

  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    It is theoretically possible. If you want to lose 42 pounds in 9 weeks, that's 4.7 pounds a week. That's a deficit of 16,333 calories a week, or 2333 calories a day, which is more than most of us even eat in a day. However, if you only drank water for the next 9 weeks, and jogged for 6.3 hours a day (burning 368 calories per hour), you could totally do it!!

    Now the fact that you would be in the hospital somewhere after the first day or two could be a bit of an inconvenience to your wedding planning and everything.

    I'd recommend making a goal of losing about 1 pound a week, adding some strength training (bodyweight, dumbbell or barbell), eat at a deficit and log everything here. You will have reached your goal easily by your first anniversary and you'll be healthy, and happy enough to actually enjoy your wedding.

  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    well, I mean, everybody is being a bit pessimistic. It can be done. It'll be ridiculously unsafe and likely do some considerable damage to your body. At that rate hospitalization for organ issues wouldn't be out of the question, but it can be done.

    Safety aside, unrealistic goals are the fastest way to kill your motivation. Not to mention, you want to feel good on your wedding day. Why not set an intense but reasonable goal so you can look back and say "I can't believe I managed to lose one and a half stone in just two months. Look how great I look," rather than "I can't believe I failed to lose that three stone that it would have been unsafe to lose anyway. I'm such a failure; I look (to use your word) vulgar." Try for one stone and change. It'll be work, but it's doable, and something you can feel great about having done.

    Oh, and just the opinion from one guy in the peanut gallery, feel free to take it or leave it, but if you did manage to lose that much weight that fast, you'd end up looking thin but sick at your wedding, which is a look I, and any friends I've asked about it, aren't fans of.

    Skinny can be great, no doubt, but that crash diet, washed out face, thin nail, dull hair, dull skin look isn't worth it. Forget about your health for a moment. If the goal is to look good, you're going to look much better one stone heavier and unstarved.
  • jquinn165
    jquinn165 Posts: 153 Member
    Thank you everyone for all your comments, I do have a lot of weight to lose (9 stone to be a healthy weight) 3 stone is the dream for my wedding but I'd obviously be happy just to lose, just don't want to feel uncomfortable on my big day, it's also a destination wedding so I will also be feeling very uncomfortable on a week in the sun with mine and my partners family, I just want to feel confident and comfortable in my own skin, I feel anything less than 3 stone won't be good enough xxx
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    jquinn165 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for all your comments, I do have a lot of weight to lose (9 stone to be a healthy weight) 3 stone is the dream for my wedding but I'd obviously be happy just to lose, just don't want to feel uncomfortable on my big day, it's also a destination wedding so I will also be feeling very uncomfortable on a week in the sun with mine and my partners family, I just want to feel confident and comfortable in my own skin, I feel anything less than 3 stone won't be good enough xxx

    Losing weight at all should be good enough.

    If you were to try for such a huge loss, you would more than likely be seriously damaging your body. You would lose fat and muscle, your hair would start to fall out, you would be so tired from burning so much more than you eat that you may not even get out of bed. I'm sure your fiance cares more about your health than you getting down to a specific size in time for the day. You didn't put it on quickly, so why the rush to get it off?

    Set your deficit to two pounds per week and read the sticky threads around the community to see what you need to do. Even losing 10-20 pounds in two months will be a huge accomplishment, and you'll have the motivation and energy to continue on your journey after your honeymoon.
  • kiddiecarbeds
    kiddiecarbeds Posts: 4 Member
    Ive done it in my early 20s. I never knew exactly what i would lose but after the weight starting falling off i kept going until 2 months.

    I decided to start cycling from Bradley Stoke in Bristol to Temple Meads train station to work daily 5 days a week there and back instead of catching the train.

    It made sense as motivation was always there to not giveup cycling 7 or 9 miles a day when you have to get to work in 45 mins and try not to get fired. We had showers at work and it was part of the work culture which helped.

    I never starved myself but i never ate out for 2 months and went on high protein diet for 6 days a week and had one cheat day which I ate a normal meal.

    Below is my food plan and routine and this worked for me. I lost 3.5 stones in 2 months but I was massively dedicated

    6.45am wake up and drink Green tea and add honey and Lemon.

    6.50am Have 2 boiled eggs in the morning.
    7am Cycle to work for 45 mins and then shower up.

    12 ish have lunch.

    1 small box of Chicken cubes and Steamed Veg

    Apple or fruit

    5pm Cycle home after work. didnt matter if it was pissing down with rain. I would come prepared with my backpack and have a raincoat and warm wear to stay warm.

    6pm get home and shower and have dinner.

    Lamb and fresh veg or Chicken and fresh veg and green tea and water.

    I drank loads of water and green tea and never went to the gym once as i was cycling 5 days a week and that was enough for me.

    Trust me i never felt nevee killed me.and the shock on my friends and families faces up.north when i went to.see them was
    priceless :-)

    Im doing it again starting tomorrow but the USA.

    Wish me.luck. i wont be cycling but.will follpw.a strict plan

  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    @kiddiecarbeds , You might want want to start your own thread, this one is two and a half years old!! Wonder if the OP lost any weight and hope she had an amazing wedding anyway. @jquinn165 are you still out there?
  • sytchequeen
    sytchequeen Posts: 526 Member
    firstly, congratulations in advance! A wedding can be a big deal, without the extra stress of an un-achievable weight goal. So let's reset that goal for starters. Aim for a stone, that can make a big visual difference on it's own, and you'll feel better in your wedding dress. If you manage more then that's great.
    Next. Form a good diet plan. Meal plan for the week. Pre-log your food using MFP, so you know what you can have on each day, impulse eating can be avoided if you have a good plan. Never "treat yourself" with food. You have a wedding coming, treat yourself with a massage, facial, or a manicure instead.

    A little tale for you. A cousin was so obsessed with looking great on her wedding photos she did one of those diets where they send you ready meals every week. She spent thousands of pounds on it, along with some cosmetic surgery. She looked a million dollars on her wedding day. And promptly put it all back on again afterwards. Get yourself fit for life, not fit for one day of it xx
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    firstly, congratulations in advance! A wedding can be a big deal, without the extra stress of an un-achievable weight goal. So let's reset that goal for starters. Aim for a stone, that can make a big visual difference on it's own, and you'll feel better in your wedding dress. If you manage more then that's great.
    Next. Form a good diet plan. Meal plan for the week. Pre-log your food using MFP, so you know what you can have on each day, impulse eating can be avoided if you have a good plan. Never "treat yourself" with food. You have a wedding coming, treat yourself with a massage, facial, or a manicure instead.

    A little tale for you. A cousin was so obsessed with looking great on her wedding photos she did one of those diets where they send you ready meals every week. She spent thousands of pounds on it, along with some cosmetic surgery. She looked a million dollars on her wedding day. And promptly put it all back on again afterwards. Get yourself fit for life, not fit for one day of it xx

    She got married two years ago....
  • sytchequeen
    sytchequeen Posts: 526 Member
    SLLeask wrote: »

    She got married two years ago....

    argh! Long hard stare at the person above me who resurrected the post then.... lol