fine when sober, but when drunk...



  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    i get that i'm pathetic!! i am well aware ! but i want to be thin and pathetic not fat and pathetic.

    Whew, thank goodness.

    For a moment there, I thought maybe your priorities might be a bit skewed. that sarcasm?
    i'm an ex drug user. i smoke far too much and i drink too much alcohol and coffee, i'm mentally ill and i'm nowhere near straight.

    if i'm going to be a stereotypical working class queer pinko commie scumbag at least i don't want to give the daily mail another reason to demonise me, hence the weight loss.

    Now that you have shared some information about your life, I am a bit concerned. Not judging you at all. It's just that mental health is a huge part of weight loss, weight gain, and any fitness goals for that matter. It is extremely important to be mentally healthy when trying to achieve such goals.

    Do you see a psychiatrist?
  • francesmarieg
    francesmarieg Posts: 75 Member
    You're an adult... I'm not going to tell you to "stop" drinking...

    But MAYBE... you can eat BEFORE you drink and then you WON'T get hungry! LoL...
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    i get that i'm pathetic!! i am well aware ! but i want to be thin and pathetic not fat and pathetic.

    Whew, thank goodness.

    For a moment there, I thought maybe your priorities might be a bit skewed. that sarcasm?
    i'm an ex drug user. i smoke far too much and i drink too much alcohol and coffee, i'm mentally ill and i'm nowhere near straight.

    if i'm going to be a stereotypical working class queer pinko commie scumbag at least i don't want to give the daily mail another reason to demonise me, hence the weight loss.

    Now that you have shared some information about your life, I am a bit concerned. Not judging you at all. It's just that mental health is a huge part of weight loss, weight gain, and any fitness goals for that matter. It is extremely important to be mentally healthy when trying to achieve such goals.

    Do you see a psychiatrist?

    mm not really. concerned i was developing orthorexia (ha) a few months ago so went, explained the deal, and got told i was just a normal "young person". how i hate that phrase! the thing is that i feel like when i have my weight back under control, i will be able to get the rest of m life under control.
    not sure if that makes sense really. . .

    sorry for being snappy. tired, should be sleeping really, but too guilty over all this food to sleep!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yes, the macros are a good thing to pay attention to. If you aren't getting the nutrients you need, then it's much more likely you will binge on things that don't meet those requirements. Protein, lots of veg, light on the carbs/starch, a bit of good fats like olive oil. It's funny.... the worse I eat, the worse I *want* to eat. If I pay attention to having, say, chicken breast, broccoli, and a small serving of rice, and things like that for meals, the cravings go way down and the drinky binges aren't as bad either. Your body and mind cooperate with you better if you get those macros satisfied. If you like eggs, those are great. High protein, low cal.
  • jenglish712
    jenglish712 Posts: 497 Member
    Hey, there's no judgement here. But I know when I am going to have more than 2 drinks I need to allot for more calories than just what's in the drinks. I have to figure that in my day, or at least my week. Any more, that's a rare occasion. But I remember in undergrad my motto was, "You would have to eat four bowls of Total, to get the nutrition in one bottle of Wild Turkey!"

    But it's all about choices.

    thank you. feeling pretty attacked actually but not by you! this makes sense. i need to focus more on eating my macros not just calories i think?

    If I know I am going to have a few drinks after work, I will hit fat and protein pretty hard through the day and know that I am going to get a bunch of carbs (and alcohol processes relatively close to carb) in the evening. If I have a couple of fried eggs for breakfast (under 200 calories) then some grilled fish in a salad with Italian Dressing for lunch, and only about half a cup of carbs with dinner... I know I have room to dig into a bag or two of chips after a few drinks. And if I really go over... I log it and go on.

    Mind you right now I am adding muscle so at 2300 calories I have wiggle room but the above situation was when I was budgeting about 1800.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Too, when you drink, what alcohol are you choosing? Vodka is the lowest cal liquor. Whiskey is not bad. Beers vary a LOT. Wine, 120 cals a serving. Cocktails are the worst of the worst. Pina colada, Tom collins, Cosmopolitan... as many calories as a big meal! Vodka with diet tonic water, tho? 70 cals. (assuming you have one shot per drink; that's 1.5 oz of liquor. Standard shot glass amount.) lol I know way too much about alcohol calories and mixers.
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    Too, when you drink, what alcohol are you choosing? Vodka is the lowest cal liquor. Whiskey is not bad. Beers vary a LOT. Wine, 120 cals a serving. Cocktails are the worst of the worst. Pina colada, Tom collins, Cosmopolitan... as many calories as a big meal! Vodka with diet tonic water, tho? 70 cals. (assuming you have one shot per drink; that's 1.5 oz of liquor. Standard shot glass amount.) lol I know way too much about alcohol calories and mixers.

