10 pounds lighter and tighter by April - Support thread!



  • lisame84
    This may sound kind of dumb, but I've found that saying or thinking about having to work out sounds like a chore and I dread it. Instead, in my mind I think about having "fun time" when I get home from work and I kind of look forward to it like its recess from elementary school or something. Whatever works, right?
  • haleigh29
    haleigh29 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm in. Losing 10 lbs will put me at my goal weight. CW 139. GW 129.
  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    I managed to get to the gym this evening and so glad i went. I'd been away for a month and since i've been back (last week) i've had such a hard time getting my head back into the right place with the structure and daily routine that i need. I also reconnected with a running buddy and we've made plans for the weekend. Now i just need to get my fridge stocked with the things that make staying on track simple.
    Today was a good day...exercise, stayed on track with my calories and positive plans for the weekend. B)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm looking forward to my check-in tomorrow. I FEEL like I've been doing really well. Time will tell. (And even if the scale is up, I know I'm still awesome anyway!) B)
    WWnot wrote: »
    I actually prefer running in the cold weather since I can add or remove a layer if necessary. Can't remove a layer in the summer; I think it's illegal!

    @MsTracy1972 - Nice going on that step count! How did you get all those steps? When I used to have my step counter on during the day, I'd get to about 4000 on the average, not very active day.

    @allthewayk - Congrats on 5 lbs!

    @jonikayrn - I can't sleep if I'm too hungry either, which sucks cause I'm trying not to eat more than 3 times a day (unless my snack is a veggie or sometimes a fruit). The other day I had dinner around 6:00, and then went to choir, but I didn't get home until 10:30, and I was really hungry. I had an apple and it did the trick! Make sure you are eating enough at each meal. I sometimes will add a healthy fat (ie avocado, flax oil, etc) and remember the fiber, to keep yourself feeling fuller for longer. Bananas are my go to, as well, but I am trying to limit those.

    @faelight - Way to go with the portions! That IS a big deal!

    @huango - That photo is definitely worse than what we got! WOW! Are you only eating 700 calories 2 days a week? Just cause you're short doesn't mean you should starve! Exercise more and eat more! (Just concerned.)

    @hither2012 - I think my weigh-ins will be on Fridays as well. Weekends never used to be so challenging for me, but we know when they are coming, so if we prepare, we can definitely handle them! Also, once you get bit by the exercise bunny enough times, you will be loving it! Getting into the swing of it is a fun adventure, and then you will be on your way.

    @sellerskennington - My advice is: eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full. If you ate enough, but MFP says you "should" eat more, who cares? What matters is how you feel. I wouldn't worry about it. I used to have the same thing happen to me. That's my 2 cents. :)

    @jlkermode - I'm trying to cook more as well. Got the gym schedule basically down pat! But if I could make some more tasty stuff from scratch, I think I would be more willing to eat better too.

    @lisame84 - Enjoy your "fun time"! I think that's awesome! Sometimes I think of it as "DPA" (Daily Physical Activity) which the kids are doing now in schools. All the kids look forward to it, and practically beg for it. Definitely a fun activity!

    ***BED TIME***
  • jlkermode
    jlkermode Posts: 82 Member
    Steph_135 wrote: »
    I'm looking forward to my check-in tomorrow. I FEEL like I've been doing really well. Time will tell. (And even if the scale is up, I know I'm still awesome anyway!) B)
    YES! We are still awesome!

    Friday weigh in: 140 lbs. Which is actually 3 lbs less than the beginning of this week. I am three weeks into the Strong Curves weight training program, after I took a longer-than-planned holiday break! I find that my muscles retain a lot of water to help repair them after beginning a new exercise routine. So, I think my body is finally adjusting and HOPEFULLY the weight loss will catch up!

    Challenge for this next wk: Traveling to a work conference Mon-Thurs and I know it will be hard to moderate eating and drinking in a networking atmosphere. My plan is to carry protein bars and remember the big picture!

