Fat lose with processed/packet/canned



  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    You gotta be a troll. My skinny 6 year old son eats around 1500 a day. EAT MORE.

    Look at his other posts. I think he's an actual poster. Who doesn't have a clue.
    He's posted on several other threads about eating junk food and wanting to get "ripped".

    Actually I am very depress now and need advise and motivation :\ , all my post about eating junk food is because i want to know that losing fat and get ripped is all about calories in vs out, im not a big fans of junk food. Your words here kinda hurt me a lot.

    Don't be hurt, we want you to be healthy. You don't need to eat junk food. You just need to eat-more, whatever. Eat your maintenance calories at least. Have you calculated them?

    yes, is around 1900kcal per day and that is 57kg with BF that is below 10%. From the view of BMI i will be nearly underweight with that goal but that is my goal before i start to bulk up and gain muscle.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Although it is not recommended in terms of overall health but for fat loss i think it is easier to track those calories from canned or processed food since the calories are provided. I know that some company might waived out the calories if the macros is below than 4g and this is a huge difference when it comes to 4g of fat which will give 36kcal. But if at the end of the day you give add additional 20% of total calories intake to your diary then it should be fine.

    Im 174cm 22 y/o M currently weight 62.3kg with around 15% BF, my target is to get ripped (7% BF) before i start to bulk up. I still got fat around my tummy but i know it took time. Since this cutting phase is temporary, can i just eat those food to reach my goals? i.e packed cookies, canned sardines.

    My current daily calories intakes is 500kcal-1000kcal per day and i know it is insanely low but through out the day i just play computer games with 1 hour weightlift at gym so it is fine since im not moving at all. i stuck at 62-63kg for 3 to 4 days but i willing to wait for another 2 more days to see the scale moving before i "pull my hair off".

    Please give some advise or recommendation TQ

    No. It's not okay. That's not even enough to sustain your body if you were in a coma much less lifting weights at the gym for an hour.
    arditarose wrote: »
    You gotta be a troll. My skinny 6 year old son eats around 1500 a day. EAT MORE.

    Look at his other posts. I think he's an actual poster. Who doesn't have a clue.
    He's posted on several other threads about eating junk food and wanting to get "ripped".

    Actually I am very depress now and need advise and motivation :\ , all my post about eating junk food is because i want to know that losing fat and get ripped is all about calories in vs out, im not a big fans of junk food. Your words here kinda hurt me a lot.

    Don't be hurt, we want you to be healthy. You don't need to eat junk food. You just need to eat-more, whatever. Eat your maintenance calories at least. Have you calculated them?

    yes, is around 1900kcal per day and that is 57kg with BF that is below 10%. From the view of BMI i will be nearly underweight with that goal but that is my goal before i start to bulk up and gain muscle.

    Please seek professional help. You can and will do harm to your body if you continue, and I assure you there will be no "getting ripped" involved.
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    You gotta be a troll. My skinny 6 year old son eats around 1500 a day. EAT MORE.

    Look at his other posts. I think he's an actual poster. Who doesn't have a clue.
    He's posted on several other threads about eating junk food and wanting to get "ripped".

    Actually I am very depress now because the scale does not move and from the mirror i cant see any improvement of fat loss, I really need advise and motivation :\ , all my post about eating junk food is because i want to know that losing fat and get ripped is all about calories in vs out, im not a big fans of junk food. Your words here kinda hurt me a lot.
    English is not your first language, I presume. Perhaps I misunderstood your posts. But that's what I understood.

    Yes my primary language is chinese, i admit that my english is poor. Since last year February i have dropped down from 80kg to 63kg. The main reason is because break up in relationship, this is why i am so depress and sad right now when i cant see any improvement in fat loss. Please bare with my poor english, really sorry for that.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited January 2015
    You gotta be a troll. My skinny 6 year old son eats around 1500 a day. EAT MORE.

    Look at his other posts. I think he's an actual poster. Who doesn't have a clue.
    He's posted on several other threads about eating junk food and wanting to get "ripped".

    Actually I am very depress now because the scale does not move and from the mirror i cant see any improvement of fat loss, I really need advise and motivation :\ , all my post about eating junk food is because i want to know that losing fat and get ripped is all about calories in vs out, im not a big fans of junk food. Your words here kinda hurt me a lot.
    English is not your first language, I presume. Perhaps I misunderstood your posts. But that's what I understood.

    Yes my primary language is chinese, i admit that my english is poor. Since last year February i have dropped down from 80kg to 63kg. The main reason is because break up in relationship, this is why i am so depress and sad right now when i cant see any improvement in fat loss. Please bare with my poor english, really sorry for that.
    All I am saying is: stop starving yourself. FUEL your body. Be healthy.

