Please tell me about how you felt when you cut out soda

simplemamato3 Posts: 20 Member
edited February 2015 in Food and Nutrition
I've decided that it's time to kick my soda habit. I usually drink 16oz-24oz of pepsi a day, occasionally more. Even while drinking pepsi I drank a lot of water. Today is my 4th day with no pepsi. I have been drinking water, milk, oj and some lemonade when the cravings/temptation get really bad. Yesterday and today I have been feeling really tired and lethargic. This afternoon I'm feeling a little foggy headed. I have also had a headache since day two, obviously to be expected, it does seem to be lessening in severity.

Please tell me about your story of cutting out soda. What symptoms did you have after you quit? How long did they last? When the symptoms went away did you feel better than you did while drinking soda? How long did it take for cravings/temptation to go away?
Thanks so much!


  • mattjft
    mattjft Posts: 114 Member
    Sparkling water. But make sure it's sparkling and not seltzer lmao
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited February 2015
    I just did. "Cold turkey". Lots of sparkling water. Lots of iced de-caf teas (not sweet)
    I didn't cut caffeine. Just soda.
    It was mostly just a habit to change. Orders are automatic in restaurants. I had to make a new habit.
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    I did it by accident. I got really sick off muscles when I was traveling and the only thing I could find diet was coke. Well needless to say the smell and the sight of diet coke makes me think of muscles and that makes me think of me laying on a bathroom floor wanting to die. I don't recommend doing it that way :D .
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    I did cold turkey for the first month... Then I added it back the next month to only one once a week... Now I just drink one whenever I feel like it... sometimes I'll just drink half and share the other half with my BF. I only drink regular Coke (never Diet or Zeros), I never had any symptoms because there's always coffee and black tea, so still had my caffeine. :drinker:
  • simplemamato3
    simplemamato3 Posts: 20 Member
    I don't drink coffee or black tea, so I'm not getting any caffeine at all. I'm wondering if the way I'm feeling is from cutting the caffeine or the sugar? Probably a combination of the both?
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    When I gave up soda, it wasn't because "soda is bad." It was because I wanted to give up caffeine. I was having a hard time falling asleep and then I could only sleep for about 5 hours at a time. I stopped drinking soda cold turkey and switched to water with crystal light packets or some other kind of flavor packets. The worst part for me was the caffeine withdrawal headache that I had. It lasted for about 3 days.

    Unfortunately now I have fallen back into drinking soda, but I only allow myself one bottle a day at work. I am going to see about starting to carry my water bottle around again so I can use that instead of buying a bottle of pop.

    I already plan on letting myself drink soda at the same time I let myself eat fast food: Only on the weekends.
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    Do you not like tea? There are some really good black teas that have caffeine in them so you could get the caffeine that way.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    I went cold turkey because I was trying to eliminate any unnecessary salt. It helped for that, and as an added bonus, put a huge dent in my reflux issues and my skin wasn't nearly as dry (both cutting out the extra caffeine and drinking more water). The worst part was the headache for a few days, but I used Excedrin for that to ween off the caffeine more slowly.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    When I initially quit drinking soda, I went cold turkey and had horrible headaches for 2-3 days after that. I added in a soda a day and the headaches went away, but I gradually cut it down to one soda a day, then like every other day, then a half every other day, then quit all together. No headaches. Although now I do drink coffee, but it's strictly one a day, and when I say ONE I mean one six ounce cup.

    One of the amazing effects of quitting soda was the weight loss. I lost 20 pounds without changing anything else. That showed me just how much sugar and unnecessary calories I was drinking.

    It's very rare that I drink soda now. I just don't really like it. It's too sweet. But if I do want something fizzy I'll drink carbonated water with a splash of cranberry juice.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    I felt like crap.
  • simplemamato3
    simplemamato3 Posts: 20 Member
    Do you not like tea? There are some really good black teas that have caffeine in them so you could get the caffeine that way.