    Happy Friday, all!

  • faelight
    faelight Posts: 58 Member
    Can I just say, you guys ROCK?!!!!

    (*) B) (*)

  • vivrevotrevie
    vivrevotrevie Posts: 80 Member
    Hello ladies! I would love to join this thread. I am a week behind, but will pick up the slack!

    Success of the week: Getting to the gym regularly for spin class!

    Room for improvement: Getting those late night snacks out of the house. For some reason lately I keep grabbing snacks at the store. Have to kick that habit! :)
  • estrella8282
    estrella8282 Posts: 5 Member
    I've lost 3lbs already :D:D
  • angela101427
    angela101427 Posts: 19 Member
    I've been sick for two days with a cold haven't had the energy to workout :( . good news is I still managed to lose 1lb :)

    keep up the great work guys (*)
  • iamburke
    iamburke Posts: 51 Member
    Congrats to all the people who lost this week! For me it's the end of my first week....I'm down 2.2. But can't get too happy as the weekend approaches. My fiancé comes down and we like to go to a pub. I'm afraid I'll gain my loss back this weekend. So I have to be careful and mindful .
    Hopefull I won't ruin my hard work that I did this week ..I love work out classes at the gym e music and the instructor pushing you. But I was so SORE all day yesterday ...today I had to take the day off. Hope everyone has a great weekend !
  • MsTracy1972
    MsTracy1972 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey All!!!

    Steph_135..I have a pretty sedentary job, but we have 3 flights of stairs in our building. Sometimes, I have to go up and down them several times a day (I have a pact with my boss that if he sees me taking the elevator to embarrass me) So If I look at the elevator, I feel horrible. :). Walking on the treadmill adds to it too.

    Did legs today...treadmill on an incline, worked with the ball exercise ball, squats. I have a hard time adding that to my exercise activity, as its not in the system. I did it though!

    Craving salty today...ate 1.5 cups of microwave popcorn..now I want sweet :smiley: . Think I will eat this pear I have. Aha! no McDonalds Ice Cream!!! Yayy for me.

    OK everyone, its been a good week, everyone has done marvelous!!! Its Friday, the weekend is here, lets take it day by day (I need to, there will be tons of food I dont need to eat, that I will ONLY nibble on). Good luck and Go Seahawks!!!
  • maggierenee88
    maggierenee88 Posts: 352 Member
    Hey lady! I'm in too

    5'6, 26
    Sw: 230
    Cw: 137
    Gw: 130
  • AmandaCherie92
    I'm in. I have really let my self go after some unfortunate events in my life. Food was my comfort. I gained 20 lbs in 2 years. I am 5'3 and my SW was 148 I am now 142, after 20 days of watching what I eat and exercising 6 days a week. My GW is 120, but I would like to gain some muscle so if I don't make it to 120 I won't be disappointed. As long as I'm healthy and like the way I look.
  • jonikayrn
    jonikayrn Posts: 18 Member
    @Steph_135‌ You mentioned that you try to eat only 3 times per day. I try to eat every 3-4 hours. Smaller meals, but more often. I haven't eaten below 1200 calories again and it's going much better. Haven't tossed and turned from being hungry anymore.
  • jonikayrn
    jonikayrn Posts: 18 Member
    It seems that almost everyone here is exercising. I decided to wait several weeks before starting. I want to definitely see weight loss right away to say motivated. Once I've lost 5 pounds or so a little muscle gain won't be as terrifying! I'm being so careful with my diet. I went several years without even trying to watch my intake. Now, 50 lbs later, I really regret how I've let my health suffer. This weight is coming off people!!! Thanks for being here! It's great that we can encourage each other!!!☺
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    I love people checking in, with all the great news.
    Great job! Way to go!

    It's 30days of no night-time snacking: go me!