  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    when you eat at a calorie deficit you will lose fat but you wont gain much of any muscle(maybe some newbie gains if you've never lifted before). you will just preserve what you have. to gain muscle you have to eat over your maintenance(a surplus).you have to have some body fat for your organs to work properly.Also people that body build to get ripped most of them avoid prepackaged foods,and eat mostly lean meats,whole grains,fruits,veggies,nuts,etc It works better when you avoid the junk foods.Food packaging info is NOT accurate. serving sizes tend to be off which means calories will be off. you need to weigh your food if trying to lose weight. from what I have read and researched is-that you will get cut faster if you eat healthy foods.but you cant cut and expect to gain muscle on a deficit. The muscle will show more when you cut
  • CEGrant501
    I think you're going about this backwards. Don't lose weight to get to a certain body fat % and then gain muscle. Concentrate on gaining muscle FIRST. Then you can worry about your body fat %. If your maintenance is 1900 kcal, then eat at least that much on rest day and more on lifting days.

    Also, throw out your scale. It is useless to you now. You will be gaining muscle, and focusing on your weight is going to freak you out. In order to get the ripped look, you are going to need to ADD weight, not lose it.

    I would also just avoid the calipers for at least a few months. Commit to doing 3 months of lifting, with no scales and no calipers. Checking every day or week is just going to cause you doubt yourself and stop eating.

    As others have said, eating less is the last thing you want to do. Eat more. Get lots of protein. At least 150 grams a day, in my opinion.

    Finally, to address your earlier question regarding packaged food, I am somewhat neutral on this. I prefer "real" food--whole grain breads, deli meats, rice, chicken, fresh fruits and vegetables. But I do indulge in the convenience of a protein bar from time to time.

  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    when you eat at a calorie deficit you will lose fat but you wont gain much of any muscle(maybe some newbie gains if you've never lifted before). you will just preserve what you have. to gain muscle you have to eat over your maintenance(a surplus).you have to have some body fat for your organs to work properly.Also people that body build to get ripped most of them avoid prepackaged foods,and eat mostly lean meats,whole grains,fruits,veggies,nuts,etc It works better when you avoid the junk foods.Food packaging info is NOT accurate. serving sizes tend to be off which means calories will be off. you need to weigh your food if trying to lose weight. from what I have read and researched is-that you will get cut faster if you eat healthy foods.but you cant cut and expect to gain muscle on a deficit. The muscle will show more when you cut

    I know gaining muscle and fat lose cannot be done at the same time, my goal is to lose fat. I think you misunderstanding my point here, i want to get lean before i start to bulk. Sorry for my poor english that lead to misunderstanding.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    You gotta be a troll. My skinny 6 year old son eats around 1500 a day. EAT MORE.

    Look at his other posts. I think he's an actual poster. Who doesn't have a clue.
    He's posted on several other threads about eating junk food and wanting to get "ripped".

    Actually I am very depress now because the scale does not move and from the mirror i cant see any improvement of fat loss, I really need advise and motivation :\ , all my post about eating junk food is because i want to know that losing fat and get ripped is all about calories in vs out, im not a big fans of junk food. Your words here kinda hurt me a lot.

    Forget the scale, eat more food, and pick up heavy things, then put them down, rinse and repeat. Do this for a year and don't even bother looking at a scale. Seriously dude, you need more muscle, not less.


  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Your BMI at your reported weight is Healthy, and I can see muscles already in your photo. I think you are being way too hard on yourself.

    Is there some reason you need to play computer games all day long (for example, if you earn money that way)? If not, perhaps you could do something different to get out of the house and interact with people, like furthering your education, reading, enjoying a nature walk, etc.? I wonder if you could focus a bit more on improving your mind rather than worrying about getting "ripped" which I am not sure is the secret to happiness.

    Best wishes, and please do take care of yourself! :)
  • CEGrant501
    CEGrant501 Posts: 15
    edited January 2015
    I understand that your goal is to lose weight before you gain muscle. My point is that is a very inefficient way to go about it. So I'm afraid I have nothing else to add that will help, but I do wish you the best in life and health.
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 389 Member
    edited January 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »

    Just food for thought, MrM27. OP seems a bit confused where to start, and seems on a path towards doing his body more harm as he will start to lose muscle mass if he sustains the calorie level he states and only sits at computers all day. Just throwing in some websites to start him researching. I briefly googled these, if you have more detailed and useful information, please help enlighten him by posting them.
  • ferdinandthong
    ferdinandthong Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks for all the advice, now i slowly increase my calories as i knw sudden jump from super low calories to maintenence might lead to gaining more fat because my metabolism might be damaged. I will start from 1200kcal per day and slowly increase 100kcal weekly.