Over-training question



  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    So, you do body combat everyday, like 7 days a week? Then you added a run(also everyday) and weights 3x? Just making sure I understand this correctly...
    Your week looks like this:
    Monday: body combat, run, weights
    Tuesday: body combat, run
    Wed: Body combat, run, weights
    Thurs: body combat, run
    Friday: body combat, run, weights
    Sat: body combat, run
    Sun: body combat, run
    Or something similar?
    How long is the body combat workout?
    I do up to 3 workouts somedays (up to 4 days total), but they are usually not longer than 30 min. each. The other 3 days usually have only 1 workout, but maybe it is a long run, so they can be up to an hour/hour and 15min. It was ok at the beginning, with my calories at around 1300-1350, I lost 25 pounds quick. But then I was having other issues: leg spasms, trouble sleeping, blood pressure issues. I had to cut back a bit on the working out, and increase protein and calories overall. Just one day of rest can do wonders. I don't see a reason to take an entire week off. I still lost on Spring Break, when I only worked out a few times and had a few days off.

    No I generally only do the body combat 6 days a week. The workouts vary in times from 30 mins to 60. Three of the days are HIIT workouts that are about 30 minutes and those are the days that I do my weights. I dropped the run from those days because my legs were wasted so my week looks like this:
    Monday: Combat and run
    Tuesday Combat (hiit) and weights
    Wednesday: Combat and run
    Thursday: Combat (hiit) and weights
    Friday Combat and run
    Saturday: Combat (hiit) and weights
    Sunday is supposed to be my rest day but sometimes I take a zumba class because it isn't really hard for me and I enjoy the dancing. I don't always take that class though if my schedule doesn't permit it.
    I am not having too much trouble with sleep but my energy level has dipped this week and I am relying on a lot of green tea for energy. My legs were dead from the get go today so I think I just need a legit rest day.
    This looks a lot like my schedule, actually:) I do JM RI 30 on run days or a hi/lo aerobics on weight days and try to do a long run on the weekend, then one more RI 30/30 DS on the other day. I know it is hard to take an actual rest day, I hardly ever do. But when you feel yourself wearing out, it is needed. Don't get yourself too run down and end up being sent to the ER like me. ( I get low blood pressure and it really dropped that day.) When you don't get enough calories, and workout really hard, your body starts to use muscle for energy, instead of fat stores. This is why you have to be really careful--your heart is a muscle. My warning was the leg spasms, but when it started affecting my heart, well, changes had to be made. I increased my calories and cut back a little on the cardio.