5' 8". I weigh about 218lbs, but I'm trying to get to 186lbs to join the United States Air Force

I'm about 5' 8". I weigh about 218lbs, but I'm trying to get to 186lbs to join the United States Air Force as an active-duty member. I need some tips or advice on how to lose weight quicker so I can get it.


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    edited January 2015
    Eat less, move more

    Read through the sexypants thread pinned to the top of the "Getting Started" board.
  • xgray213
    xgray213 Posts: 39 Member
    What do you suggest are the type of food that I should avoid eating and what type of exercise should I be doing?
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Eat what you like, just less of it. If you are joining the military, you may want to start a running program, because you are about to run your little hiney off. :D
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    This isn't mine, but the dude trog that linked it is awesome. If you follow this advice, you will do well.



    Follow that thread, read through it carefully, give it a try for a few months and thank yourself later.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Hello, I was in the Air Force from 2008-2012. There's no foods to really avoid eating. Anything will make you gain weight if you eat too much of it. Of course, you can't go wrong with lean meats and vegetables. If you like grilling or grilled food, that's a good way to go.

    As far as exercise, start a running program now. Something like Couch to 5K would be really beneficial, and anything else with sprint intervals. Your other main exercises will be things like pushups, situps, flutter kicks, squats, lunges, and other basic bodyweight exercises.

    I tell everyone this, though: Prepare yourself as much as you can for the physical aspect of it, but you will still be tested once you get there. Things like pyramid pushups never get easy. For punishment, you'll have to hold your rifle in your arm straight out from your body for minutes on end without flinching.

    Start drinking as much water as possible now too. That's something they drill into you from the start.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Oh, also, have you spoken to a recruiter yet? If not, do so now. Your recruiter should be doing everything in his power to get you ready for this. That includes working out with you. If he's not willing to do it, go to a different AF recruiter.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    Eat what you like, just less of it. If you are joining the military, you may want to start a running program, because you are about to run your little hiney off. :D

    This. Also pushups, squats, etc. You might as well get your body used to the idea of getting into very good physical condition. The more you do now the easier boot camp is going to be.
  • xgray213
    xgray213 Posts: 39 Member
    One last question, how long should I do these exercises?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    xgray213 wrote: »
    One last question, how long should I do these exercises?

    Well, endurance is key. For the final test, you're only required to run 1.5 miles, but you will easily run 3-5 miles during your PT sessions. Each PT session is about an hour long, and you'll do it every day. Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays were running days; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays were strength/calisthenic days.

    Bottom line on the calisthenics: Do as many as you can. And then do some more. Pushups were a real problem when I was in, so just make sure you get your recruiter to show you proper form. Do as many as you can correctly.
  • xgray213
    xgray213 Posts: 39 Member
    Which hours are the appropriate time to do the running days and the strength/calisthenic days? Because I'm starting to do some running today.
  • xgray213
    xgray213 Posts: 39 Member
    Oh and I did spoke to a recruiter on the phone today and he said that he can't do anything until I meet the exact height and weight requirements. So, I told my parents about it and my stepfather says, "Lose the weight!"
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    xgray213 wrote: »
    Which hours are the appropriate time to do the running days and the strength/calisthenic days? Because I'm starting to do some running today.

    Well, if you're concerned about what conditions you'd be exercising in outdoors, it would really depend on what time of year you go in for basic training. Since you haven't enlisted yet, I'd just concentrate on putting the work in and worry less about which hours are appropriate.

    But since you asked, AF basic training is only in San Antonio. If you arrive in the summer, be prepared to put in the workouts in some hot weather. You'll workout in the morning, but it'll still be 80-85 degrees at that time. I showed up in the wintertime, and we worked out in the afternoons. It was anywhere between 30-50 degrees (Texas weather is crazy).

