

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Selena in Utah - Your comment about respecting your body and yourself really resonates with me. Thank you for the much needed reminder.

    Sylvia - Thanks for the jokes. Laughter really is the best medicine.

    Heather - I hope your ex has a return to better health soon. It must be difficult for your son.

    Renny - A sister trip might be what you are needing.

    To all of you that have shovelling out of the white stuff. I'm sorry for your bad breath.
    I am feeling blessed to own a snow blower and even more blessed that we haven't had to use it. It has only been used 2x this winter.
    A joy filled day spent with DGC. Pancake breakfast cooked by DH. A game of "Grandpa's Farm" with DGDs. Grandpa took the girls' to the park for half an hours while I played crokinole with DGS. He made electronic music on the computer and then we tried our hand at karaoke. A very nice joy filled day.
    -Sharon in Alberta
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Renny - I felt exhausted for about 6 months after my Mom passed away. We were very close and I still miss her.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sharon, how does shoveling snow give you bad breath?
    Michelle, where do you find low fat brownie mix? They sound good!!!
    Cynthia, I don't know if you are talking about an i phone or an iPad. I have and iPad and you find it under the browser Safari. I have it booked marked. I think it is also on my android phone but it went dead on me tonight so it is charging right now.

    Church was cancelled again today due to their parking lot still to icy. We have a lot of elderly people in the church and I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not. Our streets are OK but side streets refreeze overnight and so would a parking lot unless you have the money to have some one come clean it. I know when we got home tonight after supper I had a really hard time getting from the car to the house. Charlie always picks me up at the end of our sidewalk from porch to street. But we just have a driveway and it is very icy after it refreezes. I think we are the only ones that has a shoved yard. Charlie shovels a path from the sidewalk to his door on the car.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    morning ladies~
    sorry I didnt check in last night. to tired...
    the heavy snow yesterday morning wore me out.. then we went on an excursion 2 hrs east to Fall River mass.to the sears outlet there..the microwave we bought opens like an oven and will fit in the space where our old wall oven is. with some modification..but the DH cant understand why it cost 650.00 for the microwave..from what I have found is the ones that go over ranges or that are countertop are the cheaper ones..the ones that have to be in a confined spot are more expensive..
    Janet~ good idea we will take before and after pictures.. thanks for reminding me..
    Michelle~Joey Logano who won the race grew up the next town over from us and I went to High School with his dad Tom.. so we were excited for the win... Joey just got married at the Biltmore Mansion ,in North Carolina a few months ago, quite a few friends of mine went to the wedding.,,
    after we got home from out big trip , we left at 9 am got home at 2:15 so it was a long day.. found the gas range we liked up at sears outlet, came home and found it for a great price at lowes, so we went over there and bought it last night, it probably wont be here for another 3 weeks or so.but thats ok we dont need it just yet..
    now waiting on the bathroom vanity and have contractors lined up to come give us quotes..
    Joyce ~you are not the only with a shoveled yard.. the doggies have a trail through the back yard that we shovel every time it snows...
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Happy Rainy Monday Morning to All!

    Sylvia, your bowls look fantastic. How will the 5th graders decorate them? I taught 5th grade for almost 30 years and found that age to be fascinating.

    Kim, I was very interested in reading your comments about grieving. I have realized this past week that I am grieving over my mom even though she is still living. Her dementia along with a lifetime of mental illness problems is causing me and my siblings to anguish over the state she is in. And, I still grieve over the unfinished issues with my dad who passed away over 15 yrs ago.

    Alison, your remodeling projects seem to be going along fine. I imagine doing all this in the middle of such a harsh winter is not easy. I have always found Lowe's to be a good place to get updates on kitchen needs.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited February 2015

    I truly appreciated the Joan Didion quote during the memoriam portion: "A single person is missing for you, and the whole world is empty". It seems to sum up that empty lost feeling of grief so well.

    Jan ... how very true ...

    Renny ... confusion and exhaustion are tell tale signs of grief and depression ... be gentle with yourself.

