

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Good morning ladies it 2C here and the sun is shining it feels almost balmy.

    Pipcd: 940 days is incredible! What an accomplishment!

    Lillian from SK: Thanks for the heads-up on WEM, both DS#2 and DDILTB work there and hadn't heard about the threat.

    Selena: Your thoughts on body image are inspiring

    Today I'm celebrating one month on MFP and I have been diligent in recording my intake. I've lost 4 pounds so far and have only ordered in once. This is a big accomplishment for me!

    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." Carol Burnett

    Have a great day!

    Carey in Edmonton
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Heather - We have a product in the US called Goo Gone that does an excellent job of removing labels. In fact, I used it Friday to get a huge label off of my new stainless steel recycling can, the price label off a magnifying glass, and the made in Italy sticker on a decorative pitcher.

    Carey - Thanks for quoting me!!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Janet – Congrats on your weight loss! So glad to hear someone say that they are feeling really good. I’ve had some true feelings of happiness lately and realized it had been too long since I’d felt truly happy with myself. Let’s keep this train going!!

    JS- loved your poem!

    Heather – Walmart sells Goo-Gone. It works wonderful to remove anything sticky.

    Mollywhippet - hahahaha – love a good joke

    Kim – I can’t wait to ‘Still Alice’ in the theaters? That is one of my all time favorite books, as are Lisa Genova’s other 2 books ‘Left Neglected’ and ‘Love Anthony’. (can you coach me in how to get my ticker to show up in my posts? When I was on MFP a few years ago it worked fine, but a few things have changed here)

    Carol – I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Snowdoggy – Nice list. You’ve got this!

    Everyone is so motivating here (even if I can’t keep up with all your post) :p So far you have helped me to successfully stop drinking caffeine, exercise 5x’s a week, eat more protein, try new foods, weigh my portions and laugh more often. Oh yes – and lose 25lbs! I have a long way to go but my jeans are zipping with ease these days.

    ReNae - Maine
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Quick check in. My new fitbit is here and synced to my account. Of course, I've already done my 3-mile walk before the mail came!

    I am finally eating the PB-2 I bought a while back. I'm stirring it into my mid-day smoothie. One scoop of protein powder, two scoops of PB-2, two scoops of flax seed, a cup of milk, a cup of ice chips, and a banana. It's pretty good. Not as good as the Dole frozen fruit, but still tasty.

    Have a good week, my friends!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    edited February 2015
    Heather ... another choice is anything with a citrus base ... retail products include things like Goo-gone and Citrasolve ... but not sure if they are in the UK. Look for anything with citrus .. it's a natural acid.

    JB ... like the poetry!

    Alison .. I know all about going the "conservative" route. We never seem to manage that here! :o

    Struggling here right now ... reading the book Drkatiebug suggested ... "I deserve a donut and other lies I tell myself." Too much stress here today ... but so far haven't succumbed to the pantry.

  • jehzimom
    jehzimom Posts: 22 Member
    Jehzimom. Dallas,TX

    I'm new here. This is day 3 for me. I joined after reading an article on Pinterest suggesting to make healthy living a hobby. Cannot tell you how excited I've been since reading that. Instead of TV I live healthy.

    Currently I'm in grad school to be an NP. I want to have a convincing story to help my patients. If this 57 year old grandma can do it, anyone can (or should at least try).

    I love this site and find everything I need to be successful is right here. I'm eating real food. YouTube videos provide my gym workouts. Using my phone and tablet, I'm always prepared. I have no excuse now, so let's see where I end up.
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good Morning dear ladies!

    Kim: I’m a little late to snack suggestions, but I’ll add my two cents anyway. When you get back to the car after the hike, I would try to have something “protein-heavy” and/or something to drink before you drive off. It could be cheese sticks, chunks of turkey, chick breast, hard boiled egg. Whatever fits. I really dislike the pre-made bar things. Too many weird ingredients. (I carry Odwalla bars in my emergency food kit, but don’t want them in normal rotation.) If you would rather drink your protein a fortified milk would be great. I get fortified milk 12oz for $1 and it is only 180 calories. The extra protein is whey and it is fortified with the minerals that I am routinely short. Shake it really good and it has the consistency of a shake and so filling I can hardly drink the whole bottle in one sitting. You could also make a smoothie to take along. They keep very well. One trick you could use is make a double serving of a smoothies and stir a tablespoon of chia seeds into half and put in in the frig for the next day. The chia seeds will make the smoothie very pudding-like as well as a great nutritional boost. If you really, really need to munch while you drive, how about a bag of sweet lettuce. The little lettuce leaves are about the size of chips and I find them wonderfully sweet. (I eat a lot of kale and arugula, so I find butter lettuce sweet.) There is lots of good stuff nutritionally and 25 calories in the whole bag.

    Pip: 940 days!! Amazing!! You rock!

    Selena: Lovely words about body image.

