Exercise vs Chores

Does anyone know whether there is a difference in the calorie burn or general effectiveness for weight loss between what would be considered exercise - ie, walking, running, gym, etc, to normal chores such as mowing the lawn, gardening, housework, etc. Just wondered as I put chores into MFP as 'exercise' but is it really? Am I really getting as much as I hope out of it?


  • Tickateeboo
    Tickateeboo Posts: 132 Member
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Personally, I chose to just nudge up my activity level a little to include normal daily activities, but I did include chores that go above and beyond normal as exercise. Like shoveling snow, or heavy duty yard work.

    Running the vacuum? Not exercise. Doing a top-to-bottom major cleaning that includes moving furniture to vacuum under and behind it because the inlaws are coming to visit? That's a workout. :laugh:

    Pulling a couple of weeks or planting annuals? Not exercise. Lugging about bags of mulch and pruning all the hedges? Different story.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    If it's stuff you do daily, or frequently, you've already factored it in when you selected your activity level in your personal information. So it's already added into the math that went into your recommended calorie goal. So, if you count it as exercise you'll be counting it twice.

    But if it's something above and beyond the normal routine, then it counts. My opinion anyway.

    Last week, I spent a day rearranging my classroom. I moved furniture and climbed up and down a 7-step ladder for 4 hours. I wasn't in the gym, I wasn't wearing workout clothes. But it sure as heck was beyond what I normally do, and it was physical work. So yeah, I counted it.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 403 Member
    AGREE with above. Stuff that is my day to day life, my body is acclimated to and therefore I don't think of it as a burn. To lose weight, I need to go above and beyond the usual. Now, when I mow both lawns for 90 minutes of vigorous activity, I count that. But fixing dinner, dishes, laundry, etc. I figure that is indeed part of my activities of daily living so I do not count that.
  • Tickateeboo
    Tickateeboo Posts: 132 Member
    Yes - I don't know why 'light' housework is in there. I don't think I will count it as exercise any more unless it is, as you say, something a bit more strenuous. Just spent 15 minutes mowing the lawn and I'm sweating like a pig! I think I would be as sweaty if I juts spent 15 minutes jogging!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Regular day to day housework, no -- not "exercise".

    But you can bet that if I spend 2 to 3 hours nonstop shovelling heavy wet snow, or a couple hours mowing the lawns, I'm logging it as cardio!