You have 100 calories left to eat, what do you snack on to fill it?



  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Yep air popped pop corn. I recently got one after giving mine away 25 years ago as I didn't like it. Thought it tasted like styrofoam. Felt like eating sucked the moisture out of me. I had some Christmas money and thought what the heck. I'll return it if it's still yucky. It wasn't. Do I eat so healthily now that I enjoy air popped popcorn? Weird, but enjoyable.
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    It would depend on your macros and of course on what you feel like, but I'd go for:
    An apple
    Some low fat quark with berries
    A few nuts
    Air popped popcorn
    A piece of extra dark chocolate and a mandarin orange
    A rice cake with cottage cheese and honey or 10gr peanut butter
    2 kiwis, or any other fruit really
    Veggie sticks and hummus
    A boiled egg
    A glass of almond milk hot chocolate or chai
    A small piece of homemade banana bread
    A microwave mug cake
  • 03julie
    03julie Posts: 38 Member
    Marmite sandwich with no butter or quorn fillets done in microwave or handfull of sunflower seeds
  • kateangel2312
    kateangel2312 Posts: 242 Member
    Peanut butter
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    If I'm very hungry then jerky, otherwise nothing.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    100 calories left. .. if i'm STARVING.. then I'd go for some broccoli with garlic powder and basil.

    If I just want something sweet, I would go for 1 shortbread biscuit (chocolate biscuit if I've got them) or 100 calories of another treat in the pantry. I always have a few different chocolate treats. Right now I have these pretzel-chocolate-caramel-sea-salt clumps. 100 calories is about 1 clump.
  • sweetdixie92
    sweetdixie92 Posts: 655 Member
    2% cottage cheese is my go-to for under 100 calorie snacks. You can spice it up to :)
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    There's so many options:

    100 calorie bag of popcorn (or any 100 calorie bagged snacks--there's lots of them available, even some chips)
    A small tablespoon of peanut butter
    Glass of skim milk (steamed and add a bit of no cal sweetener & vanilla for a warm treat)
    A big plate of steamed veggies
    A small portion of chicken breast
    1 string cheese (2% fat mozzarella to keep it under 100)
    Plain yogurt w/ stevia and cinnamon
    "Poor man's" mocha--brewed coffee with 1/2 packet of hot chocolate mix and a touch of milk--this is my favorite one :)
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    Luigi's brand strawberry or lemon Italian ice cup. They are a good size and take awhile to eat. Feels like a satisfying dessert/ice cream type treat for 100 cals!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    A hard cooked egg.

    I cook up a dozen at a time and keep them in the fridge so they are always available.
  • bos10fit
    bos10fit Posts: 80 Member

    I am an quantity eater.

    Stimulating the chewing mechanism relays a message to the brain that you’re consuming something. The more I chew, the more I feel full.
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    lilawolf wrote: »
    Edy's slow churned caramel delight ice cream. One of my fave ice creams and is 110 cals a half cup. They have other flavors too but I love the caramel.
    Grapefruit 106 per fruit
    Grapes, orange, apple, banana
    Berries with a splash of milk/half and half/tbsp of heavy cream with a bit of splenda
    4 Andes mints (like they give out at Olive Garden)
    Toast with butter, cinnamon, and sugar
    A couple of squares of really good chocolate. Splurge and get the really good stuff and savor it. Preferably dark.

    In shell sunflower seeds. Even 50 cals worth is quite a bit, takes a while to eat, and fills me up.
    Pretzels (with or without pb)

    Any kind of veggies (carrots, broccoli, celery and zucchini are my favorites) with ranch dip made from plain greek yogurt and ranch mix. 100 cals is actually a LOT.
    Celery with peanut or almond butter (carefully measure p/a butter)
    Pretzels (with or without pb)
    Crackers/toast/pretzels/celery/? with laughing cow cheese wedge (35 cals)
    Plain popcorn with salt/garlic/herbs no or add a little of your own butter.

    Half can of light progresso soup. Chicken pot pie is my favorite.
    1 egg scrambled with small amount of cheese (laughing cow?) or a slice of bacon or a handful of veggies

    Hard boiled egg (70 cals so add some...?) or 1 egg scrambled with small amount of cheese (laughing cow?) or a slice of bacon or a handful of veggies
    Protein shake (Dymatize iso has 106 cals a scoop)
    Lettuce rolls: lettuce leaf, turkey (or other meat), small amount of cheese, salsa/smear of ranch/mustard/honey mustard...?
    String cheese
    Yogurt (preferably greek, preferably plain with your own fruit/sweetener added)
    Can of tuna with salsa/garlic/mustard/hot sauce.

    4-5oz of cabernet or other non-sweet red wine
    1.5oz clear liquor with soda water and a wedge of lemon/lime (or diet anything)
    Gross light beer

    This is a great response!

    My 100'ish calorie snack before bed is usually a small apple w/ a touch of almond butter thinned out w/ water or cashew milk. I also like to have just a plain spoon of almond butter.
  • Deekay8008
    Deekay8008 Posts: 44 Member
    popcorn and a mini-milk lolly (only 30 cals a lolly!)
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Either 2 Trader Joe's Speculoos cookies, ~4 pretzels and a half ounce of cheese, or some cottage cheese with Cholula on it, depending on what my macros looked like for the day.
  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    I mash some berrys into total greek yogurt and spread on an oatcake, or have grapes with almonds or plain old boiled egg.
  • I love to bake a sweet potato in the microwave and add cinnamon with some zero calorie sugar.
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    I don't. Bonus deficit!
  • empireman85
    empireman85 Posts: 114 Member
    I enjoy hearing everybodys go to snacks.

    I always have Humus. Sometimes veggies or wheat thins. Pretzels work well also.
    Apple with peanut butter if I have some calories to spare.

    A small warm cup of Winter Jack (110 per 1.5 oz)

    Single serve chocolate or mint.

    I often abuse Werther's Caramel Coffee. Sugar free for me but the regular are only 70 calories for four. Lasts a long time.

  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    I don't. You don't HAVE to eat all the reccomended calories. Why bother if you're not hungy? If you are getting hitting your minimum calorie goal, your macros look good, AND your not hungry, why not just not eat?
  • Half of a Quest bar, Cookies and Cream is my fav.