    I’m very sorry about the rest of the US, but the PNW had yet another spectacular weekend. Blue skies and temperatures in the 60’s. (The are summer days where we don’t get into the 60’s!) Went for a couple of runs. I’m still amazed at how much I really love to run. There is one heck of a barrier to get over, but once you can make yourself break through, it is a wonderful way to burn calories and just enjoy the outside. Took the dogs for several walks. Got the house cleaned up. The dogs got a grooming and I trimming up their feet and legs. They look a little hacked, I think my poor scissors could use a sharpening! Went out for a wonderful Greek dinner on Saturday, but we walked to the restaurant and back so I did not feel the least bit guilty about the baklava I shared for dessert.

    The PiYo class I’m taking on Saturday morning is turning out to be a ton of fun. So far, we are all still learning the sequences and the exercise flow but the teacher is totally enjoying himself and is passing off his joy to the rest of us. I challenged him to make me sweat next week. We should be moving more smoothly from sequence to sequence by then.

    The Mother of the Bride dress hunt continues. I’ve lost weight and look “marvelous”, but MOB dresses are scarce in my current size in the Malls and bridal stores. Most of them start off the rack availability at least one size up. The ones in my size look more like slutty prom dresses. I think I’m at the point where I will just start ordering a couple on-line and return the ones that don’t make the cut.

    One other cool thing. My UP24 told me that I had walked 3.5 MILLION steps since I put it on. WOW!

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.





  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sylvia: beautiful bowls! Will you post a pic when they're done? Hope you will feel better soon.
    Kim: flexible hours/working at home are important to me healthwise.
    Renny: ((hugs))
    Heather: I’m seeing snowdrops and the beginnings of crocuses. And some very light green leaves on some bushes. Glad you like the Quest bars. I ordered them once and liked most of the flavors, but the texture, not so much.
    Carol: I had two impingements. Means one of the tendons is not able to slide properly between the bones (they may have told you that). If they start talking surgery, please see whether shockwave therapy is an option. In my case the tendon was calcified after an injury (so it was getting stuck in its “tunnel”). Shoulder surgery is complicated, so I decided to try shockwave therapy. (It’s just like getting kidney stones pulverized.) It solved the whole problem for me without surgery.

    Guys, I truly do not have Community on my app (iPhone or iPad). :) It just isn’t there, even after deleting and downloading again (the updated version).

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks, Cynthia! The rheumatologist is the one who said I had an impingement from doing a physical exam of my shoulder. Did you need an MRI or CT scan to find that it was a calcification. I would much rather NOT have the surgery so I'm grateful to know there is an alternative if it is a calcification. That's really sad that your community is not showing up on your phone. I really hoped that the update would make it appear!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,323 Member
    Thanks for the degumming suggestions!
    I have ordered some Goo Gone. On Pinterest I found they recommend oil plus bicarbonate of soda. I tried that on my current pot and it worked ok even without soaking. Just the tiniest residue left. :bigsmile:

    Heather x
  • pettycoatjunction
    pettycoatjunction Posts: 757 Member
    Lestan48 wrote: »
    Sunday here in Tasmania. My Rest, Re-feed and Walk the dog day.
    Mildred beagle had an up/down night last night
    We drove to Ulverstone and she had 2 long paddles in the river and walked along River Road. She LOVES that place and sitting in back of the car.
    The vet says she can have another anti-inflammatory shot in 2 weeks if she goes well on these. She is bright eyed and loves her trips in the car.

    MY goals for February:
    Log my food every day and saty close to 1700 calories
    Log my training every day. (walk on waking and weights 1 hour after breakfast)
    Train 6 days a week
    Drink 2 litres of water a day
    Make time for fun with Mildred
    Stay away from toxic neighbours

    Lesley in Tasmania

  • pettycoatjunction
    pettycoatjunction Posts: 757 Member
    Hi everyone! I stumbled on your thread last week and have enjoyed reading a few of your posts! Sounds like a lot of you have been together for a while, but you all seem to be a welcoming group, so I think I will jump in and see if one more newbie is okay! My name is Bobbi, and I'm just trying to keep the jelly roll from gaining anymore hold on my midsection! Truly, I only need to drop about 8-10 pounds, but when you are short and of a certain age, those pounds sure are determined to stick with you! A bit about me... I'm a special Ed. Teacher, I live on 5 acres, enjoy hiking, horseback riding, wine, weekend jaunts, and hanging out with family and friends. I'm a native born Oregonian, living just outside of Salem.

    Goals: average 12,000 steps a day on my Fitbit
    Up my water intake & down my wine intake
    Log all those little morsels I call food

    Bobbi from Salem, Oregon
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Cynthia, if it makes you feel any better, I do have community on my app but still prefer to read and post from Safari. I prefer the app for logging, the website for socializing. The app version is okay, but nothing to get excited about.

