
Has anyone had any problems with this diet pill! Or any success!


  • I'm on it now. Started 1-15-15 at 232 now today I'm down to 218
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Oh my gosh OP. Do a search, this topic has been discussed endlessly.
  • So what @Laurend224‌ who are you the MVP Police? Dam
  • MFP
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    Oh my gosh OP. Do a search, this topic has been discussed endlessly.

    Its possible that she hasn't quite mastered the site like a veteran such as yourself. No need to be rude
  • fish2find
    fish2find Posts: 221 Member
    She has had 7 posts to become a board expert, no excuses. (JKJK)
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member

    Here. This should get you started. OP, I can only say that I lost weight with phentermine, but to me the side effects were not worth it.

    I wish you luck with whatever you chose.
  • Ddonna82
    Ddonna82 Posts: 48 Member
    Well Laurens224, maybe this topic has been discussed, but not by me* And I wanted to know and that's why I asked! You didn't have to comment you could of just scrolled down to the next! Any who lol thanks for the response kre4kre, my doctor prescribed for me and I read many reviews, but I've just been very undecided about filling the prescription!! Kre4Kre have you had any of the side affects they listed!
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Ddonna82 wrote: »
    Well Laurens224, maybe this topic has been discussed, but not by me* And I wanted to know and that's why I asked! You didn't have to comment you could of just scrolled down to the next! Any who lol thanks for the response kre4kre, my doctor prescribed for me and I read many reviews, but I've just been very undecided about filling the prescription!! Kre4Kre have you had any of the side affects they listed!

    If you stay around here for very long, you will find that some topics have been discussed ad nauseum. Lauren was actually trying to give you a little help and you cop an attitude. You are not going to find much support on this site for drug assisted weight loss. You might consider toning it down a notch.
  • Ddonna82
    Ddonna82 Posts: 48 Member
    Well I disagree I felt that she was being rude and so did other people!!! And you can just keep scrolling down also! This site has so many topics that are discussed repeatedly,so if you or anybody else has a problem with people asking questions, then that's your problem, you don't have to comment on anything! Just read and move on to the next one!!
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Welcome to the Internet. You ask a question on a public forum, you get what you get. I love for people to ask questions, I take exception when someone asks a question and then gets mad when they don't hear what they want to hear. And just like you get to ask whatever you want, I get to answer whatever I want, that's kinda how a message board works.
  • francesmarieg
    francesmarieg Posts: 75 Member
    I have taken Phentermine! While I DID lose weight... I also had horrible headaches and loss of appetite. While my friends were full of energy on it, I had the opposite effect. My headaches were so bad that I was always laying down and think that I only lost weight because I wasn't eating! Everyone's body is different... So try it and see how it affects you!
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    I was on phentermine and it made me very cranky / anxious. I just did not feel myself. Also for the first two weeks it works pretty well and after that only worked for half the day, and the rest of the day I'd just wanna eat.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I briefly took Phentermine. I do not recommend it.
  • Ddonna82
    Ddonna82 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks everyone, like I said I've been very indecisive about this, but your responses has helped a lot!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    It's dangerous to take. Don't take it OP. There is 0 reason to put that junk into your body.
  • makelemonade14
    makelemonade14 Posts: 46 Member
    edited January 2015
    I took it for 6 weeks while I adjusted my eating habits and started daily exercise. I had dry mouth, extra sweating, cold hands and feet, and a couple days of initial jitteriness. I'm on my 3rd day off, and other than feeling extra tired for the first 2 days I'm feeling fine. I lost 29 pounds and it gave me enough control over my appetite to focus on eating well and beginning my exercise routine. My cravings are back and I'm thinking about food more, but so far I'm doing well off it.

    I was very ready to start a new way of life, and used it as a tool to get started. I knew it wasn't going to be my ticket to weight loss, a calorie deficit (long term!) is the ticket. I still have another 55 pounds to lose, but I have the confidence to get there now. My weight loss is stabilizing to 2 pounds/wk and the good habits are feeling more natural, so it seemed like the right time to drop the pills to me.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    edited January 2015
    I have not taken Phentermine, but I know enough about it from the forum topics (the reason people recommended a search and that link was due to the fact that there are Phentermine threads that pop up at least once a day, or every few days).

    I personally would not recommend it; it's essentially legal speed, and I have read some horrible side effects that people have experienced on it. If you do consider going on it, make sure you are getting it from a reputable doctor. Also make sure you are cleared medically, and have no conditions that could become worse or dangerous while taking it. I have a heart arrythmia called supraventricular tachycardia; something I've had from birth; and if I was to take it (I never would!), my tachycardia could become bad enough to require me to become hospitalized. Tachycardia, an excessive heart rate, is also a side effect of this drug. It is not due to a valve problem like people with other forms of tachycardia, but it can cause a dangerous rise in your heart rate.

    I can tell you from personal experience you do NOT want to experience what the ER does to combat a tachycardia episode! It involves an incredibly uncomfortable IV drug that temporarily "stops" your heart, and it is not a pleasant feeling.

    I really would recommend using the search function to research some questions or tips for your personal goals, and pursue your weight loss through a calorie deficit and exercise. I would also recommend dropping the money used on a Phentermine prescription on a food scale, and some cute workout clothes. Also, utilize these forums for any questions about exercise routines, food, ect. It is free.
  • Bustergirl14
    Bustergirl14 Posts: 69 Member
    It can be a tool, but it is not a quick fix. I've used it in the past and I lost quite a bit of weight but I felt weird all the time and I don't like not feeling like myself. Once I stopped taking it I gained back all of the weight I lost and more because I didn't make any real, long lasting changes to my life style. I would never take it again or advise a friend to take it.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Kre: 14 lb in 14 days is not healthy, unless you're starting out with a BMI in the 40's or above, and even then your doctor would probably tell you to up your calories a bit.