    Alison ... we redid our kitchen about 2 years ago ... complete gut ... we had major sticker shock when looking for appliances! I did buy a faucet with a soap dispenser and wasn't sure it was necessary but now I love it. No soap bottle on the counter = less clutter!

    Coming to the end of February ... just a half pound away from this month's goals, but still need to work in more intentional exercise. Hard to do when I'm exhausted from snow removal.

    Have a great day!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    Beth~ we are trying to be conservative.. want to update enough for it to look well for resale value and for us to enjoy for a few years..
    I am stressing as I am doing the bulk of the organizing of contractors,but we havent had but one here so far for quotes... have a folder to keep everything in..
    im taking it a day at a time
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi to all, I wrote a big old follow up yesterday and can't find it anywhere on this thread. I'm not sure what happened.
    I'm at work now, I have lunch time line dancing today and plan to take cycling class and strength training at the Y tonight.
    My family got together last night for my DD and DSL's birthdays. It was a nice time and I got to see all of my grandbabies. We had grilled wings, we use to deep fry them but not anymore. Our family is doing better with food, when getting together we are bringing more veggies and fruit and not so much cheese balls, dips, and spreads.
    Monday sure comes quick, I would love to work 4 10 hr days instead of 40 hrs in 5 days.
    I've logged my food this morning and plan to get up and fill my water cup right now.
    Happy Monday to all,
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! It's 43 degrees in my office this morning, so a little hard to move my fingers on the keyboard. I'm sitting in front of my space heater, eagerly awaiting my tea which is in the microwave. Now the furnace is on in the back so it should warm up pretty quickly. My toes are like ice cubes.

    I delivered the bowls to the school this morning. What a huge relief! So far, so good. Now the ball is in their court. Carol, I got some special markers - a little like a paint marker - that you draw on the bowls and then bake them in the oven to make them permanent. I tested a couple of pieces and it worked well. I can't wait to see what the kids will do with them. It should be colorful, at the very least.

    Didn't sleep too well last night. I woke up with a bad sore throat. Now it feels like maybe an ear infection too. Oh joy. My son and the kids have been passing crud around, and I suspect I caught some of it. Today is my official day off (yeah, right!) so I might go home and nap before going to pick up the kids this afternoon.

    Tomorrow I'm going to the funeral for my friend's mother, then Wednesday I'm going to the Liberal Ladies lunch, and Thursday is my DGD's piano lesson. I can really only handle one "event" per day. Any more than that I get confused.

    So, my tea is ready. Time to get busy. Have a great day!

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited February 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good morning to all you lovely ladies.

    *Oh, Sylvia, that was a good one. I guess I’d ask for a room with a view. LOL
    Great job on the bowls. You deserve a rest. I’m happy that you didn’t lose as many as you expected.

    *Renny, So sorry for your loss. I know how hard it must be to get back in the swing of things. You will get there, just take it one day at a time.

    *Toni, I hope you get to the doctor tomorrow and feel better real fast.

    *Michele, OMG your bran muffins sound so good. I rarely bake because most of it is too high in calories, but I might have to try these. Thanks! I’ve just the past few months started adding cabbage to soups and love it. On the second day I usually add okra too just to change it up a bit.

    *Selena, great remarks. Glad you are here.

    , great workout on the deck. I’ve done just a one level and know what a job that is.

    *Sharon, what a wonderful day with your DGC. I envy you.

    , I was also wondering how shoveling gives you bad breath. LOL (Guessing maybe a typo?)

    , I can’t wait to see pictures of the painted bowls. I’m sure some will be absolutely fantastic.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I don’t know why but I am feeling really good today. Well maybe part of it was the scale this morning. I am down 6 ½ pounds since the cruise, just 9 days ago. I had just about stopped loosing for weeks before the cruise. Since then I have added very simple weight training (at home) to my routine and hopefully this has helped. I also know what helps is the support and wonderful information I get from all of you. Thank you so much, my friends. I love you all and wish you all a very happy and healthy day. <3

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Night time snacking
    Finds me lacking
    In self-control
    It's true.

    Although the word
    Is one that I curse
    Is what I must do.

    Journey aside
    I swallow my pride
    I've forgotten the rules.

