just walking...can you lose weight this way?

I need to lose 100+ lbs. Never thought i would say that. anyway....i have 3 big dogs (labs) and I used to be a runner but cannot run longer than 5 minutes anymore (so sad) so I thought, what if i start by walking my dogs for 1-2 hours a day? I LOVED running years ago as i am just not a gym person or a "boot camp" junkie. I can do DVD's but i just get bored with them. I could walk two dogs at once for 3 minutes and come back and get the other one and rotate them daily (very hard to walk 3 at once and be able to enjoy it). If i did that and just did 5 minutes of pushups and sit ups per day would that work? I know i need a calorie deficit...duh...but want to hear some success stories of people who walk only and lose a lot of weight. Thanks.


  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    Since weight loss is about a deficit, you will lose as long as you're eating less than you burn.

    Walking is a great way to improve your fitness levels though!
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I lost my first 25lbs by strictly walking
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Fabulous idea! I burn about 300 cals an hour walking, and there's no risk of injury. Just make sure you eat the calories back (or half of them), as MFP will already have you in a deficit.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Caloric deficit for weight loss. Walking to increase the deficit and for your health.
  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    Walking is a great way to assist in your journey and so are the sit ups push-ups and DVD's. You can get some had weights for inexpensive too. Before you know it you'll be running again!
  • laralosingit42
    laralosingit42 Posts: 84 Member
    i know this whole work out as hard as you can thing is in style right now with "insanity" " P90x" "cross fit" etc. however, everytime I am going to try to do those things i hurt myself or get so sore i dont want to exercise for days. I love to exercise for mental reasons too, it helps my anxiety (i eat because of anxiety). how much should i aim to walk daily (as it time...i have 3 large dogs). I can make time for this, it is a priority. I need to lose this weight SO BADLY but am so so sick of following methods that somebody else told me to do that i end up hating (not wanting to do) or some diet i hate. I feel that i just need to do what i like which is outdoor walking or running. I thought about throwing maybe a jilliam michaels workout daily (one of her 20 minute ones) too as I love her 30 minute shreds but dont want overdo it but my poor dogs never get walks (my husband never walks them and dont see him doing it) but walking more than 2 at once is just not fun. Ideas for how i could do this? I dont mind walking 1-2 hours per day.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    It is a great idea. My first year about the only exercise I got was walking. It got ever easier as I lost weight so when the walking got too easy I started to run.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    I think you have a good approach (PS my name is Lara as well!)
    I lost a lot of weight without walking at all. I didn't actually do any exercise. I just ate at a deficit and lost weight. I added in exercise at a later date. Walking is great but don't overdo it with exercise as you may injure yourself. Losing weight is 90% diet. So focus on that and do the walking just for your mental health and to increase circulation etc.
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    Yes! You definitely can loose weight by walking! On whole, walking is why most European countries have lower obesity rates then America- their major cities are set up for walking. It will improve your muscle tone, heart health and joint health.

    Good luck!
    Y_U_NO_SKINNY Posts: 53 Member
    Yes. I once lost 12 lbs walking, with a strict 1250-1300 calorie intake in about 6 weeks- 2 months.
  • ErinK09
    ErinK09 Posts: 687 Member
    edited February 2015
    When I first started out all I did was walk and watched what I ate. I lost a good amount of weight doing that.
    Good luck!
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Yes, most certainly you can lose weight "just" via walking... as long as you log and track your food and eat at a deficit.

    Having said that, once you've lost some of the weight, you'll probably find yourself more able to do more and more other exercise, too. And finding exercise that you love can be hugely beneficial -- not just to your weight loss, but to your overall health.

    See if you can add some sort of strength exercise to your regime, which will help you not just lose the weight, but also hold onto your lean muscle and get the toned results you're looking for.
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    I lost my first 13# walking and counting calories.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    If you've been pretty sedentary, build up slowly. You are going to have to rebuild some strength. You could be vulnerable to things like plantar fasciitis if you jump right into 1-2 hour walks. Also, wear good, support footwear.
  • alaynavee
    alaynavee Posts: 148 Member
    I think your idea is fabulous - start tomorrow and just do it!! You can download walking tracks off prevention.com for free, eventually you can work up your pace. Start slow, you may risk injury or over exertion if you go out for more than 15 minutes to start. Make a chart and keep track of your progress or use your calendar, you may find that very motivating. Your dogs are going to love you <3
  • stephc002
    stephc002 Posts: 24 Member
    I have lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks just cutting calories according to MFP and mostly walking. I occasionally play the wii or have dance parties around the house with my daughtet, but mostly just walk. I bought myself a fitness band for xmas and that had kept me moving all day everyday trying to meet my daily step goal. I honestly think its a godsend. Gives me something to shoot for everyday. I walk in place while cooking dinner, talking on the phone, watching tv, etc. I have walked over 90 miles in 3 weeks, and could physically barely walk 20 mins at a time when i started!
  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    Since weight loss is about a deficit, you will lose as long as you're eating less than you burn.

    Walking is a great way to improve your fitness levels though!

    YEAH! What Higgins said :) A better lifestyle and attitude towards food is what helps us lose weight.

    Eating habits for weight

    Exercise for fitness :) and the cool thiing is they SOOOO compliment one another.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I changed my life style at the first of October 2014.
    First i started eating less and I count every calorie by weighing my solid food and measuring my liquids.

    After some time i started walking and because i wasn't fit enough and an injury i couldn't walk a half mile( speed between 1.5 to 2mph). I would be soaking wet and out of breath and my knee and back hurted like hell. And only between 5 to 15 minutes. But i sticked to it.

    Now 4 months later i walk at least 4 miles a day and at a speed between 3.5 to 4 mph and for 60 to 90 minutes. I do Aerobic again and dance. And yes on good days when my knee cooperates i can even jog between 5 to 20 minutes.
    I lift 3 times a week ( light) for 20 minutes.

    I lost 62 pounds in the meantime and still going strong

    So yes with walking you can start to get more fit for sure.
    Changing my eating habits and in calorie deficit made me lose the weight and the walking just helps.
  • noexcusesjustresults2014
    Since weight loss is about a deficit, you will lose as long as you're eating less than you burn.

    Walking is a great way to improve your fitness levels though!

    I agree with this. Of course as your fitness improves you may wish to add other forms of exercise as well
  • laralosingit42
    laralosingit42 Posts: 84 Member
    thanks everyone. I am actually in pretty good overall shape even though i am obese because i had a trainer last year (who had me on this weird diet that was horrible and did not work...note to self, do not take diet advice from fitness trainers...). I have been pretty active even while overweight up to the last few months just because of the holidays and stuff. I just eat too darn much...far too much. exercise is good for me as it reduces my anxiety which in tern makes me want to eat less as i eat from anxiety a lot. I think i could walk one hour per day at least. My dogs need it as much as i do honestly