Skinny Wednesday Challenge!



  • donsch
    donsch Posts: 40
    Hey friends!! I do not know how to find you this AM so I just went back to the original posting.
    I got up and walked 2.5 miles with my friend at 6:30 this AM and have drank two glasses of water.
    How are you this morning?
  • narna04
    narna04 Posts: 18
    Water check, 30 minutes of aerobics this morning check, gym bag and lunch packed check. I'm going to to do good today on the Skinny Wednesday Challenge check. =)
  • nabramson
    nabramson Posts: 12
    This group is great! I think I will be having oatmeal too for breakfast. I will do an hour of cardio at the gym or around the park.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good morning everyone! I got up early this morning & did my Belly Dancing/Bollywood workout! Today I'm going to do my walks on my breaks here at work. Then tonight is Zumba class! Hopefully a bike ride after Margarita night with the girls too! :smile:

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    My goal for today is to drink 120 ounces of water
    Burn at least 700 calories
    stay active and spend less time in front of the computer and tv.

    I will let you all know how I did later.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Well, I got my workout in the morning and it about killed me or so I thought.. Good thing I don't do crazy challenges like that every day but, 1 to 2 times a week is good.. Thanks mama for the link. With that said I doubled my workout time this morning and burned almost 1200 calories.. yippee... Now I just have to up my h2o intake today and make good decisions (mgd) the rest of the day!

    Well. I suppose I should get going and get back to work.

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am thinking double today!!! Mowing my lawn was going to be one of my exercises today in addition to my walk and some arm toning. I mowed the backyard without a bag then went back over it with a bag. mowing the lawn 2x is def. double thinking:laugh:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :bigsmile: Bellydancing, lawn mowing, zumba, double gym time.....oh my goodness! We are workin' it girls! YEEEEE HAW! Can't wait to check in tonight to see your end results of today's hard work and effort! Keep it up girls! :smooched:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am up to 96 ounces of water.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I'm in Fab!!! I'll check in later tonight after my workout. :smile:
  • donsch
    donsch Posts: 40
    I walked this morning--2.5 miles with my friend. When I got somehomework done I went out to the pool. WOW that water was COLD! got a good work out in before my duaghters came and joined me-then we just had fun! after much more homework and Lots of water i walked with all three of my kids. We only went 1 mile but I had on leg weights and wrist weights. wow--I am not sure that I like wearing the leg weights!
    I am ready to go to bed already and it is not even 7PM!!
    I will be back at it tomorrow!
  • narna04
    narna04 Posts: 18
    I burned 830 calories today!!!
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    WOW!!! Everyone is doing so well!! I drank my 90 ounces of water, doubled up on my situps (100) and walked 1/2 mile with my husband. Also, stayed within my calories.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    I am so impressed look at you girls go! :flowerforyou:

    I am just over 1000 calories burned. I am only to 9 glasses of water so must drink more before bed time. I have not eaten my dinner yet. Long day! It is logged in and I am well under my calories.

    Part of my exercise today was tree trimming and wood hauling, I call it applied exercise, good for the arms, great for the core, and covers both cardio and strength training. I used a sharp hand saw today. I cut down three trees about 30 feet tall and trimmed them up and dragged them out so they can be hauled away in the AM. We have an invasive tree in the area and I have declared war on it.:angry: It will not take over my lovely woods.

    Nite all, Alice
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Checking in.... Did Level 2 of Jillian's 30 Day Shred, along with a 16 mile bike ride. :smile:
    I'm ready to float away with the amount of water I drank :drinker: and I came in under my calorie goal (thanks to the exercise). :bigsmile:

    See you all on Skinny Saturday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Ok... so today went very well! I doubled up on my workout
    65 min elliptical
    60 situps
    100oz of water
    stayed within the calories
    and even though I am seriously tired.. I had a GREAT Day!

    Loved this challenge!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi everyone! Well I did my bellydancing this morning, then took 3 walks on my breaks/lunch at work. Then went to Zumba but the stereo broke down so we only did our class for 45 minutes! So there goes another 200 calories I wanted to work off. Oh well, so then I went for Margarita night with the girls & since I didn't get my entire workout in, I declined a margarita & settled for yummy H2O! Stayed under my calories for the day then!

    I was going to try to get a bike ride in when I got home, but I didn't get here till just before 10pm. So I'm going to head up to bed so I can start my workout early again in the morning! I've enjoyed my morning workouts the last 2 days! Normally I'd rather get all my sleep till I have to jump in the shower then dress, breakfast & run out the door to work! My 1/2 hour routine is now turning into an additional 30-45 min with my new morning workout!

    See you all for Skinny Saturday! Kelly
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I drank 136 ounces of water today. I had to call my husband to come pick me up 46 minutes into the walk because I needed to get home before I wet my pants:embarassed:

    Burned 1009 calories today:glasses:
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i didnt eat a single bad item as way of snacking---i kept under my normal daiily allowance of 1200 cals and today i will double my effort in the gym. yesterday was rest day for me!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I drank 136 ounces of water today. I had to call my husband to come pick me up 46 minutes into the walk because I needed to get home before I wet my pants:embarassed:

    Burned 1009 calories today:glasses:

    Ha! What goes in must come out! :laugh: Good job on the water and exercise today!

    Great job to everyone today! I am calling it......a Super Skinny Wed! See you Saturday!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: