fine when sober, but when drunk...

so I can eat perfectly as I want to when I'm sober.

as soon as I'm drunk i eat everything! Tonight I've had 2 pieces of pizza, and garlic bread! And a piece of millionaires shortbread.
Tempted to throw up ://

How can I stop myself from eating rubbish when drunk? Obvious is not to keep it in the house but my friends alwyas cook it and I can do nothing to resist.


  • jenglish712
    jenglish712 Posts: 497 Member
    Or you could not get drunk ;)
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Don't drink then. Jinx ^^
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    The only thing to do is to limit alcohol during your weight loss. I'm the same way. If I get tipsy, I'm going to screw up hardcore. so therefore I must not get tipsy. Have ONE alcoholic beverage in a day, drink it slowly and taste it, then stop. Alcohol is full of calories too, so it's a double whammy.

    Don't make yourself barf lol, that's a recipe for disaster for so many reasons.
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    Or you could not get drunk ;)

    haha that would be ideal sadly student lifestyle means i get most of my daily calories from alcohol anyway ahah
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    edited January 2015
    Or you could not get drunk ;)

    haha that would be ideal sadly student lifestyle means i get most of my daily calories from alcohol anyway ahah

    BS excuse. Try again.
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    Yep, the same lack of inhibitions that leads to one night stands also leads to binge-eating lol For many people anyway.

    I actually find that drinking kills my appetite, not just while I'm drinking but all the next day too - which is why, about 6 years ago when I was going through a bit of a partying phase I also lost 20lbs in 2 months.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Now, I remember my student days. I'm not *that* old. ;) I know it's hard not to get smashed esp when everyone else is. But the options are 1. Get smashed, but stay fat, or 2. Do not get smashed, and lose the weight. If you choose option 1, I'm not going to judge you lol. It's just that these two things aren't going to happen at the same time. What if you only get smashed once every couple weeks?
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Or you could not get drunk ;)

    haha that would be ideal sadly student lifestyle means i get most of my daily calories from alcohol anyway ahah

    That's interesting... I'm a student and I've gone 21 almost 22 years without a single sip of alcohol. Excuses, excuses.
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    Or you could not get drunk ;)

    haha that would be ideal sadly student lifestyle means i get most of my daily calories from alcohol anyway ahah

    That's interesting... I'm a student and I've gone 21 almost 22 years without a single sip of alcohol. Excuses, excuses.

    i'm not stopping drinking.
    i'm not asking to do that! i'm asking how i can stop overeating afterwards!
    it's great for you that you don't drink and all but well, i do. i've been doing it since i was 14 and tbh i'd rather eat less so that i can drink more. making pithy comments is absolutely no help.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Or you could not get drunk ;)

    haha that would be ideal sadly student lifestyle means i get most of my daily calories from alcohol anyway ahah

    That isn't funny, it is sad. What other bad choices do you make when drinking?
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    Now, I remember my student days. I'm not *that* old. ;) I know it's hard not to get smashed esp when everyone else is. But the options are 1. Get smashed, but stay fat, or 2. Do not get smashed, and lose the weight. If you choose option 1, I'm not going to judge you lol. It's just that these two things aren't going to happen at the same time. What if you only get smashed once every couple weeks?
    that sounds manageable. once i start i struggle to stop so i think i could do that. or maybe only drink at weekends? or only if i've lost that week?
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Or you could not get drunk ;)

    haha that would be ideal sadly student lifestyle means i get most of my daily calories from alcohol anyway ahah

    That's interesting... I'm a student and I've gone 21 almost 22 years without a single sip of alcohol. Excuses, excuses.

    i'm not stopping drinking.
    i'm not asking to do that! i'm asking how i can stop overeating afterwards!
    it's great for you that you don't drink and all but well, i do. i've been doing it since i was 14 and tbh i'd rather eat less so that i can drink more. making pithy comments is absolutely no help.

    How about only drinking once every 2 weeks? I have a friend who recently lost over 100 lbs in 4.5 months. He also made a promise to himself to only drink once every 2 weeks.
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    Or you could not get drunk ;)

    haha that would be ideal sadly student lifestyle means i get most of my daily calories from alcohol anyway ahah

    That isn't funny, it is sad. What other bad choices do you make when drinking?

    wooooow. loads though. at least when i was on the coke i was thin. wish that was a joke.

    i get that i'm pathetic!! i am well aware ! but i want to be thin and pathetic not fat and pathetic. gods sake. this wasnt like COME AND JUDGE ME at all, i'm asking for advice, and i get the nth degree? thanks yall love this community lol
  • scaryg53
    scaryg53 Posts: 268 Member
    I have found that eating healthier will curtail my drinking. Tracking what I eat makes me make better choices in general.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Seriously, try the every other weekend thing. I myself am doing my best to stick to that schedule. I am no longer a student but I am still and always a party girl. ;) There are also snacks that are far less damaging than others. Have you tried wasabi peas? :D Air popped popcorn, that's good too. When I have my get smashed weekend, I try to plan ahead and make sure I have stuff like that on hand. Also, raw vegetables dipped in hummus. It's all about the planning IMHO.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Oh and do you ever go out clubbing/dancing? If you can have your drinks and also mostly stay on that dance floor, it is wonderful exercise but you aren't thinking about that, you're just feeling great with the music and the lights and the people.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    i get that i'm pathetic!! i am well aware ! but i want to be thin and pathetic not fat and pathetic.

    Whew, thank goodness.

    For a moment there, I thought maybe your priorities might be a bit skewed.
  • jenglish712
    jenglish712 Posts: 497 Member
    Hey, there's no judgement here. But I know when I am going to have more than 2 drinks I need to allot for more calories than just what's in the drinks. I have to figure that in my day, or at least my week. Any more, that's a rare occasion. But I remember in undergrad my motto was, "You would have to eat four bowls of Total, to get the nutrition in one bottle of Wild Turkey!"

    But it's all about choices.
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    i get that i'm pathetic!! i am well aware ! but i want to be thin and pathetic not fat and pathetic.

    Whew, thank goodness.

    For a moment there, I thought maybe your priorities might be a bit skewed. that sarcasm?
    i'm an ex drug user. i smoke far too much and i drink too much alcohol and coffee, i'm mentally ill and i'm nowhere near straight.

    if i'm going to be a stereotypical working class queer pinko commie scumbag at least i don't want to give the daily mail another reason to demonise me, hence the weight loss.
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    Hey, there's no judgement here. But I know when I am going to have more than 2 drinks I need to allot for more calories than just what's in the drinks. I have to figure that in my day, or at least my week. Any more, that's a rare occasion. But I remember in undergrad my motto was, "You would have to eat four bowls of Total, to get the nutrition in one bottle of Wild Turkey!"

    But it's all about choices.

    thank you. feeling pretty attacked actually but not by you! this makes sense. i need to focus more on eating my macros not just calories i think?