I threw away Cheesecake!!!



  • SexyHealthyFit175
    SexyHealthyFit175 Posts: 64 Member
    WayneBradt wrote: »
    Food milestone yesterday. Mid afternoon, about that time hunger starts. Quiet office, I walk in the kitchen and someone put out a whole cheesecake on the counter to share with everyone. My instinct, grab some and I did. Walked back to my office, began logging it in MFP. Right before I was about to eat it I stopped an threw it in the trash. I'm sure for some this sounds simple, for me this was huge. One, it's cheesecake, two I have difficulty wasting food (probably from growing up without much of it) and three it was cheesecake. Kinda proud of this moment.

    This is awesome and just made my day!
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    wow you guys need to chill on the negative cheese cake remarks...have you any idea how much food is wasted every single day in North america? you're really guy drill the guy over one bloody slice? Good for you for fighting the urge! and so what if you threw it out? its delicious yes, but if its unhealthy for you its unhealthy for others. Think of it as saving someone from the unecessary excess of sugar!!!

    I weighed 102.2 pounds this morning. I could probably use some extra sugar to help me gain some weight. And anyway, not everyone needs to avoid sugar. I certainly do not. It's not unhealthy for everyone.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    wow you guys need to chill on the negative cheese cake remarks...have you any idea how much food is wasted every single day in North america? you're really guy drill the guy over one bloody slice? Good for you for fighting the urge! and so what if you threw it out? its delicious yes, but if its unhealthy for you its unhealthy for others. Think of it as saving someone from the unecessary excess of sugar!!!

    I weighed 102.2 pounds this morning. I could probably use some extra sugar to help me gain some weight. And anyway, not everyone needs to avoid sugar. I certainly do not. It's not unhealthy for everyone.

    If by "extra sugar" you mean "extra calories" to the point of a caloric surplus, then yes, that is what would help you gain some weight.

  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    wow you guys need to chill on the negative cheese cake remarks...have you any idea how much food is wasted every single day in North america? you're really guy drill the guy over one bloody slice? Good for you for fighting the urge! and so what if you threw it out? its delicious yes, but if its unhealthy for you its unhealthy for others. Think of it as saving someone from the unecessary excess of sugar!!!

    I weighed 102.2 pounds this morning. I could probably use some extra sugar to help me gain some weight. And anyway, not everyone needs to avoid sugar. I certainly do not. It's not unhealthy for everyone.

    If by "extra sugar" you mean "extra calories" to the point of a caloric surplus, then yes, that is what would help you gain some weight.

    uh yes. sugar is an easy way to get those extra calories. do i need to use these exact words though? *rolls eyes*
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    Man I can't wait to be as perfect as some of these commenters. Waiting impatiently on that beautiful day when my self-control is so absolute that I can forget the reason I'm on this site, weighing food and meticulously entering it into a database so I can have a reasonable understanding of how many calories I've consumed and ensure that I don't go above a certain number (so I don't get fatter). Glorious day where are you. Why am I not Food Jesus yet?!! I need to judge weaker mortals like now.

    OP I think the fact that you were able to not give into temptation as you (presumably) would have in the past is really great, congrats. Self-control is like a muscle and the more you exercise it the easier it gets. Keep on going.

    Also, I think that there's nothing wrong with cheesecake if it fits into your goals. If it doesn't, though, then I'd say it's counterproductive. (Even if you do fall weak one day or two that's not a bad thing, as long as you're not constantly over your goals. This is a marathon, not a sprint.)
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    royaldrea wrote: »
    Man I can't wait to be as perfect as some of these commenters. Waiting impatiently on that beautiful day when my self-control is so absolute that I can forget the reason I'm on this site, weighing food and meticulously entering it into a database so I can have a reasonable understanding of how many calories I've consumed and ensure that I don't go above a certain number (so I don't get fatter). Glorious day where are you. Why am I not Food Jesus yet?!! I need to judge weaker mortals like now.

    OP I think the fact that you were able to not give into temptation as you (presumably) would have in the past is really great, congrats. Self-control is like a muscle and the more you exercise it the easier it gets. Keep on going.

