What do you think of fat people after losing weight?



  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    The biggest issue that I've personally seen is that some become "snobs" to others that haven't lost weight. That because they lost weight, that they on a "higher level" than those that didn't. They'll criticize how others eat, when a few months ago they were eating the same way.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Yes it is very true a lot of people out there can be lazy, but to blanket everyone with that statement is not ok. You say people use medical conditions as excuses, but unless you have one you have no idea how difficult some conditions make losing weight.

    I have PCOS and it is very difficult to lose weight. I have to eat very low carb to see any kind of movement on the scale, and do get bashed quite a bit from people who don't understand that not everyone can just eat what they want to lose or just base things off cals in vs cals out. Medical conditions do mess with your body and the one size fits all approach does not work a lot of times for people with these problems.

    And you have no idea either where some are in the journey, I have been stalled out for months, is it as easy to stay completely motivated and hardcore when all your efforts aren't showing results? Definitely not. Not everyone loses with the effort they put in. I say all the time, with the amount of effort and determination I have, I should be skinny by now, but im not. There are a lot of people that put effort in and don't reap the benefits the same as someone else. Does that mean they are lazy and aren't trying because they haven't lost the same as you? Don't think so. Some people can just alter a few things and stick to it and lose. There are many others who make drastic changes and don't lose, definitely wouldn't say they are lazy.

    Just because some may not look like they try doesn't mean they are not. Some activity is better than none for people who are completely sedentary, making gradual changes is what brings success for a lot of people.

    Sorry maybe I read this post wrong, but it came off quite judgemental. There are alot of people that have mental issues when it comes to food, some have ailments that have prevented them from turning things up, there are a lot of things. But I wouldn't make a statement saying that the majority are just lazy, maybe you were and think others are all the same. Don't know but losing weight is not easy for everyone and shouldn't be looked at as so either.
  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    For me, I never realized what my actual calorie intake was. I assumed I was not eating much. After I started counting and having to see what all this stuff adds up to, it opened my eyes. Now I see WHY I got so big. It wasn't ;laziness, it was ignorance.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I have a long way to go. What I didn't know for decades is that it is easy to lose weight. I don't have (m)any problems keeping in my calorie limits and I like walking and doing things. At this point I would wonder what was holding me back. I would, but I happen to know what was holding me back and it wasn't just one little thing I had a boat load of problems and stresses, it would take at least a small pamphlet to explain all of the problems. At the moment I have some health issues that make things difficult and there are a lot of activities I am just not in any kind of shape to do. But, I have lost a chunk of weight. And I don't think well if I can do it anyone can do it and the reason is simple, they haven't figured out what works for them.

    People that aren't losing weight have simply succeeded at losing weight exactly one less time than I have. And that was true for me as well. I have never been on a losing streak this long. I have never ever been on a losing streak where I wasn't feeling like I was starving all the time. And I have never ever been on a losing streak where I was actually eating a better diet, I simply at a lot less and that is exactly why it never worked.
  • jillwhite12
    jillwhite12 Posts: 102 Member
    I try not to criticize because I have been there, I've made bad choices and I've been lazy... I also know that there isn't much anyone can say to make anyone lose weight. They have to be ready and motivated or else they probably wont have much success anyway. I was obese for a long time and I knew I was doing it to myself and I knew that I had noone to blame but myself. I also knew that I HAD to do something about it... but it wasn't until something clicked in my head and I was suddenly READY that I was finally able to do it.

    But even though I know all this, I do still find it difficult to see people I know and care about eat themselves into an early grave. I would never say anything to them because I've been there and would've been insulted and hurt if someone had told me I needed to lose weight... but I do find it incredibly difficult to just sit back and watch them because I know it can be done... I just hope that in time, they will find the motivation they need to help themselves...
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I have a long way to go. What I didn't know for decades is that it is easy to lose weight. I don't have (m)any problems keeping in my calorie limits and I like walking and doing things. At this point I would wonder what was holding me back. I would, but I happen to know what was holding me back and it wasn't just one little thing I had a boat load of problems and stresses, it would take at least a small pamphlet to explain all of the problems. At the moment I have some health issues that make things difficult and there are a lot of activities I am just not in any kind of shape to do. But, I have lost a chunk of weight. And I don't think well if I can do it anyone can do it and the reason is simple, they haven't figured out what works for them.

    People that aren't losing weight have simply succeeded at losing weight exactly one less time than I have. And that was true for me as well. I have never been on a losing streak this long. I have never ever been on a losing streak where I wasn't feeling like I was starving all the time. And I have never ever been on a losing streak where I was actually eating a better diet, I simply at a lot less and that is exactly why it never worked.

