just walking...can you lose weight this way?



  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    note to self, do not take diet advice from fitness trainers...

  • laralosingit42
    laralosingit42 Posts: 84 Member
    I changed my life style at the first of October 2014.
    First i started eating less and I count every calorie by weighing my solid food and measuring my liquids.

    After some time i started walking and because i wasn't fit enough and an injury i couldn't walk a half mile( speed between 1.5 to 2mph). I would be soaking wet and out of breath and my knee and back hurted like hell. And only between 5 to 15 minutes. But i sticked to it.

    Now 4 months later i walk at least 4 miles a day and at a speed between 3.5 to 4 mph and for 60 to 90 minutes. I do Aerobic again and dance. And yes on good days when my knee cooperates i can even jog between 5 to 20 minutes.
    I lift 3 times a week ( light) for 20 minutes.

    I lost 62 pounds in the meantime and still going strong

    So yes with walking you can start to get more fit for sure.
    Changing my eating habits and in calorie deficit made me lose the weight and the walking just helps.

    wow, you lost 62 lbs in 4 months!!!!! holy cow, that is awesome. Sorry but that is amazing. did you do anything extra besides just counting calories and walking (and now lifting)? I need to lose 60 lbs pretty quick because of blood pressure and other issues and yes, i am under supervision of a doctor, but i am very impressed so any tips send my way!!! Congrats on your success, your an inspiration!
  • gvj777
    gvj777 Posts: 15 Member
    bump for later comment
  • laralosingit42
    laralosingit42 Posts: 84 Member
    yea bump again :)
  • drabbits3
    drabbits3 Posts: 140 Member
    Yes to walking! when it's nice out that is what I do the most. I live two blocks from Lake Michigan and I LOVE walking on the lake trail. I walk all year as long as it's reasonable. I actually don't mind when it's cold-just bundle! One thing I have done is put Pandora radio on my phone and make a bunch of different playlists that I really enjoy. I also put NPR and a public radio/podcast app on the phone--all free. I downloaded all the episodes of Serial and have been listening to those when I walk. I actually will keep walking to finish one of the hour episodes of Serial. There are lots of podcasts to download on that app and they are all free. Makes the time go faster! Yes to walking!!!
  • NFMendoza
    NFMendoza Posts: 39 Member
    Fabulous idea! I burn about 300 cals an hour walking, and there's no risk of injury. Just make sure you eat the calories back (or half of them), as MFP will already have you in a deficit.

    Are you supposed to eat your calories back when ur trying to lose weight?
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I changed my life style at the first of October 2014.
    First i started eating less and I count every calorie by weighing my solid food and measuring my liquids.

    After some time i started walking and because i wasn't fit enough and an injury i couldn't walk a half mile( speed between 1.5 to 2mph). I would be soaking wet and out of breath and my knee and back hurted like hell. And only between 5 to 15 minutes. But i sticked to it.

    Now 4 months later i walk at least 4 miles a day and at a speed between 3.5 to 4 mph and for 60 to 90 minutes. I do Aerobic again and dance. And yes on good days when my knee cooperates i can even jog between 5 to 20 minutes.
    I lift 3 times a week ( light) for 20 minutes.

    I lost 62 pounds in the meantime and still going strong

    So yes with walking you can start to get more fit for sure.
    Changing my eating habits and in calorie deficit made me lose the weight and the walking just helps.

    wow, you lost 62 lbs in 4 months!!!!! holy cow, that is awesome. Sorry but that is amazing. did you do anything extra besides just counting calories and walking (and now lifting)? I need to lose 60 lbs pretty quick because of blood pressure and other issues and yes, i am under supervision of a doctor, but i am very impressed so any tips send my way!!! Congrats on your success, your an inspiration!

    Here is the link were i describe how i do it. And ty very much :)

  • disneygirl626
    disneygirl626 Posts: 132 Member
    I noticed that you said you feel restricted by diets you've tried. I completely understand how you feel about them. MFP has really helped me because I still get to eat anything I want, as long as I can fit it into my calories - which means that yes, I have exercised just to gain a few extra calories sometimes lol. I also try not to stress about going over by a couple hundred calories every now and then. I take a very casual approach to all of this because I want it to fit my lifestyle and so far it works for me. I'm down 14 pounds since I last restarted (nearly 40 overall). All I've done is log my calories consistently and get moderate exercise (walks, the occasional workout dvd, Just Dance on the Wii). And I drink a lot of water every day. I rarely drink soda anyway so I haven't given it up - it's just a rare treat now. My drinks of choice are water, tea, and 2% milk.

    I have found though that the longer I log the more I pay attention to what I'm eating beyond just the calories. For instance right now I'm trying to stay within my calorie goals but up my iron and protein intake. I don't find this restrictive at all and in fact it's kind of a fun little challenge, trying to find foods I like that have a lot of protein.

    Good luck, and feel free to add my if you need a friend. :)
  • laralosingit42
    laralosingit42 Posts: 84 Member
    I changed my life style at the first of October 2014.
    First i started eating less and I count every calorie by weighing my solid food and measuring my liquids.

    After some time i started walking and because i wasn't fit enough and an injury i couldn't walk a half mile( speed between 1.5 to 2mph). I would be soaking wet and out of breath and my knee and back hurted like hell. And only between 5 to 15 minutes. But i sticked to it.

    Now 4 months later i walk at least 4 miles a day and at a speed between 3.5 to 4 mph and for 60 to 90 minutes. I do Aerobic again and dance. And yes on good days when my knee cooperates i can even jog between 5 to 20 minutes.
    I lift 3 times a week ( light) for 20 minutes.