    vodka -- doubles and diet cokes normlly. had far too much, ha. but yeah vodka.
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    Trying drinking a glass of water after each alcoholic drink you consume. Not only will it slow you down a little, it will fill you up and prevent hangovers - win/win/win. And yeah, definitely try to drink smart, vodka with cranberry and soda water and ceasars are good options.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited January 2015
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    i get that i'm pathetic!! i am well aware ! but i want to be thin and pathetic not fat and pathetic.

    Whew, thank goodness.

    For a moment there, I thought maybe your priorities might be a bit skewed. that sarcasm?
    i'm an ex drug user. i smoke far too much and i drink too much alcohol and coffee, i'm mentally ill and i'm nowhere near straight.

    if i'm going to be a stereotypical working class queer pinko commie scumbag at least i don't want to give the daily mail another reason to demonise me, hence the weight loss.

    Now that you have shared some information about your life, I am a bit concerned. Not judging you at all. It's just that mental health is a huge part of weight loss, weight gain, and any fitness goals for that matter. It is extremely important to be mentally healthy when trying to achieve such goals.

    Do you see a psychiatrist?

    mm not really. concerned i was developing orthorexia (ha) a few months ago so went, explained the deal, and got told i was just a normal "young person". how i hate that phrase! the thing is that i feel like when i have my weight back under control, i will be able to get the rest of m life under control.
    not sure if that makes sense really. . .

    sorry for being snappy. tired, should be sleeping really, but too guilty over all this food to sleep!

    I'm confused. You said you are mentally ill. So why did the doctor say you are "normal"? Did they give you a diagnosis of a specific mental illness?

    I understand where you are coming from but my point is that it's difficult to get there when you aren't mentally stable because weight loss is taxing (mentally, physically, and emotionally). Weight loss comes with many obstacles. It's not always smooth sailing. And when things get rough, it's hard to push through if you are not mentally stable. For example, a person who suffers from depression and uses food as a coping mechanism is more likely to rely on food to make them feel better which consequently makes a calorie deficit difficult to maintain.
  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    I tend to calorie count everything. Drinking was the first to go as I do not drink soda. With that said. The easiest remedy would be not to get drunk.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    i get that i'm pathetic!! i am well aware ! but i want to be thin and pathetic not fat and pathetic.

    Whew, thank goodness.

    For a moment there, I thought maybe your priorities might be a bit skewed. that sarcasm?
    i'm an ex drug user. i smoke far too much and i drink too much alcohol and coffee, i'm mentally ill and i'm nowhere near straight.

    if i'm going to be a stereotypical working class queer pinko commie scumbag at least i don't want to give the daily mail another reason to demonise me, hence the weight loss.

    Now that you have shared some information about your life, I am a bit concerned. Not judging you at all. It's just that mental health is a huge part of weight loss, weight gain, and any fitness goals for that matter. It is extremely important to be mentally healthy when trying to achieve such goals.

    Do you see a psychiatrist?

    mm not really. concerned i was developing orthorexia (ha) a few months ago so went, explained the deal, and got told i was just a normal "young person". how i hate that phrase! the thing is that i feel like when i have my weight back under control, i will be able to get the rest of m life under control.
    not sure if that makes sense really. . .

    sorry for being snappy. tired, should be sleeping really, but too guilty over all this food to sleep!

    People are trying to help.

    Your weight isn't the problem. Your mental state is the problem. Learn to love yourself, stop abusing your body, and you will have success with weight loss and all other avenues of your life.
  • Tea_Mistress
    Tea_Mistress Posts: 105 Member
    I feel your pain, I limit myself to getting wasted once a week ~ at least it makes me dance a lot :3
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    i get that i'm pathetic!! i am well aware ! but i want to be thin and pathetic not fat and pathetic.

    Whew, thank goodness.

    For a moment there, I thought maybe your priorities might be a bit skewed. that sarcasm?
    i'm an ex drug user. i smoke far too much and i drink too much alcohol and coffee, i'm mentally ill and i'm nowhere near straight.

    if i'm going to be a stereotypical working class queer pinko commie scumbag at least i don't want to give the daily mail another reason to demonise me, hence the weight loss.