    As far as what the recruiter said, it's hard for me to believe that he has so many recruits that he can't help you. But if that's the case, he probably just wants to make sure you're serious about it before really investing his time in you. Keep in touch with him (or another recruiter if you wish), ask questions, etc. Show him you mean it, all while losing the weight.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    You want to get less than that if you're going to enlist, even with the air force.
  • lizfiz50
    lizfiz50 Posts: 179 Member
    Eat more whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, multigrain bread instead of plain white), lean proteins (chicken, fish, tofu), the good kind of fats (avocado, nuts- just don't go overboard!), more vegetables (the more color in it, the better!), more water. These foods are more filling and give you better nutrition.

    Cut out or REALLY limit fast food, fried foods, starchy foods (eat sweet potato instead of reg. potatoes). No soda (not even diet- it makes you crave the bad stuff). Sweets and carbs are also bad.

    Also, it helps to keep a pedometer handy- aim for 10000 steps a day and 4-5 days a week with 30 minutes of moderate to intense strength/cardio training.

    Make sure you are at a 1000 calorie a day deficit if you want to lose 2 lbs a week. 1500 if you're active to lose 3. More than that and you're not getting enough nutrition.

  • lizfiz50
    lizfiz50 Posts: 179 Member
    xgray213 wrote: »
    Which hours are the appropriate time to do the running days and the strength/calisthenic days? Because I'm starting to do some running today.

    Pick whatever time is best for you. Some people prefer in the mornings while others prefer the evenings. You don't want to be full, but you don't want to work out while fasting neither. Make sure to have a lean protein after your work out to help build muscle.

  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited January 2015
    xgray213 wrote: »
    Oh and I did spoke to a recruiter on the phone today and he said that he can't do anything until I meet the exact height and weight requirements. So, I told my parents about it and my stepfather says, "Lose the weight!"

    You're young and you're a guy. You'll lose weight pretty easily.

    My son is about 5'10" and when he hit 200 pounds a few years ago at the age of 20 he made the decision to drop some weight and get down to about 170. It took him about 3 months. He used MFP, he stayed within his calorie goals and he ran a few miles every other day. He also plays soccer on the weekends.

    The main thing to remember is that the weight loss component of your goal is almost entirely about eating less calories than you burn each day. Do that and you'll drop weight. We're all talking to you about strength training and calisthenics and running and endurance because your ultimate goal is the military where those things are important. How much of them you choose to do is entirely up to you but the more you do the easier it's going to be on you later.

    You could easily lose the weight you need just by eating less than you are now. Cut out the junk food, eat more vegetables and lean meats and make sure you are hitting under your calorie goal every day. The problem is, while doing that, your body is shedding muscle along with the fat. You'd go into the military unable to perform well in the physical training part of it. Getting stronger and increasing your endurance now, while you're putting in the time to lose the weight, will put you in a much better place for doing well once you enlist.
    IHAVEPMS247 Posts: 70 Member
    I was in Navy and did not physically prepare myself when I enlisted. I wish I had started a running program prior to though because they expected you to be able to run long distances in a short amount of time. We ran in formations, so you could only go as fast as the slowest person - you just do not want to be that slowest person. I would definitely recommend getting in a running program now and also work with a recruiter now. Most recuiters that I know worked out with those trying to get in and those that are enlisted but have not gone to boot camp yet (DEP program).
  • xgray213
    xgray213 Posts: 39 Member
    Good morning! I am about to have something for breakfast. But, I just don't know what to have today. Any suggestions?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited January 2015
    xgray213 wrote: »
    Oh and I did spoke to a recruiter on the phone today and he said that he can't do anything until I meet the exact height and weight requirements. So, I told my parents about it and my stepfather says, "Lose the weight!"


    BTW, what do you tape? I made ht/wt approximately 5 times in my 8 year career, but always blew my PT test and tape out of the water.

  • xgray213
    xgray213 Posts: 39 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    xgray213 wrote: »
    Oh and I did spoke to a recruiter on the phone today and he said that he can't do anything until I meet the exact height and weight requirements. So, I told my parents about it and my stepfather says, "Lose the weight!"


    BTW, what do you tape? I made ht/wt approximately 5 times in my 8 year career, but always blew my PT test and tape out of the water.

    The maximum weight requirement for my height which is 69'' has to be 186lbs.