Diatomaceous Earth???



  • DoneWorking
    DoneWorking Posts: 247 Member
    I know someone that tried it for a while and gave up. She said it didn't work.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    GavyJoe wrote: »
    I have been reading alot of good things about taking DE, such as lower cholesteral and blood pressure, increased energy, reduced appetite, etc. Has anyone here tried it?

    I know a number of people who take it because they believe that the silica helps their hair and joints. Not too sure about it myself.

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    GavyJoe wrote: »
    I have been reading alot of good things about taking DE, such as lower cholesteral and blood pressure, increased energy, reduced appetite, etc. Has anyone here tried it?

    GavyJoe I have heard of people eating it but on doing some reading I decided to try zeolite type supplement since there are some studies of it leading to better quality of life for some cancer victims.

    Since we often have had cancer for 10 years before it is medically detected taking it before we get cancer, type 2 diabetes, etc may make more sense.

    I expect making sure we do not have low Vit D levels is more important.

  • LaceyVskmp1980
    LaceyVskmp1980 Posts: 37 Member
    edited April 2015
    This is an older thread, but I wanted to share that I have used DE (food grade) for several months now. I have decreased cravings, increased energy, my joints hurt less (I have several things going on that cause a lot of pain and fatigue) my nails are longer, my hair is growing faster, my digestion problems have decreased considerably, and my skin has cleared up. I don't think it is for everyone, nor is it a weight loss miracle, but for me it has made a difference. Silica is very important for the human body, and DE provides it. It is water soluable, so whatever your body does not need, it gets rid of. I go in to get labs done next month to see if my cholesteral and blood pressure have had any changes. Whatever you have chosen to do, it's a good thing you are reading up on it and becoming informed. BE SURE IF YOU DO THE DE, BUY IT FROM A REPUTABLE HEALTH FOOD STORE! I wouldn't risk buying online personally. Good luck! Feel free to PM me if you did try it, let me know your results. I love hearing real experiences :)
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    I take it (food grade only because the non food grade is toxic.) It's amazing. Basically it's composed of the remains of diatoms and consist of between 85% and 95% organic silica. Silica is a neccessary mineral your body needs and is ussually deficient in. It thoroughly cleans out your colen, makes you regular, strengthens hair skin and nails, lowers colesteral, blood pressure, and reduces diabetes. It also clears up acne, and gives you more energy. Has no side effects and is not only safe, but incredibly healthy. Search it on google or you tube.
  • schle009
    schle009 Posts: 63 Member
    I've been using food grade DE for a couple weeks -- I mix it in with yogurt (it's not the best tasting, but it works). I'm not going to say it's helping me lose weight or anything at all, but I had issues being regular (TMI?) and all the fiber in the world wasn't helping. Since I've been taking it, I've been good. I also was feeling super tired and dragging constantly before, and now I actually have a little energy and don't feel like I'm going to nod off every two seconds. I haven't changed anything else in my habits or diet so I think it's safe to guess this is playing a role.
    And I need as much help as I can get with my hair.