February 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • oncem0re
    oncem0re Posts: 213 Member
    edited February 2015
    Name: Ms. M
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'6
    Start weight (1st Feb): 184.4
    Goal weight (1st March):174.9

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 184.4lbs
    8th Feb: 182.5
    15th Feb: 181.2
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: - 1.30
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -3.20

    Struggles/successes this week: Because I didn't get to go shopping last weekend, I didn't really have a lot of meal prep so we had a lot of eating out and for Valentine's day I splurged some more and ate more too... but I'm still on track and I just try to add some more work out. I also need to keep an eye on my sodium intake, it really is getting out of hand when I'm getting too over.

    Here's for better next week!

    From last month:
  • kellymack82
    Name: kelly
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'6
    Start weight: Feb 15th. 215
    Goal weight : Mar 1st. 212
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Name: Sue
    Age: 62
    Height: 5'4"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 211.0
    Goal weight (1st March): 206
    Weigh ins:
    1st Feb: 211.0
    7th Feb: 210.8
    14th Feb:210.6
    21st Feb:
    28th Feb:
    Weight loss/gain this week: .2
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: .4
    Struggles/successes this week: No exercise
  • katzba
    katzba Posts: 19 Member
    Name: Kathy
    Age: 48
    Fri., 1/30: 188.6
    Fri., 2/6: 191.0
    Fri., 2/13 188.4

    Start weight (1st Feb): 192.2
    Goal weight (1st March): 183

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:192.2
    8th Feb:192.8
    15th Feb: 192.4
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: -.4
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week:
  • ponce876
    Name: Roxanne
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'2"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 214
    Goal weight (1st March): 204

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:214
    8th Feb: 211
    15th Feb: 214
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: +3
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles: was sick all week so I didn't do as good on tracking. Also my women thing is coming soon so I gain weight when it hits. :(

    Successes: my waist is measuring 2 inches less, stuck with exercise, and I feel muscles!
  • lreaven
    lreaven Posts: 17 Member
    lreaven wrote: »
    I have never done one of these, but I am excited to try! Hoping it will keep me motivated!

    Name: Laura
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'9"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 165.5
    Goal weight (1st March): 159

    Weigh ins:

    Jan 30: 165.5
    1st Feb: 165.5
    8th Feb: 165
    15th Feb: 163
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 2.5

    Struggles/successes this week: I am having a lot of trouble with evening snacking and with figuring out how to eat less when with friends. I am hoping to get better with my diet and to start exercising!

  • christos2
    christos2 Posts: 9 Member

    Name: Chris
    Age: 32
    Height: 178cm
    Start weight (1st Feb):100.7 kg
    Goal weight (1st March): 96.7 kg

    Weigh ins:

    Jan 29: 100.7 kg
    1st Feb:100.7 kg
    8th Feb: 100.3
    16th Feb:100.1
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: -0.2 kg
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -0.6 kg

    Struggles/successes this week: had a 3 conference last week, stayed strong and didn't drink at all whilst there. Still ate too much and didn't log it properly and came back heavier than when I left. Still not under the ton yet and I just want to break through because I haven't been under for over 6 months. Hopefully this week I'll get there. Add me to your friends list if you like, my diary is always public. Cheers and good luck this week
  • linzee32
    linzee32 Posts: 86 Member
    linzee32 wrote: »
    linzee32 wrote: »
    linzee32 wrote: »
    Name: Lindsay
    Age: 37
    Height: 6'0
    Start weight (1st Feb): 293.4
    Goal weight (1st March): 280

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 293.4
    8th Feb: 291.8
    15th Feb: 289.6
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: -2.8
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -4.4

    Struggles/successes this week: upped steps to 14k, ate awful due to daughter's birthday celebrations

  • debbie1976
    debbie1976 Posts: 6 Member
    debbie1976 wrote: »
    debbie1976 wrote: »
    Start weight (1st Feb): 145.2
    Goal weight (1st March):140

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:145.2
    8th Feb:146.8
    15th Feb:144.9
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:+1.6
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week: I am joining a week late! Have been a MFP member for almost 4 years- lost 28 lbs. but have been slowly gaining them back in the last 6 months. Need help and motivation!!!

