I feel like it's a lost cause.



  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    From a totally MOM POV...

    If you are feeling overwhelmed, down, stressed and starting to have some serious self loathing going on...ask your doctor about Post Partum Depression.

    I suffered SIX years with this (that's what happens when you have kids every 21mths). I didn't know what it was, just thought it was all me until I finally talked to my doctor and told her how bad I felt. After some consultation she determined that I was suffering from PPD and that was the beginning of really starting to feel better. It didn't happen overnight but she gave me info and some support networks and such that helped. I learned to focus my energy better and start to truly enjoy being a parent instead of feeling stressed all the time.

    You've lost the weight before and you are more than capable of doing it again. You have a lovely family (my daughter's name is Charlotte too!) and it will happen.

    Good luck.
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    You remind me of myself shortly after I had my son. I didn't know it at the time but now that I look back I was dealing with depression. It sucks when life seems so daunting! After 3 years of suffering and feeling like **** and not having the energy or the zest in life I went and got some prozac. Eventually I felt good again, felt like I could manage, then I got to a point where I was ready to lose weight (for the exact reason you have just mentioned). I didn't want to be a fat, lazy mom. I wanted my child to have a mom that was confident and on top of the world. Since joining in Nov 2012 I have lost 40lbs and finally feel like I think I should, I FEEL GOOD! You can do this, one day at a time...you will get there! It took me until my son was 5 years old to do it but hey, better late then never.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    Pop her in her pram and walk. When you are walking you can't see the piles of house work, you can't comfort eat. It's a bit of exercise and if you have got post natal depression ( get checked out) it will help with that. When you are trapped in your four walls everything will get overwhelming so get out in the fresh air and remind yourself of the big wide world. When your daughter gets older it will be quality time for you both. When you are at home cleaning put music on and dance while your doing it - babies learn to sleep through stuff like this so don't worry about waking her. Eat well and healthily.

    Congratulations on your daughter, and it will get easier with every passing day
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    I joined MFP in April of last year, and by July I had lost 32 pounds. Little known to me, that was just enough weight to boost my fertility, and now I have Charlotte. She is the most beautiful,incredible, and frustrating little person in the world. But, I'm sure most parents feel the same way. I'm back at work now, and I feel like I have no time, and the time I do have I spend cleaning. Why does it never seem to stay clean? I'm finding myself stressed out between bills, Charlotte, work, housework, my boyfriend, and how disgusting I am. I get so overwelmed I just sit on the couch and eat. I feel like I'm getting no support, my mom tells me that it's okay because I just had a baby, my boyfriend tells me I look fine the way I am, and what girl doesn't dream of a man telling them they look fine? He's 6"2' and like 150 pounds, and just keeps losing it by doing nothing. When he's home he just wants to sit around and do nothing. I don't have any friends, I have acquaintances. I have no idea what to do. I don't want to be fat mommy, I want to enjoy how I look in clothes, I want to be a good role model for my daughter. I feel like I'm standing in quick sand, and my fat *kitten* keeps inching further and further towards the bottom.

    You say you have no time, but then you sit on the couch and eat. I know it's hard. I'm a mom of 3, my youngest is 18 months and I've been struggling getting back into shape. I'm with you on the no friends thing- I was a military wife for a while and we moved too much and becoming a mom too often means losing touch with people. You have to want it for yourself. Your moms opinion doesn't matter. Your boyfriend's opinion doesn't matter. What your boyfriend does to stay in shape doesn't matter. ALL that matters is that this is what you want. ALL that matters is that you log your food. Make an effort to exercise. Try to make healthier choices. Drink your water every day. There is a reason people call it a lifestyle change, and not a diet. You really do have to change your lifestyle, including how you deal with stress and the choices you make regarding food. It's not going to happen overnight, but I promise, if you stick with it, you will see some major changes in how you think and how you feel in a month.

    If you think you may have post-partum depression, please be seen by your doctor. It's common, nothing to be ashamed about. I had it after my 2nd son. Medical needs should be addressed before diet and exercise. Good luck!