    Also, I think that there's nothing wrong with cheesecake if it fits into your goals. If it doesn't, though, then I'd say it's counterproductive. (Even if you do fall weak one day or two that's not a bad thing, as long as you're not constantly over your goals. This is a marathon, not a sprint.)

    i'm not perfect. i threw away perfectly good pancakes that i had at someone's house on saturday because i took too many and did not really like them. i didn't view this as a victory though. i felt bad doing it and made sure the hostess wasn't paying attention when i threw it out.
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    royaldrea wrote: »
    Man I can't wait to be as perfect as some of these commenters. Waiting impatiently on that beautiful day when my self-control is so absolute that I can forget the reason I'm on this site, weighing food and meticulously entering it into a database so I can have a reasonable understanding of how many calories I've consumed and ensure that I don't go above a certain number (so I don't get fatter). Glorious day where are you. Why am I not Food Jesus yet?!! I need to judge weaker mortals like now.

    OP I think the fact that you were able to not give into temptation as you (presumably) would have in the past is really great, congrats. Self-control is like a muscle and the more you exercise it the easier it gets. Keep on going.

    Also, I think that there's nothing wrong with cheesecake if it fits into your goals. If it doesn't, though, then I'd say it's counterproductive. (Even if you do fall weak one day or two that's not a bad thing, as long as you're not constantly over your goals. This is a marathon, not a sprint.)

    i'm not perfect. i threw away perfectly good pancakes that i had at someone's house on saturday because i took too many and did not really like them. i didn't view this as a victory though. i felt bad doing it and made sure the hostess wasn't paying attention when i threw it out.

    I don't know how this is relevant, as I don't see why would you view throwing away food that you didn't like as a victory. That's a matter of preference and not self-control. If you threw them away because you realized that you took them only because they were there, not because you really wanted them, and you knew that they would take you over your goals, then I would class that as a NSV, especially if you would usually finish them all off and then feel guilty afterward because you were going against what you set out to do. How you feel is up to you of course.
  • jillby6666
    jillby6666 Posts: 13 Member
    Its just food. I think all the mourning for the cheesecake shows how we put food on a pedestal. There was more cheesecake for his coworkers, and at the bakery, and the grocery store, etc.... Lets face it there is plenty of food around and that's a big part of the problem!!
    Great job you should feel proud!!
  • fruitful_fig
    fruitful_fig Posts: 1 Member
    Good job on sticking to your guns. ..and about the trashed cheesecake, don't worry you may have a George Costanza in your office that may not mind eating it from tre bin.

    "It was hovering...like an angel."
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited February 2015
    royaldrea wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    royaldrea wrote: »
    Man I can't wait to be as perfect as some of these commenters. Waiting impatiently on that beautiful day when my self-control is so absolute that I can forget the reason I'm on this site, weighing food and meticulously entering it into a database so I can have a reasonable understanding of how many calories I've consumed and ensure that I don't go above a certain number (so I don't get fatter). Glorious day where are you. Why am I not Food Jesus yet?!! I need to judge weaker mortals like now.

    OP I think the fact that you were able to not give into temptation as you (presumably) would have in the past is really great, congrats. Self-control is like a muscle and the more you exercise it the easier it gets. Keep on going.

    Also, I think that there's nothing wrong with cheesecake if it fits into your goals. If it doesn't, though, then I'd say it's counterproductive. (Even if you do fall weak one day or two that's not a bad thing, as long as you're not constantly over your goals. This is a marathon, not a sprint.)

    i'm not perfect. i threw away perfectly good pancakes that i had at someone's house on saturday because i took too many and did not really like them. i didn't view this as a victory though. i felt bad doing it and made sure the hostess wasn't paying attention when i threw it out.

    I don't know how this is relevant, as I don't see why would you view throwing away food that you didn't like as a victory. That's a matter of preference and not self-control. If you threw them away because you realized that you took them only because they were there, not because you really wanted them, and you knew that they would take you over your goals, then I would class that as a NSV, especially if you would usually finish them all off and then feel guilty afterward because you were going against what you set out to do. How you feel is up to you of course.

    because it's rude to the host who is offering you food and also rude to the other guests who could have eaten it. it's the same thing that the o.p. did, but pancakes instead of cheesecake.

    I just said I don't view it as a victory at all. I was ashamed.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,369 Member
    Ashamed really? Is that not a little too dramatic because you did not eat some pancakes? I gather your host probably made too many pancakes and there would have been more than enough for everyone.

    You didn't really like the pancakes so you should eat them regardless even if you didn't take too many?

    With regards to the whole thread in general, I think some people need perspective and perhaps direct their outrage at more important matters than a single piece of cheesecake.

  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Ashamed really? Is that not a little too dramatic because you did not eat some pancakes? I gather your host probably made too many pancakes and there would have been more than enough for everyone.

    You didn't really like the pancakes so you should eat them regardless even if you didn't take too many?

