Trying to get/keep lean muscle



  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I also do strong lifts 5x5, and I'm still trying to lose, so I incorporate a fair amount of cardio. I try to just get some movement in, so I do a fair amount of walking. I park a mile away from where I work (parking prices are ridiculous in our med center), so if it's not too hot, raining or if I'm not running late, I walk to and from work. I also go walking at lunch for 40-50 minutes. I do 10 minutes on the elliptical to warm up before lifting, and I also do 40-60 minutes on the elliptical 4 times a week (I end up doing cardio and lifting on the same days at times; I lift first because strength is my priority). My one true "rest" day is Saturday, and since my boyfriend is trying to get in shape, I now usually will walk a few miles with him. But, I'm not walking all that fast during that walk.
  • krknobbe10
    krknobbe10 Posts: 110 Member
    I wish I could get more movement in at work. I already park in the back which is farther away then the rest of the spots but it's tiring sitting in front of a computer all day so I try to get up and walk when i print or just because I feel tired. I'm thinking about cutting out my night kickboxing classes so I don't have late nights because they are getting old. Just going to see what the personal trainer says and go from there.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    krknobbe10 wrote: »
    I wish I could get more movement in at work. I already park in the back which is farther away then the rest of the spots but it's tiring sitting in front of a computer all day so I try to get up and walk when i print or just because I feel tired. I'm thinking about cutting out my night kickboxing classes so I don't have late nights because they are getting old. Just going to see what the personal trainer says and go from there.
    Not for everyone, but I invested in a fitbit (started with a regular old pedometer). I went from getting about 3000 steps in to now averaging 16000 steps a day (that does include super high days when I do an hour on the elliptical plus lunch time walking, etc). Little things add up. When I'm waiting for my coffee to brew (single cup machine in the break room), I pace the room. I try to drink a lot of water, which also means a lot of trips across the building to the bathroom. I take the stairs down at the end of the day (our floor is locked, so I can't actually take them up), and I'm on the 11th floor. I park at the back of the parking lot at stores (mostly because I hate dealing with other people being stupid in the parking lot).

    Individually, none of these burn a lot of calories, but in general, increasing my activity I think has really helped.

    And if you're getting bored with your workouts, definitely change it up.
  • ttcbelieve
    ttcbelieve Posts: 181 Member
    edited January 2015
    krknobbe10 wrote: »
    Could you give me an example of one of your lifting days like what you do? Not sure what the 5X5 program is either.


    This link has information on 5X5 program and you can use it to start

  • krknobbe10
    krknobbe10 Posts: 110 Member
    Thank you! I know when I make my weight lifting routines, I usually make them to last for about an hour so I really work my whole body.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    krknobbe10 wrote: »
    Thank you! I know when I make my weight lifting routines, I usually make them to last for about an hour so I really work my whole body.

    5x5 will hit your whole body ...

    I would suggest doing the program as it is and not making any modifications. It is designed by professionals and does not need to be tweaked....
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member

    Kick boxing isn't strength training.
    Eat more calories.
    Get on a structured plan.

    I like this one.

    A little more intermediate, but doable I would think.
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    krknobbe10 wrote: »
    Thank you! I know when I make my weight lifting routines, I usually make them to last for about an hour so I really work my whole body.

    Drop your DIY weight lifting routine and start 5x5 or any other well defined program. It'll save you time and get you better results. Check out the 5x5 ladies group on MFP.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I just wanted to add that when you actually start lifting, it will be much harder to get in a long run on the same day. I tried running in the afternoon of a morning lift day, and I really noticed a difference in my legs. Save the long run for a non-lifting day. Honestly, your routine sounds like complete over kill and I'm not sure how you're functioning on only 1000 calories.
  • johjeff
    johjeff Posts: 14 Member
    You really have to get an idea of what you are eating. If you way under-eat, your body will catabolize muscle to meet it's requirements. Rather than gaining muscle, you will be burning it for fuel. Not going to get more tone with that approach, and in the long run, you will look flabbier even though your weight is low.

    As others have suggested, resistance training is the key to being more muscular and toned. Look at a woman that does Crossfit type workouts. Most appear to be tone and sleek without being bulky. Yeah, a few do over-do it and bulk up, but they do so intentionally, and it takes a LOT of work.

    Good luck, and stay fit!
  • krknobbe10
    krknobbe10 Posts: 110 Member
    I will give the 5X5s a try! How long have you been doing them and have you changed up the workouts?
  • sazzyb_
    sazzyb_ Posts: 25 Member
    edited January 2015
    Lift heavy and eat tons of protein!! :smiley:
  • krknobbe10
    krknobbe10 Posts: 110 Member
    What do you eat to gain that protein? All of numbers are very low. I am really going to work on eating more. What do you all eat that is healthy?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    krknobbe10 wrote: »
    I will give the 5X5s a try! How long have you been doing them and have you changed up the workouts?

    do 5x5 for about four months and then look to move to a more intermediate program..

    good sources of protein = chicken, fish, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, pork, steak , etc..

    and you don't need "tons of protein" need about .8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of lean mass...
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    We won't really be able to help you with your diet unless you open your diary. I'm assuming you mean that you are under eating when you say "All of numbers are really low." Cut back on the cardio and really focus on your lifting if you want to make good progress.