How could I possibly be gaining weight



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    It sounds like you need to be doing (some? more?) intentional exercise. Do you track your daily steps?

    Just throwing this out there--I've been in a plateau for a long time. I have totally different issues and a different lifestyle, but I made a small change and am finally losing again. I'm trying to get ten veggies a day...or 8-9 veggies and a fruit. In the past, I've generally been around 5/day. My calories are the same, my carbs are about the same, but veggies seem to be making a big difference.

    Good luck!
  • TheNoLeafClover
    TheNoLeafClover Posts: 335 Member
    I see that many people have already offered similar advice, but it's good advice and I'm going to repeat it. If you're not weighing your food, you don't know how much you are truly consuming. Increasing your calorie goal is not going to help because you're not in a deficit. I recommend getting a food scale and weighing and logging everything you consume consistently. It's also a possibility you may be eating too many exercise calories back. As for the quality of the food you consume, while it's important for overall health to eat a variety of nutrient dense foods, there's nothing wrong with processed foods provided they fit your calorie goal.
  • OrangeBabelfish
    OrangeBabelfish Posts: 67 Member
    i can totally see why u want to keep your diary on private. these ppl sound like haters.

    Incredibly harsh! The OP posted a question "how could I possibly be gaining weight" and wanted advice, as otherwise you wouldn't post it in a forum. People have taken time out of their day to view her diary and offer their advice or opinions.

    I haven't seen a single post "judging" the OP in here. Yes, people have stated where they think she could be going wrong, and that her choices may not be the best. But that isn't judging! If you are asking for advice with an issue, what is expected? If we all stood around saying "You're doing fine, nothing wrong" surely that is of even less help?

    A lot of these people have had great successes. Sure, everyone has different ways of losing weight, but if there is advice coming up multiple times, it's always worth trying. I.e. - the food scale. What's the worst that's going to happen? $20 invested and it hasn't helped. It also won't have made anything worse. And if it does work, brilliant! OP happy, everyone happy.
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    edited January 2015
    I agree with you on the fact that I need to start eating healthier calories. That's something I struggle with. Also with my job, i am standing and working 8 hrs a day, and I used a fitness bracelet with heart rate monitor one day at work, which I burned over 1,200 calories just from my work. So the days that I didn't have that bracelet, but was still doing the same work, I just estimated about 978 calories for those days.
    Thanks for the input!

    Using a heart rate monitor during the day is rarely ever accurate. It is very likely you didn't burn 1,200 calories from your work. You burned 1,200 calories over a period of 8 hours, some of which you would have also burned sitting on the sofa watching tv all day. So really, you may just have burned only 600 more than when you'd been sedentary.

    I also completely agree with everyone on having to weigh your food. You almost always underestimate how much your eating. 1 slice of bread is often heavier than stated on the package. You're probably serving yourself a bigger portion of pasta than you think you are. Get a food scale. They're cheap and they work.
  • ek0513
    ek0513 Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    You won't burn the same number of calories, even if it's the same workout.

    Some days I struggle to get 500 on my runs but others I can break 700. (Hrm)

    If you have that you burned 978 3 days in a row, I'm assuming that's not correct.

    Te closer you get to goal, the more precise your calorie counting needs to be. Little room for error there. Get a food scale.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    If i was going to ask people to check out my diary, I would want brutal honesty. It's not going to help one bit for anyone to sugar coat their opinions/advice.
    Yes it might be a bit disheartening to hear you're not doing everything perfectly correct. But at least you now having a starting point where you may be going wrong.