    Oh,and I still can't participate in the forums from my computer using Chrome. I just gave up but occasionally give it a try just in case they've fixed it. I think I'm the only person in the universe with the problem. It's slightly annoying because cutting and pasting are a pain from the iPad. I can use explorer if I want to post from the computer, but don't think I should have to. I'm over it, though. I really am.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    edited February 2015
    smiley-cool05.gif Katla, your power washing sounds like a great way to be useful and burn calories at the same time....I love the feeling of sore muscles because it tells me that I worked hard enough to make a difference.

    smiley-happy110.gif snowdoggy, even though MFP has weight loss tickers and a place to enter your weight, you don't have to weigh yourself. On this thread many of us have fabulous goals that aren't about losing a certain number of pounds. My goals are about behaviours that will contribute to health and fitness and a better attitude.

    smiley-happy110.gif ReNae, you have made some great changes...keep coming back and inspiring others.

    smiley-happy020.gif Beth, congrats on choosing an inspirational book to read....you will get the results you seek, but maybe not immediately....never, never, never give up

    smiley-happy020.gif jehzimom, I love the image of making healthy living a hobby...thank you for sharing that idea.

    smiley-happy020.gifSally W., you are so right that we are blessed in the PNW with awesome weather....I am taking full advantage of it.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)--- The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    February Resolutions
    *walk 19,000 steps a day (this is higher than last month)
    *strength training twice a week (this is the one I still haven't accomplished) smiley-sport017.gif
    *get the income tax numbers compiled and mailed to the accountant
    *Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good--this goes well with my happiness commandment to "Lighten up"

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Beth, are you liking the book? It really helps me, but it needs one more situation. The one that says, "I don't feel like following my boundaries so I'm hiding the book." I so identify with Eve when she ran and hid. It's exactly what I do.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    nccarolb wrote: »
    Thanks, Cynthia! The rheumatologist is the one who said I had an impingement from doing a physical exam of my shoulder. Did you need an MRI or CT scan to find that it was a calcification. I would much rather NOT have the surgery so I'm grateful to know there is an alternative if it is a calcification.
    Hi Carol, as I remember it was an ultrasound (it was several years ago).
    Keep me posted!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Carol, I had an MRI to diagnose my torn labrum and rotator cuff. I was given a set of exercises to do to avoid surgery. I also had a cortisone shot. My pain went away with the shot and exercises, but it took a while.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Just checking in. Been really busy the last week. Seems time is flying by so fast and I am so behind. My eating is out of control as stress eating big time. Things at work are so messed up and not sure how long will have a job. But I am working on trusting God is working it out. Think of you all and I will catch up and get back to the program. Tomorrow is weigh in and know it will not be good. I am not giving up and right now I am starting over. I have not had a soda since last Tuesday and think that is part of my mood, but doing alot better and drinking lots of water. Thank you all for your support.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    I am only mid-way through page 36 and my work day is almost complete, so I better get cruising.

    Today at lunch I used the handbike with no resistance for 10 minutes, then talked to a lady about her thumb and knee surgeries. I think I will start saving for the knee surgery, but don't think I'm very close to needing my thumb done yet, so that will probably wait a few more years. After work I will ride the stationary bike for 10 minutes. On the advice of the Physical Therapist here, I will increase the resistance on the hand bike much more slowly than last week, so I don't get the same muscle fatigue.

    Tomorrow is the Barry Manilow concert with my Dad, so I must do all my exercises during my lunch break. I also have to research the food at the venue, since we will be eating there for supper prior to the start of the concert.

    DS was hot/cold at bowling again this weekend. 688 for league, then only 609 for the Tournament, and since the advancement cut-off was 620, he didn't win any scholarship money. Then Sunday he won all 4 of his points, but his teammates were unable, so his team finished in Fourth place, so no scholarship money there, either. Next tournament is in 2 weeks, so there is some time to practice with DH as coach (he's a great coach, if DS will listen).

    Sharon - hugs for you and the entire family. I will keep you all in my prayers. My custody battle for DD was ugly on the part of my now-ex and his entire family, and I kept it clean (and won), but I spent many nights crying myself to sleep over the terrible lies they typed and swore by in court. I hope, for the sake of the children, that you can all keep a happy face (negative talk about the "other parent" in front of children makes those children feel like they are also bad people, because they are 1/2 of that parent). Take good care of you, and you should also be able to take good care of the grandkids.

    Oh my. Started talking at work, now need to sign out in 2 minutes. Later !

    Hugs To Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Beth, are you liking the book? It really helps me, but it needs one more situation. The one that says, "I don't feel like following my boundaries so I'm hiding the book." I so identify with Eve when she ran and hid. It's exactly what I do.

    Yes, I do like it. Reminds me to stop and think. I've been thinking a lot about boundaries. I have them in place for other parts of my life, but not my own eating habits and health?! That needs to change.

    I managed to get through the day within my calorie budget ... more carbs than I like, but since I didn't eat any of the hidden cookies or other no-no's in the house, I'm considering it a win!

    Think I'll be in bed early tonight ... so dang cold here! Just makes you want to burrow. Enough already!

    Beth in Western New York