (low fat, wild rose), and tried things like eliminating dairy, and I just can't do it. I don't eat chocolate bars, but I do eat chocolate protein powder. I don't have ice cream, but I do have greek yogurt. When I do have a sugary treat (say, a couple of sour keys), I limit amount, and try to have it close to a meal, so it is digesting with fiber and protein. There are ways to satisfy cravings for sweet, salty, savoury, creamy, meaty, and crunchy and stay within calorie goals.

    Don't worry about doing this for months. Only worry about today. If you're having a really hard time, only worry about the next 15 minutes. If you go over calories one day, it doesn't ruin the diet, just try again the next day. Everyone has days that are less successful than others, but you absolutely can do this. Good luck :)