    I'm also doing well on smaller portions.
    DH made yummy homemade pizza: 1 Hawaiian and 1 w/ spicy chicken sausage.
    In the past, I would gobble through 2-3 slices before looking up.
    But tonight, I drank a big glass of water before eating. Then I slowly ate 1 slice.
    I then cut half of a slice and ate that slowly. So just 1.5 slices and I was very full!
    Yup: no giving up anything for me; just smaller portion or delayed treats (spread out throughout the week).

    Oh, I do have a CON:
    - saying goodbye to my little boobies again.
    That's how I know I'm gaining a lot of weight: I actually will look like I have boobs.
    But I'm going back to a size B-/A+ cup size.

    But my love handles are shrinking also. I'll take that.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    p.s So excited: we are adopting a 2.5yrs old shar pei!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Checking in:

    SW: 170
    CW: 166.8
    GW (April 1): 160

    I released 3 lbs this week.
    jlkermode wrote: »
    I find that my muscles retain a lot of water to help repair them after beginning a new exercise routine. So, I think my body is finally adjusting and HOPEFULLY the weight loss will catch up!
    If you are adjusting, then I must have just started to adjust after nearly 6 months of going to the gym and working my butt off! Haha. Congrats on your (similar) loss!

    @vivrevotrevie - Getting rid of snacks is something that helps me immensely! I recently was starting a coffee addiction, and after seeing my naturopath again, I was inspired to throw the rest of it out. (I also enjoyed it cause I know coffee grounds can be used as an anti-odour solution to garbage.) ;) Get rid of any habits that do not serve your goals.

    @estrella8282 - ANOTHER 3 lb loss! Way to go!

    @iamburke - Mindfulness is KEY! Best wishes, and congrats to you too.

    @MsTracy1972 - Very inspiring with those steps, considering your daily work. :) Good for you, for making it work! I have that "I ate salty, now I want sweet" thing going on too. I also had some homemade popcorn tonight. Can't say I didn't have a little sweetish wine this evening. :p

    @maggierenee88 - Congrats on your overall progress so far! That's super amazing!

    @jonikayrn - My 3 meals have been more like 4 lately too. I'm trying my best, but I need a few more calories at each meal in order to make it... Especially at breakfast - I usually just eat 3 eggs and some salad leaves and then it's off to work! Doesn't hold me very long.

    CONGRATS to anyone I missed! You are all amazing and inspiring! I'm glad we can share this journey.
  • cmanitowabi
    cmanitowabi Posts: 17 Member
    In-home workout DVD's and YouTube are what gets me by, since I cringe at the thought of going out in the cold to drive to the gym and a membership isn't really in the budget at the moment. And cutting portions in half of what I would normally eat, lots and lots of water and coffee was serving no purpose but making me want to sit in the morning and watch tv or just drink more coffee..2 weeks no coffee:D
  • mlssalnrd
    Yesterday was a disaster. I woke up and just knew it was not going to be a nice day, so I just did not even try to stick to my diet.
    I survived the day and gained a half pound. My question to my self is:
    Is the occasional day off from diet an emotionally healthy way to deal with lifes stresses or
    am I just taking advantage of a bad day to skip the diet?

    How do you handle your diet on a bad day?
  • jlkermode
    jlkermode Posts: 82 Member
    mlssalnrd wrote: »
    Yesterday was a disaster. I woke up and just knew it was not going to be a nice day, so I just did not even try to stick to my diet.
    I survived the day and gained a half pound. My question to my self is:
    Is the occasional day off from diet an emotionally healthy way to deal with lifes stresses or
    am I just taking advantage of a bad day to skip the diet?

    How do you handle your diet on a bad day?

    I don't think you gained half a pound in one day... It was most likely water weight and literally the weight of the food you ate that was in your stomach.

    Just don't get too down on yourself for having a bad day! We all have them! Accept that and re motivate yourself to get back on the program! Today- eat healthy, go for a jog to relieve stress, and tell yourself you are going through all this because you are worth it!