    I lost 62 pounds in the meantime and still going strong

    So yes with walking you can start to get more fit for sure.
    Changing my eating habits and in calorie deficit made me lose the weight and the walking just helps.

    wow, you lost 62 lbs in 4 months!!!!! holy cow, that is awesome. Sorry but that is amazing. did you do anything extra besides just counting calories and walking (and now lifting)? I need to lose 60 lbs pretty quick because of blood pressure and other issues and yes, i am under supervision of a doctor, but i am very impressed so any tips send my way!!! Congrats on your success, your an inspiration!

    Here is the link were i describe how i do it. And ty very much :)

    i dont see the link..can you repost
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    I remember Stephen Fry lost tons of weight by just walking and listening to audio books (which made the time fly by):

  • Jeanlastchance
    Jeanlastchance Posts: 2 Member
    Walking is a low impact fitness exercise. If you are 100 lbs overweight, you should check with your doctor first. Things to monitor is that you really don't want your heart rate going over 100 beats per minute because you you could have a stroke or cardiovascular incident. But walking 15-20 minutes a day is a fantastic way to get in shape, helps to prevent or manage diabetis, improve cardio fitness and provide more energy in your life.
  • vickicravener
    vickicravener Posts: 76 Member
    Im walking for my exercise to until I get my new elliptical. I'm just going to use my walking the miles off video. Last year I used to walk about 10 miles a day and I lost a lot of weight but over the winter I gained a lot more back.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    and there's no risk of injury.

    I have gashes in my hands and knee that will fight you on that. :)

    Walking is awesome to help with weight loss. A fitbit and walking have served me well in my weight loss.

  • laralosingit42
    laralosingit42 Posts: 84 Member

    This is amazing. This is the basic plan i have to. Walking 60 minutes per day (trying to run some days), 2 days boxing at the martial arts places up the street for an hour, 10 minutes per day towards toning (light weight lifting and core exercises)...for now that is all i can do. I am also going to stick to around 1200 lbs but eat some of my exercise calories if i just HAVE To because i am starving. I am glad to hear this plan is working for you. I am like you and believe their is no miracle solution and it has to come off the hard way but looking forward to the journey. Thanks for sharing...very inspirational!!!

  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    edited February 2015

    This is amazing. This is the basic plan i have to. Walking 60 minutes per day (trying to run some days), 2 days boxing at the martial arts places up the street for an hour, 10 minutes per day towards toning (light weight lifting and core exercises)...for now that is all i can do. I am also going to stick to around 1200 lbs but eat some of my exercise calories if i just HAVE To because i am starving. I am glad to hear this plan is working for you. I am like you and believe their is no miracle solution and it has to come off the hard way but looking forward to the journey. Thanks for sharing...very inspirational!!!

    Walking is great exercise if you have the time!! You can walk more slowly when you first start out and then increase your speed in the months and years to come as you lose weight and gain strength.

    In terms of your calorie level, are you sure you should be at 1200 cals./day? Without knowing your real numbers, let's just say you are 225 lbs. at 5'5", it seems you should be at more like 1,500 cals./day *not* accounting for any exercise. You can cross-check MFP against Scooby's Workshop calculator at: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    To change your goal, click Goals > Change Goals > Guided, Continue (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/my_goals), enter in your accurate information and realistic goal weight, and click Update Profile.

    I hope this helps! There are lots of folks on MFP who have lost 100+ lbs., so I know you can do it. Be healthy, take one day at a time, and listen to your body. I wish you good health!
  • SandyCoils
    SandyCoils Posts: 164 Member
    Awesomeness! I love walking. But I hate the treadmill, and I don't really like walking a track, but it's better than the treadmill. I like walking to a "place" if that makes sense, or walking a neighborhood or busy street. I like being outside and walking like I have a real purpose of getting to a specific destination.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    i know this whole work out as hard as you can thing is in style right now with "insanity" " P90x" "cross fit" etc. however, everytime I am going to try to do those things i hurt myself or get so sore i dont want to exercise for days. I love to exercise for mental reasons too, it helps my anxiety (i eat because of anxiety). how much should i aim to walk daily (as it time...i have 3 large dogs). I can make time for this, it is a priority. I need to lose this weight SO BADLY but am so so sick of following methods that somebody else told me to do that i end up hating (not wanting to do) or some diet i hate. I feel that i just need to do what i like which is outdoor walking or running. I thought about throwing maybe a jilliam michaels workout daily (one of her 20 minute ones) too as I love her 30 minute shreds but dont want overdo it but my poor dogs never get walks (my husband never walks them and dont see him doing it) but walking more than 2 at once is just not fun. Ideas for how i could do this? I dont mind walking 1-2 hours per day.

    It's not just about being in style or a trend. Perhaps worth reading and considering:

  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    NFMendoza wrote: »
    Fabulous idea! I burn about 300 cals an hour walking, and there's no risk of injury. Just make sure you eat the calories back (or half of them), as MFP will already have you in a deficit.

    Are you supposed to eat your calories back when ur trying to lose weight?

    You will already be in a deficit just with the diet. MFP is designed so that if you burn any extra calories you eat them back or you'll go into too much of a deficit.
  • kimekakes28
    kimekakes28 Posts: 103 Member
    When I started my weight loss journey, I walked four miles five days a week, and changed my eating. In a nine month period I lost 40 pounds. I also cut out sodas and processed foods.