Is phentermine safe ?! Please help !!



  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    What have you done, to help your weight loss in the two months since he prescribed them?

    This. Because these things are temporary, and it's about the habits you establish with (or without) the assistance of the pills.

    I don't have anything against diet pills generally speaking, as long as they are used short term and with the intent to help you create healthy habits long term.

    That said, I was prescribed Phentermine in the beginning of this whole weight loss thing - I took it for a few days and I seriously (SERIOUSLY) felt terrible. I was unbalanced, grumpy, angry, tired but wired and just not myself. So I stopped taking them (in the nine months since, I've lost 69 pounds). I would not recommend them to anyone, based on that.

    I wish you luck with your decision.
  • jordanmyrick100
    I was on it for nearly 2mths. In that time I didn't sleep more than 2-3 hours a night, I became a depressed emotional mess, it was just plain awful!!
    Yes, it does work for some people with no side effects. But my question is what will happen when you come off it?? Your appetite will return and you will struggle to sustain the low calories you were on while taking phentermine

    Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I appreciate it. :)

  • jordanmyrick100
    Does it work? Yes, but the side effects are dangerous for many. I have taken it and when I took it at the dose prescribed (30mg 2x daily) I barely could eat 400 calories a day and I was up most of the night for the first few months. Can people get addicted? Yes, I never did though. I've heard it's similar to speed. The only recreational drug I have done is pot back in the day so I can't say if it's true or not. Do whatever works for you, but I wouldn't take it again. It was one of the dumbest diet ideas I tried.

    Thank you, its good to know that not everyone who takes the drug , gets addicted. :)
  • jordanmyrick100
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    I was on phentermine for over a year( shady weight loss clinic, don't ask) I went from 225 to 140. I had all kinds of crazy side effects, but it didn't matter to me, because I was thin. By the time I went off them, I was pretty much addicted. I went off to have another baby and gained 100 lbs during that pregnancy.

    Some of my side effects were:
    Dry mouth so bad I wound up with tooth damage
    I developed a skin picking disorder
    Completely forgetting to eat, for days

    Does it work? Sure. Will I ever take it again? Nope

    I know some others on here have/are taking it along with diet and exercise and aren't having the side effects I had. I'm glad for them. I'm just putting out there what phentermine did to me.

    I also know women who took it and they lost no weight.

    I can tell you what works, with the only side effect being weight loss. Following a modest deficit and logging your food.
    I'm down 15 lbs in 8 weeks.

    Whatever you choose :) , I wish you luck.

    I appreciate you taking the time to list the side effects, but also telling me the positive side of the pill. Thank you . :)

  • jordanmyrick100
    sunnys1208 wrote: »
    Yes, it works. I have been on it since Nov 2014. Prescribed to take 1 pill daily. I take 1 pill a few days a uweek. I have only taken it two weeks straight one time since I've been on them. I have lost 23lbs and a ton of inches. I cut out all of my diet soda and drink nothing but water. I also make better choices. I did not work out from November until January simply because the doctor told me not to do any exercise to just work on changing my diet. This pill doesn't keep me awake at all and I sleep through the night. I don't take my pill later than 1p.m. The main side affect I have is dry mouth so I am constantly drinking water. I started working out Monday doing zumba for 1 hr and walking 2 miles. I am satisfied with my results thus far considering that I haven't even started my third bottle yet. Again, I don't take daily but I do take several times a week sometimes missing two days in a row intentionally. I do this so that I can train myself for when the pill isn't available. I think I will be fine once I am completely off of the pill. The main thing is don't use it as an easy way out you must be willing to make lifestyle changes along with it. Oh and don't let anyone results from the meds discourage you. The best way to find out how it will affect you is to try it. Everyone is affected different and have different health issues. I wish you the best of luck on your weight loss journey regardless of which route you choose to take.

    Thank you for sharing this with me, and being so nice and encouraging. :)
  • jordanmyrick100

    MKEgal wrote: »
    I did a blog post about prescription weight loss (appetite control) medicines. It has links to more info on most of the drugs.

    Yes, phentermine is safe.
    The part of the phen/fen combination which caused the heart damage has been pulled from the market.

    But if your problem is "stress eating", not uncontrollable hunger, phentermine (or any other appetite suppressant) might not do anything for you. It's not magic, it won't change your habits.

    If you're concerned about addiction, talk with your doctor. That is a reasonable concern.
    As for side effects, most are minor and short-lived.
    The only problem I had, and it was very minor, was that my blood pressure was slightly elevated.
    No jitters, nausea, sleeplessness, addiction... nothing bad at all.

    I was just suddenly and magically _not_ constantly hungry. It was amazing. :relieved:
    With my hunger under control, not controlling me, I was able to learn to eat (and be satsified with) normal-sized portions.
    After a couple months I started using it when I hadn't lost weight the day before, skipping it if I had. Pretty soon I wasn't using it at all. Now I only use it if I know I'll have a long, difficult day, when I won't be able to eat as I normally do.


    Awesome! I will read your post! Thank you! :)

  • jordanmyrick100
    Camo_xxx wrote: »
    Safe , not safe who really knows. But since the FDA approved it and your doctor suggest taking it you certainly have the option. Read the side affects the pharmacy provides you and monitor closely. Discuss with your doctor accordingly.

    If you don't want to rely on luck then be sure to develop the food management skills that failed you while you were becoming obese. You will need these skills to maintain your weight when the drug is no longer being taken.