    I don't care for tea, I don't really want caffeine. I just read an article and the writer stated that he never felt as good without caffeine as he did when he had some, even after withdrawal symptoms subsided. Just wondering how other people feel after cutting out soda.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Do you not like tea? There are some really good black teas that have caffeine in them so you could get the caffeine that way.

    I don't care for tea, I don't really want caffeine. I just read an article and the writer stated that he never felt as good without caffeine as he did when he had some, even after withdrawal symptoms subsided. Just wondering how other people feel after cutting out soda.

    I don't mind tea, but the withdrawal is why I used Excedrin instead. It has caffeine in it, but not as much as you get from most drinks, and the rest takes care of the headache. After a day or two, I didn't need to use that, either.
  • simplemamato3
    simplemamato3 Posts: 20 Member
    I felt like crap.

    When did you start feeling better? After the initial symptoms did you feel better than you did while you were drinking soda?
  • carolynmo1969
    carolynmo1969 Posts: 120 Member
    I went back to my childhood in the early 70's - pop came in glass bottles and was poured into small glasses when company came over. So I stopped buying it except for special occasions, and I keep a few individual cans of ginger ale, tonic water and club soda for mixing with booze. Mostly I have white wine with club soda though. I brew up specialty teas by the pitcher and keep them in the fridge. Delicious and refreshing. As a kid of the 70's I am completely satisfied with a glass of water. Out of the tap. Doesn't always need ice.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Are we talking full fat soad i.e the one with all the sugar in or diet soda?
    the normal soda with all the sugar in never made muh sense to me it was too seet and from a diet perspective id rather have chcolate or pizza with those calories, its just too high.
    Havent given up diet soda its a treat, but these days i drink a lor more water at the gym. I still like diet soda. I still like caffeine. People use a lo of flaboured waters if you wnat bubbles and a cold drink.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    I was sad, still am.

    Even though I weaned myself, I still got caffeine withdrawal symptoms for a week or so.
  • simplemamato3
    simplemamato3 Posts: 20 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Are we talking full fat soad i.e the one with all the sugar in or diet soda?
    the normal soda with all the sugar in never made muh sense to me it was too seet and from a diet perspective id rather have chcolate or pizza with those calories, its just too high.
    Havent given up diet soda its a treat, but these days i drink a lor more water at the gym. I still like diet soda. I still like caffeine. People use a lo of flaboured waters if you wnat bubbles and a cold drink.

    Regular soda.
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    Do you not like tea? There are some really good black teas that have caffeine in them so you could get the caffeine that way.

    I don't care for tea, I don't really want caffeine. I just read an article and the writer stated that he never felt as good without caffeine as he did when he had some, even after withdrawal symptoms subsided. Just wondering how other people feel after cutting out soda.

    Gotcha ya! Good luck! I never got the headaches since I love tea.
  • simplemamato3
    simplemamato3 Posts: 20 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Do you not like tea? There are some really good black teas that have caffeine in them so you could get the caffeine that way.

    I don't care for tea, I don't really want caffeine. I just read an article and the writer stated that he never felt as good without caffeine as he did when he had some, even after withdrawal symptoms subsided. Just wondering how other people feel after cutting out soda.

    I don't mind tea, but the withdrawal is why I used Excedrin instead. It has caffeine in it, but not as much as you get from most drinks, and the rest takes care of the headache. After a day or two, I didn't need to use that, either.

    I'm on day 4 so hopefully headaches will be gone tomorrow, if not I'll pick up some excedrin. My skin is really dull and lifeless I would love to see an improvement there too!
  • simplemamato3
    simplemamato3 Posts: 20 Member
    Do you not like tea? There are some really good black teas that have caffeine in them so you could get the caffeine that way.

    I don't care for tea, I don't really want caffeine. I just read an article and the writer stated that he never felt as good without caffeine as he did when he had some, even after withdrawal symptoms subsided. Just wondering how other people feel after cutting out soda.

    Gotcha ya! Good luck! I never got the headaches since I love tea.
