Please tell me about how you felt when you cut out soda



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Do you not like tea? There are some really good black teas that have caffeine in them so you could get the caffeine that way.

    I don't care for tea, I don't really want caffeine. I just read an article and the writer stated that he never felt as good without caffeine as he did when he had some, even after withdrawal symptoms subsided. Just wondering how other people feel after cutting out soda.

    I don't mind tea, but the withdrawal is why I used Excedrin instead. It has caffeine in it, but not as much as you get from most drinks, and the rest takes care of the headache. After a day or two, I didn't need to use that, either.

    I'm on day 4 so hopefully headaches will be gone tomorrow, if not I'll pick up some excedrin. My skin is really dull and lifeless I would love to see an improvement there too!

    You should be getting past the worst of it. Good luck!
  • ssernst
    ssernst Posts: 69 Member
    Excedrin migraine works wonders. I am unfortunately drinking soda again, Diet Dr. Pepper has always been my kryptonite. Cutting it out again is one of my goals too. Feel free to add me if you'd like to swap support! :)
  • verymissk
    verymissk Posts: 262 Member
    I recently cut out caffeine (I was a coffee and energy drink fanatic). I feel SO MUCH BETTER NOW and I don't ever want to get hooked on caffeine again... but, while I was detoxing it was like this:

    I tapered off for a week, M-F, down to one small cup on Friday AM. Saturday no caffeine, and I felt like death. Sunday I literally worried I may die. Withdraws as though I were doing hard drugs (vomiting, confusion, weakness, insane craving for the junk)...

    The next 10 days were just kinda weird - I felt 'off' every morning, and hit a pretty bad energy wall at about 3p. I was working out daily and counting my calories, which provided a great distraction from the usual 'going to grab a warmer in my mug' .. Strangest thing though, is that I've never been terribly fond of fruit, but that first Monday after Death Day (as I call it) I started craving fruit each day, and now eat at least one piece a day.

    I've been off since January 5, and it was just this weekend that I felt totally normal and not like I was missing something or wasn't quite 'right' ... but like I said, for the last two and a half weeks I've been sleeping way better, the 3p crash has gone away (actually, all energy crashes have gone away - I feel more even keeled all day long). I'm staying up about an hour later every night (again, no crash), and my skin looks awesome, and my breath is a million times better.

    But you really will think you're going to die at least one day in there if you were drinking as much coke as you say you were.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    I've decided that it's time to kick my soda habit. I usually drink 16oz-24oz of pepsi a day, occasionally more. Even while drinking pepsi I drank a lot of water. Today is my 4th day with no pepsi. I have been drinking water, milk, oj and some lemonade when the cravings/temptation get really bad. Yesterday and today I have been feeling really tired and lethargic. This afternoon I'm feeling a little foggy headed. I have also had a headache since day two, obviously to be expected, it does seem to be lessening in severity.

    Please tell me about your story of cutting out soda. What symptoms did you have after you quit? How long did they last? When the symptoms went away did you feel better than you did while drinking soda? How long did it take for cravings/temptation to go away?
    Thanks so much!

    I used to drink anywhere from 3-6 sodas daily. I initially cut that back to no more than 1 per day and did that for a couple of weeks. Then I made it 3x weekly...and a few weeks later it was once per week. I also bought one of those soda streams and started making bubbly water to have something fizzy and adding a slice of lemon or lime or something.

    Eventually, I was only having a soda very maybe once per month, and then not even that. I still have one occasionally, but I buy these awesome basically micro-brew craft sodas...maybe once every couple months or so I break one out.
  • simplemamato3
    simplemamato3 Posts: 20 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Do you not like tea? There are some really good black teas that have caffeine in them so you could get the caffeine that way.

    I don't care for tea, I don't really want caffeine. I just read an article and the writer stated that he never felt as good without caffeine as he did when he had some, even after withdrawal symptoms subsided. Just wondering how other people feel after cutting out soda.

    I don't mind tea, but the withdrawal is why I used Excedrin instead. It has caffeine in it, but not as much as you get from most drinks, and the rest takes care of the headache. After a day or two, I didn't need to use that, either.

    I'm on day 4 so hopefully headaches will be gone tomorrow, if not I'll pick up some excedrin. My skin is really dull and lifeless I would love to see an improvement there too!

    You should be getting past the worst of it. Good luck!

  • simplemamato3
    simplemamato3 Posts: 20 Member
    ssernst wrote: »
    Excedrin migraine works wonders. I am unfortunately drinking soda again, Diet Dr. Pepper has always been my kryptonite. Cutting it out again is one of my goals too. Feel free to add me if you'd like to swap support! :)

    Thanks, I will!
  • simplemamato3
    simplemamato3 Posts: 20 Member
    verymissk wrote: »
    I recently cut out caffeine (I was a coffee and energy drink fanatic). I feel SO MUCH BETTER NOW and I don't ever want to get hooked on caffeine again... but, while I was detoxing it was like this:

    I tapered off for a week, M-F, down to one small cup on Friday AM. Saturday no caffeine, and I felt like death. Sunday I literally worried I may die. Withdraws as though I were doing hard drugs (vomiting, confusion, weakness, insane craving for the junk)...

    The next 10 days were just kinda weird - I felt 'off' every morning, and hit a pretty bad energy wall at about 3p. I was working out daily and counting my calories, which provided a great distraction from the usual 'going to grab a warmer in my mug' .. Strangest thing though, is that I've never been terribly fond of fruit, but that first Monday after Death Day (as I call it) I started craving fruit each day, and now eat at least one piece a day.

    I've been off since January 5, and it was just this weekend that I felt totally normal and not like I was missing something or wasn't quite 'right' ... but like I said, for the last two and a half weeks I've been sleeping way better, the 3p crash has gone away (actually, all energy crashes have gone away - I feel more even keeled all day long). I'm staying up about an hour later every night (again, no crash), and my skin looks awesome, and my breath is a million times better.

    But you really will think you're going to die at least one day in there if you were drinking as much coke as you say you were.

    Thanks so much for this! It's great motivation to hear how someone else has stuck it out and is reaping the benefits! I would love to get rid of that crash feeling and not fall asleep on the couch every night by 8:30! I didn't even think about how it might benefit my skin, it would be awesome to see an improvement there too!
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    How did it feel? Hella better than it felt when I laid off the Marlboros, that's for sure!
  • chimebird
    chimebird Posts: 57 Member
    I went from being a 2-3 can a day Coke Zero addict to being completely repulsed by soda. I started by scaling back, having 1 can a day for the first month and drinking soda water with crystal light or a bit of juice if I wanted more. The second month I had a can about every other day, again drinking as much soda water as I wanted. At this point it had already started to lose its appeal. Now I drink a soda water every couple of days and coffee/tea daily, but I don't miss soda at all. Every once in a while I'll have a sip and it makes my mouth feel disgusting. This hasn't happened to me with any of the foods I've cut back on, but with soda, I'm totally over it.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,624 Member
    I didn't feel anything. I stopped drinking pop by highschool, outside of periodic intake. I now only drink it when getting drunk, which is not that often.
  • wannabthin1831
    wannabthin1831 Posts: 31 Member
    I used to have a Pepsi a day too. I realized I was drinking calories piling on sugar and getting nothing out of it. By quitting I did experience all you described too because u r quitting the caffeine and the sugar that's the headaches part. By quitting I was able to lose 10 lbs that stayed off. Now I'm trying hard to fill up much more on fruits and veggies than sugars. Thanks for sharing.