    Good advice. Thanks :)
  • jordanmyrick100
    I took it in the past and was successful. I had a hard time sleeping for about three days, but it is short term. You really have to try it to see how it will effect you. I didn't have any of those horrible side effects. I've always had decent blood pressure (120/80) but when I took it mine actually dropped to around 110/70. Some people say they have pretty severe side effects though, so it's all relative. I kept the weight off too, until I had my daughter. I gained 50 pounds, ugh. I haven't decided if I will take it again, but it worked for me. Oh...I lost about 35 pounds on it. I went from 225 to 195 in about 3 months. I never felt addicted but I also knew it wasn't meant to be taken for long.

    Congrats on your weight loss ! And thank you for your input! :)

  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    No weight loss pill is safe, and they are not necessary.

    And what medical or pharmaceutical college do you belong to? Stop giving medical advice on an online forum as an uneducated layman.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Zedeff wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    No weight loss pill is safe, and they are not necessary.

    And what medical or pharmaceutical college do you belong to? Stop giving medical advice on an online forum as an uneducated layman.

    Charmed, Zdeff. What medical advice are you referring to? ;)

    The only thing required to lose weight is a calorie deficit. Pills won't work anyway unless you eat less than you burn.
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    Your incorrect pronouncement that no weight loss pill is safe, obviously. Pills such as phentermine are proven in rigorous scientific studies to result in weight loss; the same validation is not true of your unfounded opinion.

    In other words, claiming that a medication prescribed as indicated by a physician is dangerous is ignorant medical advice, and claiming that the pills are ineffective is factually incorrect.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    I used it years ago. It helps with appetite control. It made me racy, fast heartbeat, and mean. It does cut the hunger. It is a legalized speed. Oh, I had issues sleeping sometimes.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited January 2015
    Zedeff wrote: »
    Your incorrect pronouncement that no weight loss pill is safe, obviously. Pills such as phentermine are proven in rigorous scientific studies to result in weight loss; the same validation is not true of your unfounded opinion.

    In other words, claiming that a medication prescribed as indicated by a physician is dangerous is ignorant medical advice, and claiming that the pills are ineffective is factually incorrect.

    So, certainly you're not saying that weight loss pills do work if you don't eat at a calorie deficit? Because, if you are, you are factually incorrect.

    Calories in/calories out is science and, setting aside the way that one chooses to lose weight, eating less than you burn is the only way to lose weight. Common sense and science.

    What "rigorous scientific studies" are you referring to?

    What are your qualifications?

    Oh, and are you reading the replies above regarding symptoms people had? Doesn't sound safe to me.
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »

    So, certainly you're not saying that weight loss pills do work if you don't eat at a calorie deficit? Because, if you are, you are factually incorrect.

    What are your qualifications?

    You're correct; I'm not saying that, I never said that, and you will be unable to quote me saying that because it didn't happen. Thus is known as a straw man argument and is a known logical fallacy.

    Calories in v. Calories out determines whether you are net anabolic or catabolic. Various things including pills can influence either/both the calories in/out side of the equation and are proven to do so, resulting in weight loss.

    My qualifications are my MD degree and registration as a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. And yours are?
  • remmylady1
    remmylady1 Posts: 4 Member
    I am having amazing results. I had a few side effects the only one I still struggle with is dry mouth but I drink a lot of water and chew sugarless gum. It has allowed me to control my food and not have my food control me.

    With that being said I have been working on making major changes in my attitude and my daily life. Without learning how to eat properly, exercise regularly, drink enough fluid to fully sustain you body and realistically learning to love yourself so that you realize you are worth the effort. The drug won't help you. Don't start it until you are absolutely sure that you want to make major life changes.

    Good luck in your journey and always remember it should always about you and not about outside influences.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited January 2015
    It's just an upper.

    Really, if you're going down the pharmaceutical path, you may as well go straight to the most effective weight loss drug of all - cocaine.

    Personally I don't think it makes sense for anybody to take any of that crap.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Zedeff wrote: »
    My qualifications are my MD degree...

    I think Dr. Oz has one of those, too.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited January 2015
    Zedeff wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »

    So, certainly you're not saying that weight loss pills do work if you don't eat at a calorie deficit? Because, if you are, you are factually incorrect.

    What are your qualifications?

    My qualifications are my MD degree and registration as a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. And yours are?

    Many people have MD degrees, including Dr. Oz. Just because someone on the internet says they have an MD does not mean they do, and even if they do it does not mean their advice is golden.

    In fact, if you are an MD, I would think that giving medical advice online without knowing one's medical history would be bad practice.

    Reading what many others have written here in this very thread leads me to believe that it is not safe. It sounds like glorified speed.

    My qualifications? I have a QCS-Queen of Common Sense.

    P.S. Years ago I took diet pills and a liquid diet aid, both of which made my heart race and made me paranoid, just like I was on speed.

  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    You lose weight by eating at a calorie deficit. No weight loss pill is safe, and they are not necessary.

    You can take the pill, but you won't lose weight unless you eat less calories than you burn.

    Why waste money on something that is unnecessary? I'd throw them away.

    Being morbidly obese, you can eat more than the average person and still lose weight.

  • LookAWalrus
    LookAWalrus Posts: 52 Member
    I wish there was a like button so I could button hump SLLRunner. Well said!