    Now that you have shared some information about your life, I am a bit concerned. Not judging you at all. It's just that mental health is a huge part of weight loss, weight gain, and any fitness goals for that matter. It is extremely important to be mentally healthy when trying to achieve such goals.

    Do you see a psychiatrist?

    mm not really. concerned i was developing orthorexia (ha) a few months ago so went, explained the deal, and got told i was just a normal "young person". how i hate that phrase! the thing is that i feel like when i have my weight back under control, i will be able to get the rest of m life under control.
    not sure if that makes sense really. . .

    sorry for being snappy. tired, should be sleeping really, but too guilty over all this food to sleep!

    I'm confused. You said you are mentally ill. So why did the doctor say you are "normal"? Did they give you a diagnosis of a specific mental illness?

    I understand where you are coming from but my point is that it's difficult to get there when you aren't mentally stable because weight loss is taxing (mentally, physically, and emotionally). Weight loss comes with many obstacles. It's not always smooth sailing. And when things get rough, it's hard to push through if you are not mentally stable. For example, a person who suffers from depression and uses food as a coping mechanism is more likely to rely on food to make them feel better which consequently makes a calorie deficit difficult to maintain.

    oh, sorry, explained that badly. they said i didn't have it (at 14/15 i had tendencies towards disordered eating but then when i was 18 they diagnosed me with bipolar and they then decided the eating stuff was just bipolar? not really sure. anyway, they didn't take me seriously)
    but yeah, i get that. i do use food as a crutch -- better than drugs maybe.

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    If you know your going to get drunk, then don't eat leading up to your drinking..... hopefully that creates a deficit.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Or you could not get drunk ;)

    haha that would be ideal sadly student lifestyle means i get most of my daily calories from alcohol anyway ahah

    That isn't funny, it is sad. What other bad choices do you make when drinking?

    wooooow. loads though. at least when i was on the coke i was thin. wish that was a joke.

    i get that i'm pathetic!! i am well aware ! but i want to be thin and pathetic not fat and pathetic. gods sake. this wasnt like COME AND JUDGE ME at all, i'm asking for advice, and i get the nth degree? thanks yall love this community lol

    something tells me you have some serious issues if you are blowing rails and getting annihilated all the time...
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Or you could not get drunk ;)

    haha that would be ideal sadly student lifestyle means i get most of my daily calories from alcohol anyway ahah

    That isn't funny, it is sad. What other bad choices do you make when drinking?

    wooooow. loads though. at least when i was on the coke i was thin. wish that was a joke.

    i get that i'm pathetic!! i am well aware ! but i want to be thin and pathetic not fat and pathetic. gods sake. this wasnt like COME AND JUDGE ME at all, i'm asking for advice, and i get the nth degree? thanks yall love this community lol

    Enjoy your alcohol while you can, because it becomes an all-consuming *kitten* given half a chance.
  • kcd1961
    kcd1961 Posts: 126 Member
    Why do you want to eat less? I'm a bit perplexed as to why someone would choose thin and pathetic over fat and living a great life? (i.e. not being pathetic).
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    the thing is that i feel like when i have my weight back under control, i will be able to get the rest of m life under control.
    not sure if that makes sense really. . .

    It doesn't. You have it backwards - right now your weight is not your biggest problem.

    Good luck!

  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Or you could not get drunk ;)

    haha that would be ideal sadly student lifestyle means i get most of my daily calories from alcohol anyway ahah

    That isn't funny, it is sad. What other bad choices do you make when drinking?

    wooooow. loads though. at least when i was on the coke i was thin. wish that was a joke.

    i get that i'm pathetic!! i am well aware ! but i want to be thin and pathetic not fat and pathetic. gods sake. this wasnt like COME AND JUDGE ME at all, i'm asking for advice, and i get the nth degree? thanks yall love this community lol

    something tells me you have some serious issues if you are blowing rails and getting annihilated all the time...

    yeah. i don't enjoy being sober to experience my thoughts hm
  • jenglish712
    jenglish712 Posts: 497 Member
    We all have a lot of projects on our to do lists. It sounds like you have some that are beyond MFP's purview of diet and exercise. I will tell you that part of accomplishing many of them start with recognizing that you have value and accepting you as you. If you beat yourself up it's hard to convince yourself to put work into something you don't view as worthwhile.

    In the grand scheme of of it, dieting is simple. It's just F-ing math. But you tackle your issues in whatever order you feel capable of dealing with them.