Fruit and Vegetable Detox



  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I started a fruit and veggie detox to day to rid my body of toxins and hopefully boost my weight loss. Originally I planned to do two days, however my friend suggested for better results I should do 7. Has anyone ever tried this, and if so did it help?

    I have. I don't call it a detox, but sometimes I just feel like I've been eating too much junk and want to eat nothing but fruit and veggies for a while. Sometimes for weight control, sometimes just because. Vegetables and fruits contain toxins, so I'm not really sure if I eat less toxins or not. I don't really think about toxins all that much.

    It does help me with weight control, because I naturally eat less calories this way, even though I include oils in my cooking. I think it helps me more mentally than anything.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    OP, if doing a "detox" makes you feel better and gives you the mental and physical jumpstart to eating healthy, then do it. The value is to you, not to the folks who bash you for doing it.
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member

    I have actually successfully loss 30 pounds simply by following the 1200 calorie diet. I wanted to lose a few more for an upcoming wedding. I've read on Several sites that detoxing gives your body a head start. There's so much crap in our food, our liver and kidneys can do but do much.I appreciate your post, and thanks for being helpful. I am surprised by some of the not so nice comments, seeing that we are all here for a common goal, to get and stay healthy

    yes, and getting and staying healthy involves not letting people fall into harmful traps like believing diet "detoxes" do anything. People are making not so nice comments because believing that "detoxes" exist or do anything positive long-term is DANGEROUS and people need to know the concept is a farce.
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    Drink limon water it works wonders for everything!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member

    I have actually successfully loss 30 pounds simply by following the 1200 calorie diet. I wanted to lose a few more for an upcoming wedding. I've read on Several sites that detoxing gives your body a head start.

    What sites? What do they say you are "detoxing from" and how does it work? Without specific information like that, which you can check, I'd be skeptical.
    There's so much crap in our food, our liver and kidneys can do but do much.

    Setting aside the powers of our liver and kidneys (which I think are greater than you give them credit for in many cases), how can you make this blanket statement when people eat different things. I don't think there is "crap" in my food. If you do think there are problems with foods you eat for one reason or another, you might want to reconsider eating it or eat less, sure.

    However, eating only fruits and veggies won't do a thing to "detox" from whatever it is that you are concerned about. Also, although I don't think a fruit and veggie only fast of a day or two will hurt you, that's not an especially healthy diet as there are other things you'd ideally be getting in a healthy, balanced diet, like fat and more protein (and fiber if the "detox" is a juice-based one like so many are.

    If you think you eat a poorly-balanced diet that is not as nutritious as you'd like, why not just fix that?

    I dislike the idea of "detoxing" because it doesn't mean anything and is usually based on a scare tactic (our food is TOXIC) the solution to which involves either paying money to someone else for some useless diet plan or "detox" or doing something not especially healthy or sustainable (like a juice fast).

    Personally, I have found that focusing on eating a nutritious, balanced diet is helpful both to losing weight and feeling good, but for me this is how I like to eat all the time, not just when trying to lose (and it allows me to eat whatever I want, in moderation).
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    I can understand your motives, but it is my understanding that the kidneys and liver will detox you naturally. Just be sure to drink plenty of water and yeah, fruits and veggies will probably make you feel good, but I doubt they will be "detoxing". I can't say whether it will "boost" weight loss but you'll probably lose a good amount of water weight, and that'll probably feel pretty good.