Stronglifts vs P90x vs Crossfit vs ???



  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    edited January 2015
    allright i'll try and figure out a way to video my lifts. thanks guys and gals
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Robbnva wrote: »
    allright i'll try and figure out a way to video my lifts. thanks guys and gals

    Got a smartphone? Prop it up nearby and video your sets with that.

    Then compare and contrast with pukka material online (lofteren already mentioned good sources)
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    edited January 2015
    People over complicate things.

    1) Learn the main lifts. Deadlift, bench press, overhead press, rows, and squats are primary lifts IMO. Educate yourself on them. Watch videos of noobs do them, watch videos of professionals do them. Watch a variety of videos teaching you how to do them.

    2) Record yourself doing them with your phone. Share the video with us. We'll give you tips.

    3) Refine your movements.

    4) Find a program AFTER you learn all proper form and lifts.

    5) Do program and commit to it.

    6) After some time, determine if program is working for you. If it isn't working, go back to step 4/5

    7) Get strong.
  • TheCherryMama
    some times it just doesn't matter what you do... because its only 20% exercise, and 80% diet. lol. I would do it all just so your body won't adapt. You can also do crossfit style things anywhere. I take clients to a local school play ground and use their rings and stairs for a boot camp/ crossfit experience. The bonus is the slide when you're done with leg day.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    I would do it all just so your body won't adapt.

    Why don't you want your body to adapt?
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    dym123 wrote: »
    If you're serious about lifting, please find a trainer to work with you on your form. Hopefully someone who also lifts. I had been lifting on my own for awhile watching youtube videos, got a session with a trainer and was able to get a lot of out it and noticed a big difference in my form.
    if I had unlimited funds I most certainly would do this.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Robbnva wrote: »
    dym123 wrote: »
    If you're serious about lifting, please find a trainer to work with you on your form. Hopefully someone who also lifts. I had been lifting on my own for awhile watching youtube videos, got a session with a trainer and was able to get a lot of out it and noticed a big difference in my form.
    if I had unlimited funds I most certainly would do this.

    I'll admit my training session was free, but you really only need one session. Go "gym shopping", most will offer it as an incentive, that's how I got my free session. Didn't even join the gym.

  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    There is an MFP Stronglifts group - it says it's for women but men are welcome. They will check your form and help you if you take video and post it.
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    There is an MFP Stronglifts group - it says it's for women but men are welcome. They will check your form and help you if you take video and post it.

    that group looks way more active than the normal stronglift group on here. But I think it should probably be left for womens only
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Robbnva wrote: »
    There is an MFP Stronglifts group - it says it's for women but men are welcome. They will check your form and help you if you take video and post it.

    that group looks way more active than the normal stronglift group on here. But I think it should probably be left for womens only

    There are plenty of guys in the group.

    You can also post a form check video in "Eat Train Progress"
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Sam_I_Am77 wrote: »
    I would do it all just so your body won't adapt.

    Why don't you want your body to adapt?

    because broscience
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    Sam_I_Am77 wrote: »
    I would do it all just so your body won't adapt.

    Why don't you want your body to adapt?

    because broscience

    What's broscience
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Robbnva wrote: »
    Sam_I_Am77 wrote: »
    I would do it all just so your body won't adapt.

    Why don't you want your body to adapt?

    because broscience

    What's broscience

    Bro science is the science that says eaing after 10 PM makes you fat.

    You can, eat at a deficit, lift, get lean muscles- and lose fat- and have 150% of your energy all the time- AND still eat all the cake you want- as long as you get enough protein.

    That eating 2 cups of rice makes you bloated and there for are gluten intolerant.

    That you must curl 2.5 x body weight.

    Protein trumps all marcos.

    that sort of thing- all bro-science.
  • Th3Ph03n1x
    Th3Ph03n1x Posts: 275 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Robbnva wrote: »
    Sam_I_Am77 wrote: »
    I would do it all just so your body won't adapt.

    Why don't you want your body to adapt?

    because broscience

    What's broscience

    Bro science is the science that says eaing after 10 PM makes you fat.

    You can, eat at a deficit, lift, get lean muscles- and lose fat- and have 150% of your energy all the time- AND still eat all the cake you want- as long as you get enough protein.

    That eating 2 cups of rice makes you bloated and there for are gluten intolerant.

    That you must curl 2.5 x body weight.

    Protein trumps all marcos.

    that sort of thing- all bro-science.

    IE BULL****
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Sam_I_Am77 wrote: »
    I would do it all just so your body won't adapt.

    Why don't you want your body to adapt?

    because broscience

    LOL! Okay cool. I was hoping we didn't need to talk about SAID. :D:cold_sweat:
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Robbnva wrote: »
    Sam_I_Am77 wrote: »
    I would do it all just so your body won't adapt.

    Why don't you want your body to adapt?

    because broscience

    What's broscience

    Bro science is the science that says eaing after 10 PM makes you fat.

    You can, eat at a deficit, lift, get lean muscles- and lose fat- and have 150% of your energy all the time- AND still eat all the cake you want- as long as you get enough protein.

    That eating 2 cups of rice makes you bloated and there for are gluten intolerant.

    That you must curl 2.5 x body weight.

    Protein trumps all marcos.

    that sort of thing- all bro-science.

    Ah yeah got it. I've found its hard to find good accurate info with regards to things, this could be why
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Robbnva wrote: »
    Sam_I_Am77 wrote: »
    I would do it all just so your body won't adapt.

    Why don't you want your body to adapt?

    because broscience

    What's broscience

    Bro science is the science that says eaing after 10 PM makes you fat.

    You can, eat at a deficit, lift, get lean muscles- and lose fat- and have 150% of your energy all the time- AND still eat all the cake you want- as long as you get enough protein.

    That eating 2 cups of rice makes you bloated and there for are gluten intolerant.

    That you must curl 2.5 x body weight.

    Protein trumps all marcos.

    that sort of thing- all bro-science.

    Like Gluten is a precursor to Ebola?
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    I started strong lifts around the same time as you and all I have to say is of course our form isn't perfect! Look up videos, the stronglifts program has lots of videos to watch. Then film yourself. Then compare. Then repeat. Filming yourself will also help you get over being discouraged. I filmed myself from day one and comparing to just two weeks later I feel way better about form. I didn't add weight to my second squatting day because my form was all over the place and I knew I needed to focus on it.
  • Th3Ph03n1x
    Th3Ph03n1x Posts: 275 Member
    kandeye wrote: »
    I started strong lifts around the same time as you and all I have to say is of course our form isn't perfect! Look up videos, the stronglifts program has lots of videos to watch. Then film yourself. Then compare. Then repeat. Filming yourself will also help you get over being discouraged. I filmed myself from day one and comparing to just two weeks later I feel way better about form. I didn't add weight to my second squatting day because my form was all over the place and I knew I needed to focus on it.

    I do mine at home it's a better fit for me right now than the gym. I get the hubby to judge and correct my form. He's been really helpful. It's hard to believe he was arguing with me about doing it a week ago.
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    I'd love to get my own system but the rack alone is expensive, then the weights & bar too.