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I am fat :(



  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    You may be healthy now at this young age but as we get older extra weight takes its toll on our bodies in ways that may not be apparent at first..

    I've been seeing older relatives reap the bad side effects of the sins of their youth. Such as smoking all their liives and then suffering COPD. Its so disheartening to see this happen when it could have been prevented.

    Being over weight myself, I keep thinking about the clogging I am doing to my arteries that may not show up for a while.

    I admire you and your 6 pound loss. Lets journey together for our future health! :flowerforyou:
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Welcome to mfp and congrats on the first 6 lbs lost!! I started at 272 and the booths felt so tight. About half into my loss. I actually told my husband that they have made the booths more roomier. My husband thought it was funny cause actually I was smaller. Take it one day at a time. Make small changes and keep your goals realistic as not to get upset and quit.
  • Neeser926
    Neeser926 Posts: 100 Member
    I started at 318. I was morbidly obese. Then I was just obese. After that I moved on to overweight. I'm currently just 21 pounds to a HEALTHY weight. I never had any health issues because of the weight but the clock was ticking, they were bound to come. Eat less and move more. Every day. Its that simple. Don't get into any wild and wacky fad plans. Just eat less and move more.
  • tryin08
    tryin08 Posts: 41 Member
    I would love to be added as a friend by any of those of you who have replied. I'm just starting MFP, we are at the same weight. It's summer and I'm working hard to lose weight so that by the end of the summer, I can see a noticeable difference. I'm not relying so much on the scale as I am how my clothes fit. I just spent the last 6 years trying to have a baby. Now, I have two and so no more excuses for not losing weight. I initially lost 10 lbs at the beginning of the those pregnancies and only gained a total of 20 or so lbs with each. There's no better way to watch what you are eating than to be told that if you put that in your mouth, your baby could die (gestational diabetes). So, I watched everything I ate and was blessed with two healthy, beautiful children. After delivering, the weight fell off magically. I went back to my old way of eating. My baby is a year old. Now, I have two reasons to get my self together. They deserve a mom that can move with them and keep them actively engaged in life. I am doing this for them.

    I have already come a long way, but it seems that I have not lost anything because of just how much I weigh. I have struggled with my weight all my life. I could never take PE in school due to a congenital hip issue, but I have started working out and getting active. No more excuses.
  • autumnpennell
    autumnpennell Posts: 196 Member
    Awe! I don't have that much to lose, but I believe in you!!! I'm sorry that your friends aren't wanting to lose weight like you, and that your husband doesn't help, but the simple fact that YOU want to, can carry you through! You will have good days and bad days. Don't let a bad day make you quit, because they WILL happen. Heck, even two-three bad days in a row might happen! Don't give up! You can do it!!! Know that it will be a Lon hard journey, but if you can dedicate yourself, you can do it! Seeing progress always helps! Congrats on those 6 pounds!!! It will take awhile to say no to the food you love, but if you can be strict, after about a week -2 weeks, saying "no" gets much easier, I promise!

    Maybe you should talk to your husband about not tempting you with food, and how what he is doing isn't helping long-term. I am in the same boat, my boyfriend always offers me my favorite snacks and drinks when I get .."crabby" and I have to tell him to stop offering me stuff. Now he knows I'm serious and had stopped and its really helped!!

    Good luck to you! You can do it!