    Tonight after dinner
    I'll be a big winner
    Munching on celery
    And fruit.

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,349 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hallo all!

    Did my typing again today. o:)

    Does anyone know of a good way to get labels off glass jars? Is there a good solvent? At the moment I keep putting the jars in the sink to soak and DH keeps taking them out again. :sad:

    Looking forward to seeing my friends at yoga tomorrow. It's been a while! ! ! ! !
    We thought we might go to the pub afterwards and I will take my laptop to show them our over 200 photos. :laugh: Not that I'm boring or anything!

    I'm holding on to my 1 pound loss. That's good. :bigsmile: I do notice that my portion size at home is bigger than on holiday as I was so paranoid about gaining weight. I am under my cals every day though.

    Some new over the door shelves arrived today from Amazon to go in the broom cupboard. Should be able to fit some cleaning supplies in there. It's useless as a broom cupboard as the brooms don't fit in there! :laugh:

    My jamjars are all sorted and out in the garage so I only have a couple of cupboards to sort out now. Before every time I opened the cupboard the jars fell out! ! ! ! !

    We have snowdrops, hellebores, crocuses and pansies out. Might have to do a surgical job on the broad beans as they have fallen over in the frost and wind. I think I can just chop them back. The broccoli is scissored by pigeons, but may survive. The healthiest thing is the garlic, which apparently likes the frost! I have yet to get out there and have a good tidy up. Fruit bushes need a light prune.

    Kim - I order the Quest bars from Amazon, four at a time to save on postage. They are expensive, but can be a life saver. Once was in Sri Lanka when I was hundreds of feet up a metal spiral staircase on a huge rock and feeling light headed from hunger.They may be cheaper in the States.

    DH off tomorrow to have lunch with his daughter in Central London and then on to an evening football match. I worry about him driving home late, but he says it's fine. :ohwell: I can catch up with a film etc.and not feel I have to rush back from the pub. Also I can have something delicious and ultra spicy for dinner! :laugh:

    By the way, I have recently made an Allbran fruit loaf that has no fat in it so is lower in cals. It is tasty. Anyone want the recipe? It freezes well and you can cut it into slices first.

    Bye for now, Heather in windy Hampshire UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    this morning was 30 degrees, I got spoiled when riding in the morning, it was brrrr.. yesterdays workout gave my calves a lil wake up call, this morning they were screaming, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME WOMAN!!!, needless to say, I took it easy on the spin class today.. looolol
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Your bowls look great. I hope we’ll get to see some of them after they’re decorated.

    Toni in TN: I bought my scales from Amazon and went with the one that had the best customer reviews. It has been a champion. I bought my food scales there, too, and they turned out to be sold by the same distribution company.

    Kim: Your comments on grief ring true. I like your fun things for the week.

    Michele: Your muffins sound wonderful. The renovations at the racetrack sound like they’re okay, but I don’t hear you being totally satisfied. I personally don’t automatically like change, and it takes me a while to decide whether I like new things. My neighbors who went to Daytona are due home sometime today. I hope they enjoyed their trip and got some needed downtime.

    Lillian: I’ve seen curling on TV and it looks like it takes patience and a lot of skill.

    Sharon in AB: Congratulations on a joy filled day with the DGC. Nothing could be better.

    Renny: I was fine right after my mom passed as long as I was still doing things to take care of her affairs. After all that ended I slid into a depression without even realizing it was happening. It took time, counseling, and medication to climb back out of the depression. Take care of yourself.

    Patty: I worked four ten hour days during the months before DD was born. I had a long commute and was grateful that I didn’t have to make the drive on the fifth day. I had an even longer commute during the years after we moved here. Retirement has been a blessing.

    I am still sore and tired from power washing the deck over the weekend. The feeling of accomplishment is great, but the sore muscles are less than delightful. I hope that my core & yoga classes this morning will help my sore muscles feel better.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's jokes of the day:


    A squirrel is living in a pine tree, when one day it starts to shake and rock.

    So he looks outside and he sees a large elephant trying to climb up the tree.

    "What the hell!" the squirrel exclaims. "What the hell do you think you're doing climbing up this tree?!"

