Cant Understand Why I am Fat



  • outtamyweigh
    i tried lifting weights once, but I started to build pecs under my man boobs and it only made them bigger. i went from c cups to d cups. all i do is cardio, but it never pays off.

    First of all your profile says your are already fit "bro", second of all since this is an obvious trolling I'll bite and tell ya you may want to wear a bra with those Ds...lots of women would kill for those.

  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited January 2015
    I can't understand why I am fat. I work out for 30 minutes 3 days a week. I slip up occasionally, yesterday I had a half gallon of ice cream for breakfast and a whole pizza for dinner, and I ate a tube of pringles at night because I was depressed. Sometimes my job at GameStop feels challenging. All I do is sell used console games, so why am I out of breath?

    I am the type of guy who has a huge belly and little legs so my pants slide down my buttcrack which looks like a big line. I have a big hairy back and man boobs.

    Eat a tube of the fat-free Pringles with olestra next time. You'll poop out everything else you ate in 10 minutes so the calories will just slide right out.
  • AndreaS_222
    i tried lifting weights once, but I started to build pecs under my man boobs and it only made them bigger. i went from c cups to d cups. all i do is cardio, but it never pays off.

    First of all your profile says your are already fit "bro", second of all since this is an obvious trolling I'll bite and tell ya you may want to wear a bra with those Ds...lots of women would kill for those.

    I know. I tried telling myself, "Who needs brains when you got these." It helped me not be depressed for about 7 months, but then i relapsed. Every monday all I can do is think about quitting my job.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Here OP, it sounds like you need this:


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