    My weight of 145.2 on the 1st was actually a lower than normal reading - my weight has been fluctuating in the 146 range. Regardless, didn't lose any weight this past week. Just started the challenge yesterday so hopefully this week will be better!!

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member

    Name: Patricia
    Age: 46
    Height: 5'4"
    Start weight (1st Feb):134.6
    Goal weight (1st March): 128

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 134.6
    8th Feb: 134.2
    15th Feb: 134.2
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Lbs lost: .4
    So far this month: .4

    I keep bouncing around 134-135. Sunday's are always bad for me as I take myself out to dinner after working at the barn and an end of week treat. So I am sure I'll be up again on Monday. I really need to stop that...
  • 711kl111
    711kl111 Posts: 7 Member
    Age: 24
    Height: 1.59 m (5'2.6")
    Start weight (1st Feb): 58.4 kg (128.75 lbs)
    Goal weight (1st March): 57 kg (125.7 lbs)

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 58.4 kg (128.75 lbs)
    8th Feb: 57.7 kg (127.2 lbs)
    16th Feb: 57.1 kg (125.9 lbs)*
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:
    *I couldn't weight myself on Sunday morning because I wasn't home.

    Weight loss/gain this week: -0.6 kg (-1.3 lbs)
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -1.3 kg (-2.85 lbs)

    Struggles/successes this week: The beginning of this week was very stressful plus it was still TOM, all that led to cravings and I went over my calorie limit one day by more than 600 calories, but I managed to stay on track at the end of the week, so I still managed to lose weight. I was very sedentary this last couple of weeks but I plan to start exercising regularly again this week. I started with T25 in November and finished alpha phase in December - just before the holidays, I did workout occasionally in January but not much. I will go through T25 alpha phase once again and then when the weather will be nicer I will probably start running and doing some bodyweight exercises, or I will do the beta phase, I haven't decided, yet.
  • joolsmd
    joolsmd Posts: 375 Member
    edited February 2015
    Name: Julia
    Age: 47
    Height: 5'10
    Start weight (1st Feb): 202lbs
    Goal weight (1st March): 195lbs (just to get below 14 stone would make my year)

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 202
    8th Feb: 199
    15th Feb: 197
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: 2lbs loss
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 5lbs loss :smiley:

    Struggles/successes this week: Every week is a struggle at the mo but its worth it to see results. I was out for a meal on Saturday and probably overate but again, it seems I didn't sabotage my efforts too badly. Big success is an inch each off my neck, boobs, waist and hips this month.
  • silverarcheress
    silverarcheress Posts: 125 Member
    Name: Helen
    Age: 28
    Height: 5' 8''
    Start weight (1st Feb): 201.2lb
    Goal weight (1st March): 197lb

    Weigh ins:

    30th Jan: 201.2lb
    1st Feb: 201.2lb
    8th Feb: 202.8lb
    15th Feb: 200.8lb
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: -2lb
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -0.4lb

    Struggles/Successes this week. I've dropped my TOM weight and I no longer have a cold. I haven't been able to do too much this week and my diet has been truly atrocious (tub of Haagen Daaz atrocious) but I got my focus back during the last couple of days and feeling good!
  • belgarath64
    belgarath64 Posts: 125 Member
    Name: John
    Height: 5'6"
    Age: 50
    Country: Canada
    Starting Weight (1/1): 176.0 lbs ( 79.3 kg )
    Goal Weight (1/31): 170 lbs ( 77.11kg)
    Final Goal : 140 lbs ( 63.5 kg)

    2/1: 176.0 lbs ( 79.3 kg )
    2/8: 174 lbs ( 78.93 )
    2/15: 172 lbs ( 78.0 kg )

