Gained back can I lose it and feel sexy again?



  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    if you are anything like are simply A DAY OR TWO away from feeling good about yourself again.

    If I am neglecting my diet and eating crap (cos I like /love junk food) I hate my body and feel so FAT.

    But it seems to only take a couple of days of healthy and respectful eating, and I feel wonderful again - sexy and attractive and happy. And nothing much has changed in my body - just my diet.

    So all I can say is stop waiting for the motivation to hit you - YOU MUST just start respecting your body NOW....just do it and the motivation will come.

    Good luck. Your body is a temple - respect your health you don't know what's around the corner or when you will lose it! xx
  • lindssaurus
    lindssaurus Posts: 98 Member
    OMG Im going through the same thing. I was 170 6 years ago. then I lost it all and went down to 130lb. for the past 4 yrs it has crept up. I lost 10lbs last summer and then gained it all back! all that hard work. Just simply too tired to do it again the first time...worked out (running and weights) 6 days aweek. keep at it thats the best I can give you...there are no magic pills. you just have to make promises to yourself to go to the gym and eat clean can messege me anytime if you are having problems still.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    First of all you have a lot going for you. You realised you had to do something before you gained the weight back; you have a supportive partner; you haven't put all the weight back on!

    So, maybe try a loss of 1 pound a week only, no more than that. Look at exercising 3 times a week rather than going mad. The whole point is to plan a weight loss programme that is manageable. This will make it easier when you get down to the final 14 pounds. Good luck. Hopefully you will feel much better once you get cracking again!
  • Fairlieboy
    Fairlieboy Posts: 84 Member
    Lots of support here. My OH has been on & off dieting for 30 years. Research results from 60 different researchers with over 60,000 show dieters after they give up the diet, after 2 years, are heavier. Which is why everyone says it's lifestyle change needed. Otherwise it is your own focus & self control! It's pretty hard to have self control for ever. We have been doing the 5:2 diet combined with no fructose as a lifestyle change as it only is 2 days you need 'control ' but you need to find something that works long term. Else you will be relying on willpower & will remain like those 60,000! MFP works as part of the education & support process. :smile:
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,632 Member
    When I first started MFP, I weighed 203lbs. I eventually lost over 50 pounds and got down around 150...but some of my weight has crept back on. I weigh 165 now. When I was at my lowest I felt so goo and didn't have body dysmorphia anymore. I counted calories and it was so easy to lose the weight the first time, but now I can't do it. I feel awful and ugly. I know I'm much thinner than I used to be...and I'm so proud of what I've accomplished...but I feel like I did when I weighed 203lbs. I just want to feel pretty again and lose the weight I've gained, plus some, and I can't seem to do it. My boyfriend loves me the way I am and tells me I'm "sexy" and "pretty" all the time, but it's hard for me to believe him when I feel so disgusted with myself for gaining weight back. Does anyone have any tips as to how I can lose the weight again and gain back the motivation I once had? How can I learn to feel beautiful and sexy again when I hate on my body like I do?

    Weigh all food you consume, log it on your MFP diary and stick to your daily calorie allowance.
  • hrcowman
    hrcowman Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for all of the replies! You guys are awesome!!! :D
  • hrcowman
    hrcowman Posts: 73 Member

    This made me chuckle :P
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Sean Croxton has just done a great "SexyBack" summit, it's available on his website and you can listen to summaries of each day on his podcast - The Underground Wellness Show. It's all about diet and fitness and how it affects your sex drive amongst other things. Might be worth a listen.

    As for your weight - well, you are in the right place. Eat TDEE less 20% of good healthy real food, exercise moderately, lift some weights and make some realistic goals. You can do it.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    Well I'm in a similar boat...I lost a total of 24 lbs last year, and I've now gained back 8 of it...even despite going to the gym. So now I'm cutting back again and buckling down.

    I just try to remember the things that made me successful the first time, and re-employ them on this second go-round. We can do it!!! :happy:
  • shelbielmiller
    shelbielmiller Posts: 27 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I was 185 lbs, and then I cut out soda, fast food, and dairy, and got down to 130 lbs! I didn't even know about MFP then. Then slowly I started gaining it back and I am now a little over 150. I am hoping MFP can help get me back to 130! Just have to stick to it! Good luck!
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    As you can see, a lot of us are in the same boat as you. The best way to feel good about yourself is to have a plan and work the plan. As soon as you start this journey and follow the steps, you'll begin to feel better -- because your foot is on the path. Of course this journey should include an appropriate calorie/day goal, stepping up your exercise, weighing all your food, and making food choices that are nutritious and satisfying. It takes a few weeks to establish a habit (such as an exercise regimen), but once you make it a priority in your life, it becomes more important and something that you want to do. You know you can do this; you just need to set out on your plan. The MFP community is very motivating and you are smart to look to it for support...
  • hrcowman
    hrcowman Posts: 73 Member