Anyone else in their 20s?



  • MissyMissy18
    MissyMissy18 Posts: 315 Member
    from your profile: "He is really supportive but he doesn't get it."

    i. hear. that.
  • mummabearto2
    mummabearto2 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 28, single parent with two little children, studying to be a legal exec and work from home as a home based educator (pre-school teacher), more than happy for anyone to add me i need some helpful MFP friends
  • ThereAgain
    ThereAgain Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I'm in a similar situation too, except I want to loose a lot more weight :)
    22, work in home health, no kids but married to a big one haha :)

    Feel free to add me, I'm very supportive and I'm really going to stick with loosing the weight.
  • Jaysus_The_Jay
    Jaysus_The_Jay Posts: 19 Member
    Fellow used-to-have-an-active-job-now-sits-down-all-day person here!

    I'm 25, weigh 170-175lbs depending on fluctuation and wanna get down to 160
  • I'm a 27 year old mother of one :] about 140-145lbs wanna get to 130 i would love some friends on here to help motivate me to be fit and eat clean xxx add me if you guys like.
  • angelinhell
    angelinhell Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 27, 5'5", married, no kids so I'm fat out of my own greed, also have a desk job sitting 8 hours a day, started on mfp 21 days ago at 205.25lbs, currently 195.25lbs, goal 1 is 154 lbs. My allowance is 1200 calories a day but I do 30 mins of cardio 5-6 times a week and eat back around half-3/4 of my exercise calories earned because 1200 a day is just a bit too low for me. Does encourage me to go to the gym more though!
  • I'm 23 :) correctly in maintenance but trying to work with my calories.Feel free to add :)
  • OIRH
    OIRH Posts: 4 Member
    26 here, deficit for another 7KG and then slowly bulking to increase my muscle mass! On here every day for logging and learning :)
  • Becca_250
    Becca_250 Posts: 188 Member
    I'm very similar to OP and other posts - age 26, 5'4, was 150 now 165, put that on in the last year when started dating also work in an office job. I used to gym 3-4 times a week and eat paleo but stopped after we started dating. My problem is willpower, my head can't get over the fact that if OH is eating pizza, I must be eating pizza too..!
  • jodielarms
    jodielarms Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 26 and a single mom to 2 little boys. I am currently finishing my last semester at school and I have to drive 120 miles a day to get to school and home. So yeah, I spend a lot of time on my butt! I'm 10 pounds away from my pre-baby weight but I need to lose at least 30 to be at the top cut off for a healthy weight for my height.
    Anyone can add me! :)
  • emma_vdv
    emma_vdv Posts: 34 Member
    You can add me, same thing... sit on my butt all day and my boyfriends eating habits are HORRIBLE!

    Same here, I'm 26 and sit at a computer most days at work. My fiancee eats absolute junk too so it's a nightmare at weekends trying to eat anything with real nutritional value!

  • thepinkshoe
    thepinkshoe Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 25 and wanting to lose the weight I have put on from my last two holidays! My goal is to lose 15kgs by August but it won't be the end of it all if I don't get every last kilo off. Feel free to add me as a friend!(this applies to anyone that would like another friend :smile: )
  • rebecca1ane
    rebecca1ane Posts: 5 Member
    Meee hello. I don't have any friends on this as of yet and haven't quite got it all figured out. I'm 23, 5ft8 and weigh just under 13st which was a massive shock. I genuinely thought I weighed 12 at the most and was pretty shocked that my BMI was unhealthy! I've always weighed on the heavy side for my height like when I was a size 8/10 I still weighed a good 10 stone. Having some successes but a few beers is definitely my downfall. Trying hard with the gym but struggling due to a broken ankle in June (which also heavily contributed to weight gain). Feel free to add me as a friend anyone :)
  • adge1475
    adge1475 Posts: 77 Member
    25-year-old, sedentary 8-5 office job. But I work out 6 days a week. Starting weight: 198, current weight: 153. Anyone can add me!! I love new friends :)
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Hello, my name is Jessica. I will be 24 until the end of the month. I am visiting a friend right now on the other side of the country and have decided to take a break from this whole thing. I will be back to what I usually do after my birthday. I am going for the bulky muscle. So everything I do is going to be about protein and lifting. However, I am cheap so all my stuff will be on a budget.

    If you're about "bulky muscle" then I'm assuming you will be on a calorie surplus, in which case it's not just about protein and lifting. Although if you are looking to drop body fat to expose your existing muscle, then a calorie deficit is important, again not just lifting nad protein. Considering how bare your log is, you may have issues successfully accomplishing a slow bulk or cut without adding too much fat/losing too much muscle, unless you have learned how to eat at a small enough surplus and deficit for your goals without physically tracking.

    I am not about showing existing muscles yet. Later I may be, but for now I just want to look big. I realize there are more things that go into this. However, because I will just be starting this I am just going to focus on consuming more protein and lifting. Later I will change what I do and add more stuff to reach whatever my goal is in the future. I wont focus on the other stuff for at least a couple of months. I started logging in planners, one is for food and one is for exercises. I like the planners better because I can carry them with me, my phone tends to give me issues with this website when I try to log. I have been traveling since the 8th of this month. So my internet has been limited.

    If you want to look big then you'll have to eat at a surplus, otherwise you will basically spin your wheels. Eating at maintenance while learning your lifts is a fine idea though, but if you're not totally new to lifting then you might as well try bulking if you aren't set on definition yet (although having definition does make you look more muscular/bigger). To be honest, I don't think there's much use in logging your food if you're not garnering caloric and macro info from the log itself, since it doesn't really tell you much about how much you are eating. Unless you weigh it all and just track it, then will enter it in much later so you can see on average how much you ate and correlate that with your weight management results?

    All I track in the planner for food is the food/protein per meal. It is set up as a monthly calendar with lines on it so that I can see what I am averaging intake wise in protein. This way I can look at what I ate, how much protein was in it and easily decided how to add more later. For now I am not worrying about the calories. I am just trying to get myself used to eating lots of protein again. In the past (few years ago) when I was focusing on protein levels I was drinking protein shakes. I do not want to do that anymore I just want my protein from food, so now I am focusing on which foods have protein in them and if I like them or not. Later I will focus on the calories in the food.

    Are you tracking the protein by weighing it or by figuring out how many grams you are consuming? So like, if you need 100g then you are tracking the weight of the protein source you are eating and then marking down how many grams that gives you? That is really the best way to ensure you're eating enough protein. Totally fine to focus on that for now if you aren't actively trying to change your weight right now, or that's not your main concern. But as far as protein powder/shakes go, those are totally fine to include in your diet! I do, although I rarely drink them as-is now. I actually almost always use them in baking now. So protein pancakes, protein baked oatmeal, protein banana bread.. it's a great way to increase your protein intake while still enjoying very carb-heavy foods so that you can still meet your goals.
  • ritchiehl
    ritchiehl Posts: 64 Member
    I fit right in here! I'm 27 5'5" weighing about 171lbs currently. I'd love to be 150-155. Like a lot of you I have some baby weight and some *kitten* eating habits that I learned from the hubs. Add me!