Juice fasting



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Krau wrote: »
    People have completely REVERSED many illnesses through juicing.
    This is such a load of crap.

    Honestly, it sounds like the kind of thing amoral salespeople say when they're trying to prey on the desperately ill.

    Promising to cure disease and taking money from the sick is about the lowest you can go. Not the lowest, but not far from it.
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    getting popcorn......this is gonna be good

    Can you juice that?

    Just tried it..removed all the nutrients though. thinking about chewing it. don't know yet, maybe I should ask the forums :wink:

  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Krau wrote: »
    I juice everyday. I have done a 3 day "reboot" twice in the past but mainly make green juices and the occasional "orange" juice and have them every morning and sometimes in the afternoon. I have no issues whatsoever with going over my calories and drinking the juice that I make. Juicing is actually helping you ADD important nutrients. You are not losing them. By juicing the fruits and vegetables you are able to incorporate way more nutrients than you could ever just eat. I also love that the more I juice, the less I crave any food that isn't nutrient dense. Your body develops a preference to that high level of nutrients and eating anything that is bad for you won't even sound appealing. So I 100% support juicing! :)


    Seriously, I'm still laughing. I'm screencapping this for when I have a sad and need a pick me up. That's so much BS in only 3 sentences. Fiber is your friend. Chewing your food is your friend.
  • Krau
    Krau Posts: 20
    I typically juice a bag of spinach, a lemon, 4 apples, 4 celery stalks, ginger, and cilantro. All of which have nutrients in them. Juicing them does not make them magically have more nutrients but it does allow me to get a larger portion of fruits in veggies in one drink that I can have in the morning. Dark leafy greens are very nutrient dense and I'm pretty sure I couldn't eat an entire bag of spinach in a day. I also eat my greens and other fruits and vegetables. So, I stand by my claim that drinking a juice that I make and I know exactly what is in it adds to the amount of nutrients that I take into my body in any given day. I do not buy juice, I do not participate in any gimmick diets. I have lost 60 pounds over 2 years through good diet and exercise alone.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I've lost 80lbs, and didn't feel the need to fill my toilet with nutrients.
  • Krau
    Krau Posts: 20
    I also lose your basic healthy pound or 2 a week through juicing AND eating a nutritious diet of whole foods. I can drink 2 juices a day, eat breakfast lunch, and dinner and not go over my 1500 calories... So sounds like it adds up to me.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Krau wrote: »
    I typically juice a bag of spinach, a lemon, 4 apples, 4 celery stalks, ginger, and cilantro. All of which have nutrients in them. Juicing them does not make them magically have more nutrients but it does allow me to get a larger portion of fruits in veggies in one drink that I can have in the morning. Dark leafy greens are very nutrient dense and I'm pretty sure I couldn't eat an entire bag of spinach in a day. I also eat my greens and other fruits and vegetables. So, I stand by my claim that drinking a juice that I make and I know exactly what is in it adds to the amount of nutrients that I take into my body in any given day. I do not buy juice, I do not participate in any gimmick diets. I have lost 60 pounds over 2 years through good diet and exercise alone.

    That's not what you said.

    "Juicing is actually helping you ADD important nutrients. You are not losing them."

    Uh, yes, you are losing fiber which is VERY important. Not enough fiber and you'll end up like me - getting part of your colon removed because you crapped bricks which caused pockets to develop that get infected repeatedly.
  • Krau
    Krau Posts: 20
    Well congrats on your 80 pounds. One of my biggest diet challenges is sugar cravings and me drinking a green juice most mornings gives my body what it needs and curbs cravings for unhealthy food allowing for most of my intake to be fruits and vegetables, chicken and fish, nuts and seeds, and certain grains. I eat a very balanced diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle that for me includes making my own juice.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    How do you lose fibre when your juicing the whole thing? Nutri bullets etc don't extract the pulp / fibre.
  • Sydking
    Sydking Posts: 317 Member
    asheldon43 wrote: »
    hi anybody else on a juice fast :D

    Does the glass of juice i had with Sundays bacon egg and cheese muffin count?
  • Krau
    Krau Posts: 20
    I do eat my food. I also do not understand how it doesn't make sense to you that taking a large amount of produce (that I could not eat in one day let alone one sitting) and juicing it to condense it to an amount I can consume PLUS eating more fruits and vegetables and other foods throughout the day does not seem to ADD more nutrients to my diet. How does consuming more equal getting less?
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    How do you lose fibre when your juicing the whole thing? Nutri bullets etc don't extract the pulp / fibre.

    We've gone from juice fasting - the thread topic
    - to having a little juice
    - and now we're not even talking about juicing?
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    How do you lose fibre when your juicing the whole thing? Nutri bullets etc don't extract the pulp / fibre.

    Then that's not juicing.

    gerund or present participle: juicing

    1. extract the juice from (fruit or vegetables).

    Also, what is the point of putting all that stuff into a blender? Chewing food has a purpose.

    Of course, chewing is also the essential first step of digestion. Food must be chewed so it can be swallowed easily and, when it arrives into the stomach, be properly digested. Chewing leaves food small enough for the gastric juices in the stomach to further degrade it and reduce it to microscopic size. This allows the nutrients and fluids to be absorbed into your gastrointestinal tract.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I still remember amylase from school.

    Sometimes I wonder about schools in other countries.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Krau wrote: »
    I juice everyday. I have done a 3 day "reboot" twice in the past but mainly make green juices and the occasional "orange" juice and have them every morning and sometimes in the afternoon. I have no issues whatsoever with going over my calories and drinking the juice that I make. Juicing is actually helping you ADD important nutrients. You are not losing them. By juicing the fruits and vegetables you are able to incorporate way more nutrients than you could ever just eat. I also love that the more I juice, the less I crave any food that isn't nutrient dense. Your body develops a preference to that high level of nutrients and eating anything that is bad for you won't even sound appealing. So I 100% support juicing! :)

    You are drinking homemade juice along with your regular meals?

    I love homemade juice, but it does not add any more nutrients than eating the piece of fruit itself. In fact, you need to eat the bulk of your fruits and vegetables for fiber, but there is nothing at wrong with homemade juice as part of your diet of real food.

    Going over calories can lead to weight gain whether or not you "juice."
  • Krau
    Krau Posts: 20
    But I AM getting my fiber because I EAT a balanced diet. I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner EVERY DAY and every single one of those meals includes a fruit, a vegetable, or both. I drink my juice in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon too in addition to eating regular meals. So I am not depriving my body of anything. I also drink plenty of water and incorporate a high quality probiotic into my daily routine so I don't see how I would have any issue that anyone is bringing up
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    asheldon43 wrote: »
    hi anybody else on a juice fast :D

    Not in the sense that I presume you mean it--juice all day all the time. That would not be good.

    Though I like to make the occasional homemade juice.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Krau wrote: »
    People have completely REVERSED many illnesses through juicing. There are a large variety of ways to juice. You can juice and eat or you can just juice and people often juice for 15, 30, or even more days with absolutely no ill effects. You're body is given a break from digesting and your system resets itself and you are getting all of those micronutrients that instantly absorbed into and used by your body. I don't prefer to just juice because I need variety to my diet but I know that many people have done it and after the adjustment period (the first 4 days or so) you can juice comfortably and not be hungry or have any of the side effects that you experience in the first few days of detoxing


    Just no.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    getting popcorn......this is gonna be good

    Can you juice that?

    Yes, but when the fiber is juiced out, all you have is

  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    getting popcorn......this is gonna be good