    The elephant responds. "I'm climbing up here to eat pears."

    The squirrel is befuddled. "You moron! This is a pine tree! There are no pears!"

    The elephants stares at him for a moment before replying, "I know. I brought my own."


    Q: What do you call a line of rabbits walking backwards?

    A: A receding hairline!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,656 Member
    Michele – that sounds like a great muffin recipe…. I’ll check on that - and it would sit in the car for a couple of hours waiting for me to finish my hike..so that would de-frost it… between chocolate muffins and zucchini tots… I should be able to pull this off!!!

    Snow Snow Snow --- oh how we need to ship some to the mountains of CA! I am sorry for and jealous of all you in snow country…

    Carol –GA – This will be an interesting journey, I do believe grief can come with the end of things not just death.. So you can grieve the end of a relationship, the change in health circumstances, like your mom…. The one thing my counselor said is that talking about the loss with others is super helpful, as talking about the great stories and fond memories; for my loss I did not have that opportunity, for you maybe sharing with your sisters will help, or share with us! I would love to hear favorite memories of your Mom.

    I have not seen the movie yet, but read Still Alice and would recommend it; it might be too hard with you in the “middle” of this with your mom, but it might give you some insight too.

    Heather – they seem to run about $2 - $2.10 (1.38 for you) per bar if you buy them by the case (12) I want the Allbran loaf recipe please!

    Feb. goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    has logged in for 940 days in a row! :0)
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! This cold seems to be making me feel worse every day instead of getting better. Hopefully, it will be gone soon!

    Cynthia - Until someone on here mentioned it, I never thought I could access Community from my phone app, but it's there now. I'm thinking it happened with the last update that MFP did. Can you look to see if you can update your app?

    Selena (?) - Thanks for the body image words! I need to remind myself that my scars are badges of honor for taking care of medical issues and not just ugly things and that my saggy lower belly is the result of making sure my son was born alive and healthy--and I will attribute the lower level of the girls to nursing both children!

    Kim - I am a quantity kind of person, too. Protein bars a go-to for me when I'm hungry but can't wait until the next meal or when I'm stranded somewhere without food choices. If you have a way to keep things cold, maybe a protein packed smoothie of some sort that you can sip on as you drive home. (I like oatmeal smoothies made with Greek yogurt for the protein punch.)

    Michele - I want to try those chocolate muffins!

    Well, I've been interrupted and don't remember who else I was going to reply to.

    Does anyone have any experience with rotator cuff injuries? I've been told that I have an "impingement" and had a cortisone shot last October(?) but either it has worn off or I have re-injured the shoulder. I guess I'm going to have to suck it up and see if I can get a specialist referral and get it properly checked out. :angry:

    Even with the cold and accompanying sore throat, I made it through my training session yesterday. I kept a package of Chloraseptic lozenges and a stack of Kleenex on the podium and my cup of water on the cabinet behind me. I had to use all three, but I managed.

    Well, I guess I should get some more work done. :sob: I really want to go back home and go to bed.

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Carol in NC
  • snowdoggy
    snowdoggy Posts: 12 Member
    Good morning

    I am new to this thread and am excited about being here. I am 54 years old and have lost at least a thousand pounds over my life and am still in the same overweight boat. I have recently adopted a lot of new strategies. I know your supposed to weigh yourself for My Fitness Pal, but I cannot do that. I have found that in the past when the scale wasn't moving I would totally abandon all the work I had accomplished. I will get weighed every so often at the doctor to see how far I've come.

    * I will get to the gym 6 days a week instead of 4 (which usually went down to 2).
    * I will look for my clothes to get looser.
    * I will journal my foods, thoughts and exercise.
    * I will do the most I can do at the gym; not the least.
    * I will do work before play. For me play is sitting in my chair with my IPAD playing games.
    * I realize that this a mental thing with me more than a physical thing.
    * I will get completely off of diet coke.

    I am feeling better already and it can only get better from here.

    Have an awesome day,

    Snowdoggy in MD
  • k2boxlady
    Heather, try vinegar to get the labels off of jars. You may need to soak them a little while, but I have used it before and had success.