Hate lunges but love squats.



  • ileen327
    ileen327 Posts: 21
    I am learning squats from my physical therapist. They hurt still but are making my bad knee better. He is telling me I will be doing lunges too! I cannot imagine it yet! I am very fat and had knee surgery back in Sept for meneiscus but made my knee have arthritis in it. so, back with the PT. He is getting me so I can walk again and get in shape to work out with a trainer and get healthier and follow a very healthy strict diet ( not starving) So , squats it is! Take care and wish me luck that I can continue!!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Various deadlifts
  • Seekerman
    Seekerman Posts: 58 Member
    I used to hate them too. Ok I hated squats as well. Lunges made my knees hurt too. My GF got me doing them with just body weight and making sure I did them correctly. Now I have better stability and I use weights. I must have strengthened certain smaller muscles too because now my knees seem to track better and don't hurt. They seem to be good for strengthening the hip region.
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    Reverse Lunges

    This is what I was going to say, I hate lunges but actually enjoy reverse lunges!