Not looking for pity, but why can't I do this??

No matter how much I want to finally lose the 100 pounds I feel is keeping me from living a real life I can't!!!

Food is how I comfort myself and relax myself. It's all I think about! 29 year old mom of 2 in a TERRIBLE marriage looking for some support in how to get started and stop letting
my binge eating stop me
From doing this.

I have no excuses- I have time, resources and even a brand new elliptical staring me in the face. But I'm scared to lose my 'conmfort'.

I barely leave my house and have absolutely no social life whatsoever. I'm making my family miserable because I am so miserable but I'm just stuck in this horrible cycle of bingeing and starving myself with no consistency. Anyone else going through something similar? Please add me also :) I have no MFP friends. Would love to see others doing well :)


  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    Stop whatever you're doing and go do one good thing ***right this second***. Put on your shoes and do five minutes on the elliptical, or walk around the block, or make a meal plan for a healthy dinner that uses ingredients you already have in the house. ***Right now*** Go!

    Post what you've done.
  • mandyedwards101
    mandyedwards101 Posts: 6 Member
    The hardest thing is admitting all this and being honest with yourself so well done you've made a start! Now ask yourself how much longer you intend to let everyone and everything dictate your life to you?
    You have a choice. Bin the crap - all of it. Find comfort in walking, clearing your head, start small and rebuild your desire, your strength, your appetite for life. It's yours if you want it - don't live every day the same for 75 years and call it a life - change NOW! You CAN Do this!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I've been exactly where you are ,I know just what your feeling . I hated being over weight but just couldn't seem to stop eating and eating and eating . The more depressed that I became , the more I ate .
    Finally one day I had enough of the wishing to be healthy, and I decided that I'd truly change this time. Of coarse I had plenty of set backs, but I did it ! I'm 135 lbs now and I feel great!
    I didn't deprive myself of anything, I just learned portions and moderation .I learned how to weigh my foods and log everything accurately. All you need is a food scale! :-)
    You can do this too!! Seriously, weighing and measuring works.get started today and keep going ! Once it becomes part of your daily routine, it gets a lot easier.
    Best of luck to you!
  • jmpags
    jmpags Posts: 13 Member
    Feel free to add me if you need some support :)
  • debbysatit
    debbysatit Posts: 125 Member
    Food is always need it every day,you can't try to quit it cold turkey like cigarettes. It also can be warm and comforting, or cold and soothing. So trying to lose weight against this great beast is hard. I have not tackled it and still am trying to get some control over it.
    I think start small, baby steps, and then add to it. Also like the "just for today" note on here. Every day make a just for today goal. And come back to MFP, even if it is days,weeks or months later. Even if it is once a week,or once a month. Perseverance will get us make take awhile. Let's make 2015 the year of change!
    Also you mentioned a terrible marriage perhaps going for counseling will help with that, because you are too young to not enjoy life and your kids need you be a strong and happy Mom.
    You can feel free to add me as a friend. I am returning to MFP and am trying the baby steps above. This is a tough job, and so hard to do. I envy people who start and can stick to it and lose lots of weight, I have no had that happen, but one day I will figure it out!☺
  • airmedic8
    airmedic8 Posts: 24 Member
    Its is easy to be like everyone else. Remember that you have one life and there is no do over. If I could make a suggestion. Look up on You Tube the following videos/people Les Brown, CT Fletcher Greg Plitt, zig ziglar, tony robbins. People will roll their eyes if they hear you are watching these motivational speakers....well your not them so tell them to f--off!

    As crazy as it sounds i always envisioned what my kids would have to go through if i was gone. If i didnt fix my issues, that always got me through the process. You must realize this is bigger than you.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    jlahorn wrote: »
    Stop whatever you're doing and go do one good thing ***right this second***. Put on your shoes and do five minutes on the elliptical, or walk around the block, or make a meal plan for a healthy dinner that uses ingredients you already have in the house. ***Right now*** Go!

    Post what you've done.

    Second this. Baby steps.
  • cosmichvoyager
    cosmichvoyager Posts: 237 Member
    Do you have access to any mental health support/resources? A good therapist might help?

    I would say that you aren't the only person going through these sorts of feelings and it's a lot to expect of yourself to move through it without support or help. If you can, find a therapist that can help you. And keep in mind you can choose your therapist--look for one you think can be a real partner and will help you move through this to something better :)
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    I have read so many people on here who have changed their lives, one tiny bit at a time. You're looking for motivation, and that only really comes when you start to see results. As the first reply says - ONE thing. FIVE minutes. Either a walk, or the elliptical, or something else. Just get up, and do some sort of exercise for five minutes. And then, set a it again in an hour. When you make your plate of food, take a little back off. Just a little of everything except the veggies.

