I need to lose 10 pounds & could use help!



  • nellielovescupcakes
    Thank you, I had twin boys so most of it was them. I literally would get up in the middle of the night to eat. Thanks for all the suggestions!
  • mariellepolicarpio
    You got this! We signed up for fitness pal for a reason. Thats already step 1 right there. I struggled to get back in shape after havin two kids. And now that they are bigger, i make the time to workout. I reached my weight goal last year and stopped for a long time and now just getting back on track. The key to it all is eating clean (healthy). Try to Plan ahead. Make a grocery list. Prep your meals from breakfast to dinner. Count your daily calorie intake and make time to workout. With time and enough information, you will improve. i lost 12 pounds so far and counting.. :smile:
  • nellielovescupcakes
    Congrats @mariellepolicarpio‌! I know I will get there. I just need inspiring people telling me their story. It always reaffirms why I need MFP and the community to help me through. Good luck on the rest of your journey!
  • mariellepolicarpio
    Thank you! And best of luck on yours as well! :)