Need friends to push me through gaining!

I've been at this since January 1 and only gained 4 lbs


  • saltlife2414
    All my friends want to loose they don't realize the struggle it is for me to gain need friends who understand and have advice
  • datdere1
    Here's some advice:

    Eat more food. There's no other way to get it done.
  • julianacoculo860
    When people keep telling you to just "eat more" it does not help, it's almost a turnoff to not do so. I completely understand. The struggle to put it on is just as bad to get it off, feel free to message me for any advice :)
  • milsha123
    Four pounds in four weeks is pretty good. Keep it up and be patient. Keep doing what you are doing and six months into it, you will have added 24 pounds!!
    NO JUNK FOOD and work out at least three times a week with weights.
    Good luck!!
  • saltlife2414
    Thx everyone I just went up on my calorie intake to 3000 and I work out everyday except thurs...diff exercises a day of course and I drink my boost with protein I still have 10 more to go
  • embee2301
    embee2301 Posts: 17 Member
    Yeh its tough. It can be hard to get so many calories in when they are clean!!!! Sometimes I get to that sixth meal and I'm like really is it time to again!? I love it though. I love how strong I feel and how my weights keep getting heavier. I did a body composition scan a week ago so I will be interested to see what that shows after 30 days. :)
  • saltlife2414
    Wow that sounds really cool gotta let me know how it turns out!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    1 pound a week for a woman is really fast. Are you actually bulking or trying to restore weight after an ED? Those are different scenarios with different guidelines.
  • saltlife2414
    Wow that sounds really cool gotta let me know how it turns out!
    AliceDark wrote: »
    1 pound a week for a woman is really fast. Are you actually bulking or trying to restore weight after an ED? Those are different scenarios with different guidelines.

    I was 111 I'm working out while eating but I don't want to be a body builder or anything just I'm doing pretty good then in your opinion?
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    edited February 2015
    Wow that sounds really cool gotta let me know how it turns out!
    AliceDark wrote: »
    1 pound a week for a woman is really fast. Are you actually bulking or trying to restore weight after an ED? Those are different scenarios with different guidelines.

    I was 111 I'm working out while eating but I don't want to be a body builder or anything just I'm doing pretty good then in your opinion?
    If you're already at a healthy weight and have no concerns about ED issues, 1 pound a week is really fast for a woman. (I asked because if someone is in recovery, they should be gaining at whatever pace their doctor says is okay. The last thing anyone here should be doing is to tell someone in recovery that they're gaining too quickly).

    Are you lifting? What program are you doing? How many calories are you averaging?

    At 1 pound a week, you're probably gaining more body fat than you would want to be, although if it's just the first month you may be seeing just a jump in water weight and glycogen rather than "real" weight gain. That all depends on your programming and your intake.
  • saltlife2414
    BFDeal wrote: »
    I gained 6lbs in one weekend LOL. Maybe you should worship me as your deity.

    Ok you def have to tell me how lol
  • saltlife2414
    Well it def wasn't an ED I ate fine but I'm 5'6 and at 111 is just way to skinny I want to be
    AliceDark wrote: »
    Wow that sounds really cool gotta let me know how it turns out!
    AliceDark wrote: »
    1 pound a week for a woman is really fast. Are you actually bulking or trying to restore weight after an ED? Those are different scenarios with different guidelines.

    I was 111 I'm working out while eating but I don't want to be a body builder or anything just I'm doing pretty good then in your opinion?
    If you're already at a healthy weight and have no concerns about ED issues, 1 pound a week is really fast for a woman. (I asked because if someone is in recovery, they should be gaining at whatever pace their doctor says is okay. The last thing anyone here should be doing is to tell someone in recovery that they're gaining too quickly).

    Are you lifting? What program are you doing? How many calories are you averaging?

    At 1 pound a week, you're probably gaining more body fat than you would want to be, although if it's just the first month you may be seeing just a jump in water weight and glycogen rather than "real" weight gain. That all depends on your programming and your intake.

    around 125
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Are you lifting weights? Are you doing a program or something you put together?
  • saltlife2414
    AliceDark wrote: »
    Are you lifting weights? Are you doing a program or something you put together?

    Legs on sun...triceps,back mon...shoulders tues...chest,curls we' thurs...triceps,back fri...chest,curls sat...and I do calves and stomach I'm wanting to put glutes in there hard
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited February 2015
    If you are having trouble eating enough than the fallacy of not eating high calorie foods will do you little good. Eat a balanced diet but also have your "junk" too. Despite what some food moralists might have you believe your body can handle those foods fine in moderation. It's a lot better than stressing to find 3k on whole "clean" foods that no one can agree on anyway.
  • saltlife2414
    If you are having trouble eating enough than the fallacy of not eating high calorie foods will do you little good. Eat a balanced diet but also have your "junk" too. Despite what some food moralists might have you believe your body can handle those foods fine in moderation. It's a lot better than stressing to find 3k on whole "clean" foods that no one can agree on anyway.

    That sounds much better to me...I'm sitting here thinking about what to eat and all I have is a lot of crap foods right now I def need to shop lol but I like the idea of eating like that rather then forcing 3k down lol
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    If you are having trouble eating enough than the fallacy of not eating high calorie foods will do you little good. Eat a balanced diet but also have your "junk" too. Despite what some food moralists might have you believe your body can handle those foods fine in moderation. It's a lot better than stressing to find 3k on whole "clean" foods that no one can agree on anyway.

    That sounds much better to me...I'm sitting here thinking about what to eat and all I have is a lot of crap foods right now I def need to shop lol but I like the idea of eating like that rather then forcing 3k down lol

    Bulking is actually supposed to be fun! B)
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    At that rate, it's possible that you're gaining a disproportionate amount of fat. That's fine, if you just want to gain and don't care if it's fat or muscle, but I don't know if women can realistically expect to gain 0.5 pounds of muscle per week.