    If you're in a cycle of failure, you have to allow yourself chances to succeed to prove you can.

    Learning to see every hour as a chance to move just a bit more...every meal/snack as a separate choice can change your life. Once the weight starts to come off, chances are, the motivation will be there.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    amyd2785 wrote: »
    No matter how much I want to finally lose the 100 pounds I feel is keeping me from living a real life I can't!!!

    Food is how I comfort myself and relax myself. It's all I think about! 29 year old mom of 2 in a TERRIBLE marriage looking for some support in how to get started and stop letting
    my binge eating stop me
    From doing this.

    I have no excuses- I have time, resources and even a brand new elliptical staring me in the face. But I'm scared to lose my 'conmfort'.

    I barely leave my house and have absolutely no social life whatsoever. I'm making my family miserable because I am so miserable but I'm just stuck in this horrible cycle of bingeing and starving myself with no consistency. Anyone else going through something similar? Please add me also :) I have no MFP friends. Would love to see others doing well :)

    Please don't let your weight define the life you live. Why should your size or weight be the reason you are or aren't living a 'real' life? You have 2 kids. Don't make yourself and your family miserable over your weight. There has to be more to you than your body. And really, is the size and weight of your body all that defines you? Are there no redeeming features to you? Nice hair, pretty eyes, lovely lips....?
    Set a good example for your children. Show them that there is so much more to life than just being hung up on your physical appearance.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    You say you don't want to lose your comfort....but at the same time there is something within you that is ready to detatch from that comfort. That's why you have your elliptical, that's why you're here, that's why you're looking for assistance on why you feel how you feel. That "Why" is what you need to hold on to in order to push forward.

    I remember watching Cast Away. Tom Hanks' character did so much to get off that island. He worked really hard, suffered many years, finally put something together where he could escape and when he finally did, he looked back on it with fondness as if he's going to miss it. It's not that he didn't want to leave, he just feels like he's been there so long it's what he's used to and he's taking a journey into the unknown without an idea on what to expect yet he knows within his heart of hearts its worth it. That's what this journey is to you. Will you be able to stay the course, will you slip back to food being your comfort, will you fail, will you injure yourself, will you endure new levels of hate from those watching you move forward, so many unknowns, but you know in your heart of hearts you need this, so don't let anything or anyone stop you. Friend request sent. :0)
  • Flexitarier
    Flexitarier Posts: 22 Member
    jlahorn wrote: »
    Stop whatever you're doing and go do one good thing ***right this second***. Put on your shoes and do five minutes on the elliptical, or walk around the block, or make a meal plan for a healthy dinner that uses ingredients you already have in the house. ***Right now*** Go!

    Post what you've done.

    Great piece of advise.

    And one other note: there will be set backs. But the most important thing is to not let yourself be stopped by one set back. Just start again right away. No "Well, this week is screwed, I will start all over next week again"
    The moment you failed passed and then you need to get back up right again.
  • jguidroz
    jguidroz Posts: 17 Member
    Some great advice has been left already. All I can add is you can do this. You can find comfort in setting a small goal and achieving it. I can relate to the stresses of a bad marriage and the stresses that come after as mine ended in divorce. Between that and a surgery depressions set in and I found it easier to pick up food than cook. I would have days I would eat well then weeks I wouldn't. I have been back at this only for two days but I feel better than I have in a while. I find netting the few goals I have set so far left me feeling better than binging has. Feel free to add me we can do this.
  • Jkowals123
    Jkowals123 Posts: 133 Member
    I know how you feel! I love food and have a big appetite. What is working for me is replacing breakfast and lunch with protein shakes with banana and then eating a healthy dinner. It is keeping me satisfied. I also have an apple as a snack between lunch and dinner and I stay within my calorie count and am not hungry, it is amazing! Good luck!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Get off your chair- and do at least ONE push up- ONE jumping jack. ONE walking lunge. ONE YOGA POSE.


    Then. In 30 min- do it again.

    tomorrow- Do it again. and when you feel sorry for yourself- get off your *kitten* and go do something. ANYTHING.

    Food is a comfort- it's always there for us- even in our darkest hour- it never judges- never leaves us- and never comments on us- it listens to us.

    Find another source of this. Find an outlet- journal= yoga- talk to yourself= learn to do something (knit- crochet- paint- color- push ups- learn SOMETHING.

    So you've effectively done 2 things.
    1.) you're creating a new comfort/relax habit
    2.) you're learning something new and creating positive self confidence about said learned thing.
    success = self confidence... self confidence = courage to do MORE things = more success.

    self motivating cycle.

    PS- walking is free and cheap.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'd also say- don't hate yourself for who you are.

    You can want to change- and be the master of that change- and still think you are a wonderful fabulous person with valid things to say and add to this world.

