hi im looking for fitness buddies



  • lisab553
    Added u chick :)
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Hello LisaB, reading the string I noticed that you say your renouncing chocolate. Why would you do that? Is it because you cannot control yourself around it? I still occasionally have at lease on small piece of dark chocolate. If it’s a control thing just take a small piece with you for lunch every day or so. I keep Ritter Sport Dark Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts and Lindt Dark assortments on hand. Trust me I want to eat it all sometimes but I make myself face that demon and I have that monkey off my back.
    You don’t have to cut things completely out of your diet, just eat the proper portion or even less and account for it in your daily calorie goals.
    My Achilles was alcohol, mostly wine, I have scaled back on all forms but I allow myself to partake on occasions, which has really helped me in my weight loss.
    I wish you the best of luck but do spin a little time evaluating cutting the things that you like completely out of your diet.
    Feel free to add me if you are still looking for fitness pals.
  • lisab553
    Ty for that I've added u chick :)
  • lisab553
    :D hope u lovely lot are having a great Friday13th xxx
  • marcolbmp
    marcolbmp Posts: 92 Member
    For me personally, deleting all those 'bad' things makes me miss it even more. So like stated above, all things in moderation. Have your cheats once in a while, reward yourself. Think of it as testing your will power. Each time you pass, continue to work out and show improvements, you'll be able to look back knowing that you were tested and passed!
  • lisab553
    Ty chick but I've cut out on chocolate I've had it once in the 25 days on here n I've lost a f2f amount of weight I'm just toning up my abs so a nice clean diet with chicken fish veg eggs n also nuts abs are coming along but a long way to go yet but I'm determined to get there it takes a lot ov determination n I will make it to where I want to b n I've added u chick
  • Taylor559
    Taylor559 Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me too.
  • lisab553
    :) added u chick :)
  • frattonpark
    frattonpark Posts: 3 Member
    Hey am needing buddies too, trying my hardest to stick to it this time, tried before and lost nearly a stone, but Christmas happened and now need to lose at least 2 stone... Need all the help I can get and any advice would be greatly appreciated. Please add me as a frien and maybe we can help each other??!! Thanks in advance.....
  • lisab553
    Hi I've added u chick n yes pm me or post on my wall I will b happy to help in any way I can :)
  • lisab553
    Happy Valentine's day
  • eapple87
    eapple87 Posts: 50 Member
    Happy valentine's day! I'm also looking for motivation buddies and would be happy to return the favour!
  • lisab553
    Ty I've added u chick :)
  • cscaife414
    cscaife414 Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm new to this, had it for years, didn't use it. Don't know how to add people yet. I need some motivation please add me.
  • lisab553
    I've added u now u have to go onto where it says friends n accept me :) gl chick if u need any advice just ask
  • MrBrandonTerry
    MrBrandonTerry Posts: 5 Member
    Looking for new friends too. Add me on here and FitBit: https://www.fitbit.com/user/37D2VN
  • Scott2bfit
    Scott2bfit Posts: 24 Member
    Can add me as well. Hopefully, I motivate and encourage that do the same.
  • lisab553
    Added u both
  • lisab553
  • lisab553
    Happy Tuesday everyone :)