    OP: Here's the search page. It's linked at the top of each forum page.

    Here's the search on phentermine.

    I used phentermine for several months when I started seriously trying to get my eating under control so I could lose weight.
    It was amazing that suddenly I was _not_ hungry, after being ravenous pretty much constantly for so long I can't remember not being hungry.
    As I'd hoped, it reset my hunger to a normal level and that has continued even now that I don't take it. (Or rather, rarely take it. I do use it once in a while if I know I have a long day ahead & won't be able to eat at my normal times.)

    It does not lose the weight for you, it controls your hunger so you can eat less.
    That's all it does.
    You have to choose to eat less, you have to choose to exercise.
    It will help you learn to eat normal-size portions, so that once you stop taking it you'll be eating healthy. (If you don't learn, you'll be just like bustergirl... gaining it all back because you didn't change your life. But that's not the fault of the medicine.)

    It can have side effects, and everyone is different as to what they experience.
    The only 'problem' I had, and it was very minor, was that my blood pressure was slightly elevated.
    That's it.
    No psychosis, peeling skin, racing thoughts, pounding heart, ER visit, etc.

    Try it for a few weeks, see if it works for you (it might not). If your problem is not overwhelming/uncontrollable hunger, then it might not be what you need to help you lose weight.
    athijade wrote:
    It's dangerous to take
    No, it's not. The old phen/fen combination was damaging to the heart, that's why the fen part was taken off the market. There's nothing wrong with the phen part.
    Yes, it's related to amphetamine. But amphetamine wears ratty jean shorts, dreadlocks, and is stoned under a bridge. Phentermine wears a tux to dinner and eats lobster at the nicest restaurant in town.
    Now, if someone has other medical issues (which could be exacerbated by the potential side effects, such as high blood pressure) or the tendency to get addicted, it's probably a bad idea to try phentermine.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have not taken Phentermine, but I know enough about it from the forum topics (the reason people recommended a search and that link was due to the fact that there are Phentermine threads that pop up at least once a day, or every few days).

    I personally would not recommend it; it's essentially legal speed, and I have read some horrible side effects that people have experienced on it. If you do consider going on it, make sure you are getting it from a reputable doctor. Also make sure you are cleared medically, and have no conditions that could become worse or dangerous while taking it. I have a heart arrythmia called supraventricular tachycardia; something I've had from birth; and if I was to take it (I never would!), my tachycardia could become bad enough to require me to become hospitalized; tachycardia, an excessive heart rate, is also a side effect of this drug. It is not due to a valve problem like people with other forms of tachycardia, but it can cause a dangerous rise in your heart rate.

    I can tell you from personal experience you do NOT want to experience what the ER does to combat a tachycardia episode! It involves an incredibly uncomfortable IV drug that temporarily "stops" your heart, and it is not a pleasant feeling.

    I really would recommend using the search function to research some questions or tips for your personal goals, and pursue your weight loss through a calorie deficit and exercise. I would also recommend dropping the money used on a Phentermine prescription on a food scale, and some cute workout clothes. Also, utilize these forums for any questions about exercise routines, food, ect. It is free.

  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    I just started taking it so would be interested in hearing how other people get on x
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Yeah there are loads of threads on this topic.
    Yes I've used it, I was a sleep deprived, manic depressed mess! I've never had a hint of depression before or after using phentermine. I can't even tell you if I lost weight on, because I honestly can't remember! !
  • piercej12
    piercej12 Posts: 6 Member
    I like this stuff called "Kaloriendefizit." It works great. I think it's German, or something
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Also this stuff nearly split my hubby and I up. I was a different person.
    piercej12 wrote: »
    I like this stuff called "Kaloriendefizit." It works great. I think it's German, or something

    Haha I concur :D:D

  • rcottonrph1
    rcottonrph1 Posts: 60
    edited January 2015
    I am a pharmacist and I strongly discourage use of this dangerous and addictive drug. Is the possibility of dependence, drug induced psychosis, and cardiac problems worth losing a few pounds? Especially since you cannot be on the drug long term and will only gain the weight back when you go off it!

    My customers ask me about diet pills and supplements all the time. I tell them all the same thing...If there were a solution in a the form of a pill, I'd know about it and be thin by now.

    Yet here I am on MFP logging my food. Eating less and moving more. It isn't glamorous....but it works and it isn't dangerous
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Ddonna82 wrote: »
    Has anyone had any problems with this diet pill! Or any success!

    Problems? Yes. I personally know someone who had a heart attack taking it. I also had a friend who took it and developed hallucinations because she never slept.
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    I've tried numerous diet pills and they haven't worked for me. However, I started eliminating carbs last week and have lost 4 pounds already. Yes, I know that's mostly water weight, but it's a start, and the scale is moving quicker than it ever has. I just load up on eggs, lean meat, and veggies.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I've tried numerous diet pills and they haven't worked for me. However, I started eliminating carbs last week and have lost 4 pounds already. Yes, I know that's mostly water weight, but it's a start, and the scale is moving quicker than it ever has. I just load up on eggs, lean meat, and veggies.

    We're all the ones you tried over the counter? The one she is talking about is prescription and will work but can have dangerous side effects.

    Veggies have carbs...