    With regards to the whole thread in general, I think some people need perspective and perhaps direct their outrage at more important matters than a single piece of cheesecake.

    why do you gather how many pancakes my host made? you don't even know her nor were you there. are you psychic?

    i also threw them out because i took too many, not just because i didn't like them.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Well done! If you did not want it badly enough to warrant the calories, it was not worth the calories.

    I have days where I would gobble 2-3 slices of cheesecake without an ounce of regret, because every single calorie of it is worth it. I also have days where I want that cheesecake but want something else more, and the thought of skimping on that other thing or exercising extra for something I don't even want badly enough does not sound appealing. Giving away or throwing away the cheesecake in that case is not out of the question.

    Well done for making a choice that made you happy. That's what it's all about after all. Regardless of what others think, you made yourself proud AND you've taken a step forward in the path of overcoming some of your childhood's emotional hang-ups. That's great progress.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Ashamed really? Is that not a little too dramatic because you did not eat some pancakes? I gather your host probably made too many pancakes and there would have been more than enough for everyone.

    You didn't really like the pancakes so you should eat them regardless even if you didn't take too many?

    With regards to the whole thread in general, I think some people need perspective and perhaps direct their outrage at more important matters than a single piece of cheesecake.

    why do you gather how many pancakes my host made? you don't even know her nor were you there. are you psychic?

    i also threw them out because i took too many, not just because i didn't like them.

    why didn't you put them back in the pile so some one else could have them

  • cricketTown
    cricketTown Posts: 6 Member
    Once I threw up a piece of cheesecake.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jillby6666 wrote: »
    Its just food. I think all the mourning for the cheesecake shows how we put food on a pedestal. There was more cheesecake for his coworkers, and at the bakery, and the grocery store, etc.... Lets face it there is plenty of food around and that's a big part of the problem!!
    Great job you should feel proud!!

    so throwing away food that is not spoiled is OK?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    jillby6666 wrote: »
    Its just food. I think all the mourning for the cheesecake shows how we put food on a pedestal. There was more cheesecake for his coworkers, and at the bakery, and the grocery store, etc.... Lets face it there is plenty of food around and that's a big part of the problem!!
    Great job you should feel proud!!

    I have access to plenty of clean water, so I leave the faucet running when I'm brushing my teeth...or just for funsies.

    Same with electricity as I leave every light in the house on when I'm gone to serve as a beacon of light to any more unfortunate than I to gaze upon from their unlit hovels.

    Finite resources are seemingly infinite when I have more than I need...or even want. Why would I ever consider a bigger picture...


  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    wow you guys need to chill on the negative cheese cake remarks...have you any idea how much food is wasted every single day in North america? you're really guy drill the guy over one bloody slice? Good for you for fighting the urge! and so what if you threw it out? its delicious yes, but if its unhealthy for you its unhealthy for others. Think of it as saving someone from the unecessary excess of sugar!!!

    I weighed 102.2 pounds this morning. I could probably use some extra sugar to help me gain some weight. And anyway, not everyone needs to avoid sugar. I certainly do not. It's not unhealthy for everyone.
    It's amusing how everyday she makes it a point out how much she weighs.

    no it isn't
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Ashamed really? Is that not a little too dramatic because you did not eat some pancakes? I gather your host probably made too many pancakes and there would have been more than enough for everyone.

    You didn't really like the pancakes so you should eat them regardless even if you didn't take too many?

    With regards to the whole thread in general, I think some people need perspective and perhaps direct their outrage at more important matters than a single piece of cheesecake.

    why do you gather how many pancakes my host made? you don't even know her nor were you there. are you psychic?

    i also threw them out because i took too many, not just because i didn't like them.

    why didn't you put them back in the pile so some one else could have them

    because i touched it and that's gross. i was never for doing that.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,369 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Ashamed really? Is that not a little too dramatic because you did not eat some pancakes? I gather your host probably made too many pancakes and there would have been more than enough for everyone.

    You didn't really like the pancakes so you should eat them regardless even if you didn't take too many?

    With regards to the whole thread in general, I think some people need perspective and perhaps direct their outrage at more important matters than a single piece of cheesecake.

    why do you gather how many pancakes my host made? you don't even know her nor were you there. are you psychic?

    i also threw them out because i took too many, not just because i didn't like them.

    In your post you state that you threw them away because you took too many and didn't really like them..

    Wish I was psychic, but I can make assumptions along with the best of 'em! And this whole thread is full of assumptions regarding the OP, throwing food away, food control, relationships with food and so on.
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