    Loss/gain for the week: 2 lbs ( .91 kg )
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 4 lbs ( 1.81 kg )

    Struggles or successes of your week:
    Struggles : Still getting hungry
    and aparently clicking post reply after entering my data
    Successes: Need to buy new jeans but Wallmart is out of the size I need, in the style I want. This will make down 12 inches on my waist.
  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    Name: Toad
    Age: 36
    Height: 5 ft 9in
    Start weight (1st Feb): 280.5 (1st March): 272.0

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 280.5
    8th Feb: 278.2
    15th Feb: 275.5
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Struggles/successes this week: Home this well. I always focus.

    PS: I want you all to know. You fricken Rock!
  • jeo33
    jeo33 Posts: 13 Member
    Name: Jan
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'7"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 241.5
    Goal weight (1st March): 232

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 241.5
    8th Feb: 239.2
    15th Feb: 239.0 :( Need to get my butt moving!!
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I have been most definitely motivated by seeing everyone's progress reports! Way to go for EVERYONE who is sticking with it. Keep at it! Don't become discouraged.

    Weight Loss Challenge Update:
    Name: Karen Age: 45 Height: 5'6"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 238.0 Goal weight (1st March): 230.0

    Weigh ins:
    1st Feb: 238.0
    8th Feb: 234
    15th Feb: 231.5
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:
    Weight loss/gain this week: -2.5 lbs
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -6.5 lbs

    Struggles/successes this week: Main struggle was of course the sweets surrounding Valentine's Day. I did indulge in some chocolate, wine and a single box of conversation hearts.

    Yesterday I didn't log many entries, because apart from breakfast and a super light supper, I went "all junk" yesterday and had no idea what I ate - it was within reason, not a binge by any means, but it was a low key day so I didn't care about meeting my macros and I treated myself to watching Gone Girl, eating some chocolate kisses (no I didn't keep track but not as many as I would have eaten in the past, which would be half the bag, LOL), and having a couple glasses of wine (no way to knowing how many calories, since it's a local wine that is sweet with no nutrition info.) The kisses and the wine counted as one of my meals and allllll of my snacks, LOL. :D
  • LisaMcDonald86
    LisaMcDonald86 Posts: 33 Member
    Name: Lisa
    Age: 28
    Height: 5ft 6in
    Start weight (2st Feb): 323 lbs
    Goal weight (1st March): 315 lbs

    Weigh ins:

    2st Feb: 323 lbs
    9th Feb: 320.2 lbs
    16th Feb: 319.0 lbs
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: 4 (lost)
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 4 (lost)

    Struggles/successes this week: Too much snow to walk!!!!
  • momof2boyz832
    momof2boyz832 Posts: 682 Member
    Start weight (1st Feb):191.8
    Goal weight (1st March):185

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:191.8
    8th Feb: 188.8
    15th Feb: 187.2
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: 1.6
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 4.6

    Struggles/successes this week: I did not work out as much as I would of liked to. I did manage to keep on track with food and calories. On to the next week...
  • bklynrose
    bklynrose Posts: 3 Member
    Name: Theresa
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'1"
    Start weight (1st Feb):183
    Goal weight (1st March):173

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:183
    8th Feb: 183
    15th Feb:179.8
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week -3.2
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -3.2

    Struggles/successes this week:

    Hi Fitness Pals! I just jumped on for the rest of this challenge, hoping to keep myself honest with logging my food and exercise. So many people have lost some lbs., this is a great motivator.

    Struggle - Going to the gym and logging my food, especially all the WINE I had on Valentine's day.
    Success - Doing a morning 10-minute workout from Real Simple magazine. It kicks my boot and boosts my heart rate for the day. It came from this article: 7 ways to boost your metabolism -- http://www.realsimple.com/health/nutrition-diet/ways-boost-metabolism. I can't find a link to the exercises, but Real Simple has many different types of 10 minute workouts.