    There is- this trend where loving yourself means just being okay with who you are - and prehaps not changing- which is fine if that's what you want- but if you want to change- GREAT- but you don't have to hate yourself while you're doing it or for that to be the motivation to said such changes. .

    those two things are not mutually exclusive. You can want to change- and learn to love yourself- independently.

    just an FYI.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    No matter how much I want to finally lose the 100 pounds I feel is keeping me from living a real life I can't!!!

    Wanting something is a great place to start, but wanting something, as I am sure you know, doesn't make it happen. if I that were true, I'd have everything I want right now too and I most certainly don't.

    You feel that the pounds are preventing you from living a real life, but in actuality - it is the lack of action in correcting your health that is diminishing your quality of life. Not the pounds, the inaction.

    Food is how I comfort myself and relax myself. It's all I think about!

    Hey! recognizing your problem is not something that most people can do so quickly and once you put your finger on it, you are already taking control! look into other alternatives for comforting yourself. Im addicted to arts and crafts - when my life is spiraling out of my control or im not making progress where I want to - I build things. It tricks my brain into thinking im making progress, until I really am doing so again.

    29 year old mom of 2 in a TERRIBLE marriage looking for some support in how to get started and stop letting my binge eating stop me from doing this.

    you are so young!!! and you are at an optimum age for recreating yourself and making the most of your efforts to get healthy - like seriously - best timing ever. it's like your body just knowsssssssssssss it's time to get awesome.

    Your binge eating however, is not preventing you from getting started. Getting started is dumb. It's one day. There's only one stupid first day one. It's awful and uncomfortable the whole first month. Then it starts becoming normal. But YOU actually have to stand up and make decisions for yourself. You have to own your struggle and learn to call yourself on your excuses and teach yourself personal responsibility. These are very important tools. The tools that WORK! The tools that people skip because they think all they need is a motivation hammer. NO. motivation is just fluff. You want the hard hitting tools like self-discipline and willpower - which you can strengthen all by yourself and turn into real weapons!!!

    I have no excuses- I have time, resources and even a brand new elliptical staring me in the face. But I'm scared to lose my 'comfort'.

    there you go! it's not the weight that is an obstacle! it's fear! fear can be squashed into submission.

    Is it possible you dont yet believe that you have the right to be the whole package? that you deserve to succeed? fear of success is a real thing that many people suffer from and it can be overcome and in the process, you will really get to know and love yourself so much more.

    I barely leave my house and have absolutely no social life whatsoever.

    you will be so surprised when you see how much changes when you change your life!

  • exstromn
    exstromn Posts: 176 Member
    From a MFP article, "Forgive your slips ups. It doesn’t matter if you miss a day. It doesn’t matter if you miss a week. All that matters is momentum and that means all that matters is today. You have to be obstinate about the present. Have the courage to see your slip ups as progress. Because the obstacles are the path. And all you have to do, is keep moving forward."

    MOMENTUM allows you to focus on the present, what can you do RIGHT NOW to make your minute, hour, day successful? Just thinking about it vs just doing it. It's sooo hard not to just focus on the end result, 100 pounds. Instead allow yourself the room to gain that MOMENTUM. Each baby step counts, just make them every day. My first baby step was to log EVERYTHING on MFP honestly. My next baby step was to move everyday. My current step is plan the best I can to stay under my daily calorie goal and DO what I can to keep the first two steps a habit. Habit=21 days. Don't give up! You can do it, you can do it, you can do it everyday I know you can!!!
  • Logging all of my food is a great first step for me, even when I don't feel motivated to exercise at all. I love seeing those green leftover calorie numbers at the end of the day, knowing that today, even if it's only today, I met my goal! It may take a little more time at the beginning, but MFP populates a list with items you eat often, and you can copy a meal to the next day if you have leftovers, so it becomes very quick.

    Also, try setting up some non-food rewards for logging your food or exercising. I get to play my favorite computer game (or watch my favorite show, or read a new book) after I've worked out. I really want that reward, so placing it after exercise works well for me.

  • I have been there too - so this is what worked for me. All of the above are great suggestions and will be helpful but it seems like you may be pretty entrenched in your problem. In that case, it is very difficult to just get up and walk five minutes. I echo one of the posters above and suggest you find someone to talk to who is not judgmental: a therapist, counselor, priest. If the first person doesn't help then try someone else until you find someone who will listen.

    But even if you can't find that, I would suggest that you get a cheap notebook or a pad of paper. Every time you find yourself binge-eating, write down what you are feeling in that moment when you walk to the fridge or cupboard. Just words on a page, write in crayon if you want, point form is fine, nobody else will read it. It won't take long before you find a pattern, which is where a counselor (or someone) can really help. Your marriage may be a contributing factor but is not likely the only factor.

    Finally, try to believe this: you are not crazy and you are not lazy.