    I completely agree with this. The reason why people's eyes glaze over when you tell them "portion control and exercise" is because they think that they've tried it and failed. What they've probably tried is exercising like mad and not eating anything, but there's so much mis-information out there that it's hard to get people to hear you.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    i think they lack discipline, which could translate to being lazy. but primarily they lack the skill, knowledge, and drive to execute what they want out of life.

    i was flat out lazy. i didn't like sweating, so i didn't work out, or exert myself. and i love food.
  • CupcakesAndRazorblades
    CupcakesAndRazorblades Posts: 227 Member
    I can't read through this topic, too frustrating. I'd like to believe that most people who WERE overweight would have some compassion for those who ARE overweight. I personally know that I never want to be like the people that made fun of me. I don't judge people by their pants size.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I think you can't tar everyone with the same brush! You have to look at each person individually and can't make a sweeping statement like "everyone who is fat is just lazy"
    This. 100% this.

    not everyone who is fat is lazy. I for one do have a thyroid that likes to kick my *kitten* everynow and then so I know its still there, still taunting me and still making this *kitten* harder for me than for others. It also contributed to my weight gain... aside from other factors in my life.

    Laziness is not always just the case, in some people sure but a health issue like PCOS or Thyroid issues are NOT imaginary.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    As you well know, we all find motivation in different ways and at different times. Everyone knows to lose weight you have to eat less and move more. If it was a simple as that, we'd be a nation of fit and fabulous folks! But we're not. It's so much more than all of that, and people have to work through their own emotional attachments to food and fatness and come to the conclusion to do something about it, on their own terms and in their own way. Like anything else, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him put down that Big Mac and Fries, until he's ready.
  • Marley2310
    Marley2310 Posts: 304
    Culture/society and family play a big role too ..someone who is raised by a sedentary family eating pizza and burgers for launch in a culture/society that doesn't know ANYTHING about nutrition ( Countries like this exist ) is never going to grow up like someone who is raised by a athletic/ active family with a good nutrition background .
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    When I see a fellow obese person, I don't think anything really. Maybe if they are EXTREMELY overweight like I was, I feel sadness and hope that one day they can figure out their way to a healthy lifestyle. What I DON'T do is judge them and assume they're lazy. There are a lot of factors that come into play, most of them being psychological. You don't know what life that person has lived. You haven't walked in their shoes. You don't know what role food plays in their lives. You're not doing anyone a favor by offering your spare bike and then judging them for their decision to decline.

    Oh and you are also assuming every adult knows how to ride a bike. MAYBE they don't know HOW to ride a bike and are too embarrassed to admit it to you? lol

    Moral of the story: Stop passing judgment on people's lives when you haven't walked a day in their shoes. :drinker:
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Ex Fat people are a lot like ex-smokers! All of the sudden they are superior and wonder why everyone else doesn't "Just stop smoking" (or overeating), because it's just so simple to do!

    I can't read through this topic, too frustrating. I'd like to believe that most people who WERE overweight would have some compassion for those who ARE overweight. I personally know that I never want to be like the people that made fun of me. I don't judge people by their pants size.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I think everyone fights their own battles on their own timeline and for their own reasons.

    ^^ This times a million.

    But I can't help but feeling a bit sorry for them. I feel like I wasted many years being fat and miserable so it kind of pains me to watch other people be fat and miserable when they can change it.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I don't judge, when someone asks how I did it, I tell them, ate less, move more. I don't get into clean eating or my workout regime. I also let them know that something within me finally "clicked" and I was able to get focused, I guess I don't want them to think that just because I did it, they should be able to do it. What has started to happen, now my overweight friends and family feel the need to explain their choices to me, even though I never asked, never make comments on what they're eating. I just want to say I don't give a crap.
  • Runhard13
    Runhard13 Posts: 138 Member
    excuses are easier than results..
  • tnyachae
    tnyachae Posts: 2
    For some people its a confidence issue. Making the decision to lose weight also has a lot to do with living a balanced life and so many people don't which is why they feel they can't do it. Self-development is very important. However, I want to be careful because I don't want to generalize any group of people as we're all different. Keep encouraging them because you never know when they will join you.
  • tnyachae
    tnyachae Posts: 2
    I can't read through this topic, too frustrating. I'd like to believe that most people who WERE overweight would have some compassion for those who ARE overweight. I personally know that I never want to be like the people that made fun of me. I don't judge people by their pants size.

    I have many overweight people in my family so I know everyone's situation is different.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    I just want them to know how much better it can be... that they deserve to have every chance to live a happy, healthy, active life only constrained by what they desire...not by their size or self esteem.... but they have to choose to make it happen for themselves.